"Congratulations for gaining ten percent of your original powers back!" Silver quickly congratulated Jiang Ying Yue as soon as she succeeded in breaking through the first three levels of the first cultivation circle that immediately gave her the ability to use one/tenth of her vampire powers.

"Wait! How can you tell that it's only ten percent? What if it's more than that, or probably less than that?" Wu Xie quickly asked as he looked at Silver with a curious look on his face.

In response to his question, Silver just gave an innocent smirk before he turned his attention away, not bothering to say anything as he wanted to see the Third Prince getting anxious to know the answer.

"Thank you for what you all did for me today and also for all the patience that you showed me all this time." Jiang Ying Yue spoke in a voice filled with sincerity as she thanked the Princes and even Silver.

"There's no need to be so happy just yet. There's still a long way to go before you will be able to use your original powers to their full extent. You will only need to work harder from now on." Qing Shan was the first one to speak and just like his usual self, he didn't try to sound happy or impressed at all. He just decided to remind her that she should not be rejoicing, at least not yet.

Listening to his matter-of-fact tone, Jiang Ying Yue wasn't the only one who let out a groan of dissatisfaction. Silver along with the Second and the Third Prince also seemed just as unimpressed by his words as she was. 

"You are such a mood killer. Can't you leave this grumpy face of yours at your home every once in a while?" Silver asked as he gave an unimpressed look to the First Prince.

"I'm just stating the facts." Qing Shan spoke in response before he turned around and started walking away as it was the end of her training session for the night.

"I'm leaving too." Wu Xie said, grabbing everyone's attention as he gave Jiang Ying Yue a mesmerizing smile before he teleported away.

"I..." Wang Shu was ready to say his goodbye too but got stopped when Jiang Ying Yue suddenly placed her finger against his lips, silencing him immediately.

"You are coming with me." It wasn't a question, neither a request. It sounded like she was telling him that he had to follow her to the Cold Palace, not like he was complaining. If his mate wanted him to stay with her, he was more than eager to comply.

"Let's go then." Silver spoke as he came to stand next to both of them. Wang Shu watched as the man, Silver, took hold of one of Ying Yue's hands before he pulled all three of them into the teleportation array that led them straight to Jiang Ying Yue's bed-chamber in the fifth courtyard of the Cold Palace.

"Thank you." Jiang Ying Yue whispered next to Silver's ear as the man wrapped both his hands around her tiny waist in response.

Wang Shu suddenly started feeling like a third wheel as he stood at a little distance from them. His eyes struggled to find something to put his attention at. However, his ears were still paying full attention to what the two of them were talking about. He just couldn't help himself.

A small smirk appeared on Silver's lips as he noticed the state of the Second Prince. "It looks like you two will need some space tonight." He whispered to his mate who replied with a beautiful smile that held the power of melting him into a puddle.

"Are you jealous?" She asked after a few seconds of silently observing him.

Silver immediately shook his head in denial and it was the truth. He could be and was the insecurity of the Princes when it came to her, however, no one in the world could make him insecure about her, especially after he had seen that the Princes' presence in her life hadn't made any impact on his relationship with her.

He was only insecure when he was tied to the curse because of Ying Yue's incomplete bonds with her destined soulmates. But now, since she was sharing a good with each of the Princes, he no longer felt that insecurity.

He smiled softly at the girl in his arms as he replied, "I am your first love, your first kiss, the first person with whom you made out, the first man for whom you cried and cared for. No one can ever take these things away from me. And most importantly..." 

Jiang Ying Yue watched as Silver placed his hand over her heart before he continued. "... You loved me when your heart was dead. Now, you have a heart that beats. And I'm aware that I'm still the first person who earned his place in that special heart of yours. Since I'm so lucky, why should I be the one to feel jealous?"

Jiang Ying Yue felt her heart filling with warmth at his words. She cupped his face between her palms before she placed a soft feathery kiss on his forehead.

"I love you, Silver." She whispered before placing a soft kiss on his lips. She was aware that Wang Shu was also present in the room along with them and that's why she had planned to pull away from Silver after that peck on his lips. However, her plan didn't work because the man didn't give her the chance to pull away.

Before she could have stepped away from him, his hands tightened their hold around her waist as he pulled her closer to his body before he deepened the kiss. His tongue successfully made its way into her mouth which caused her entire body to shiver with an intensity that threatened to take over her senses to pull her into the beautiful world of pleasure.

The kiss lasted for a couple of seconds before Silver finally pulled away. The two of them were breathing heavily and Jiang Ying Yue watched the burning desire in his eyes that caused her to take in a deep breath.

Silver gave her a sweet smile before he turned his attention towards the Second Prince. "Take care of her." He told the Prince and with a quick nod of his head, his silhouette disappeared from the room.

The next couple of seconds were filled with silence as Jiang Ying Yue tried to calm herself down. Her body was still on fire from the kiss that she just shared with Silver and she was having a hard time pulling her attention away from the hunger that had started bothering her vampire.

"Are you alright?" Wang Shu asked when he noticed the frown that was decorating Ying Yue's face as she stood there in the middle of the room with her eyes closed.

Jiang Ying Yue shook her head in denial before she slowly let her eyes fluttered open. She was fully aware that her eyes were no longer looking normal and the look on the Second Prince's face confirmed her doubt.

"Your eyes... they are so pretty..." Wang Shu commented as he moved one of his fingers to lightly touch her eyelashes. He didn't even realize that he had moved to stand right in front of the girl and there was barely any space left between their bodies.

"Really?" Jiang Ying Yue asked as she tilted her head back to look into the eyes of the second Prince.

"Really." Wang Shu replied without missing a single beat and found his heart blooming with happiness when a sweet smile appeared on Ying Yue's lips.

"Ah Shu..." Jiang Ying Yue called his name endearingly as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and stepped closer to him, making their bodies come in direct contact with each other.

Wang Shu loved it when she called him like that. Other than Qing Shan, and his mother, no one ever called him Ah Shu, and hearing his woman call him that made him feel things that he never knew he was capable of feeling.

"You should feed." He found himself saying as he noticed that the main reason behind the red color of her eyes was her hunger. He had noticed that she liked to skip feeding from them as much as she could unless it came to a point where she could no longer resist anymore. 

This time, Jiang Ying Yue didn't try to turn down his offer as she was aware of her body's condition. She didn't want to lose her control in public the next day during her working hours in the store just because her vampire was hungry for blood. 

Wang Shu led her towards the bed and they both settled down comfortably before the second Prince did something that took Jiang Ying Yue by complete surprise.. She watched as one by one, he started taking off his clothes.