Dragons are well-known and powerful races in the Void World.

Swallowing the Dragon Emperor also has a background and a backer.

If the Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor really lost his life in the hands of the ego-governing demon, there might be some seniors of the dragon clan who would find the ego-governing demon in the future, and have a good talk with him about bullying the small.

Of course, even if the ego demon knows this, when it's time to make a move, it won't show mercy to the sea-swallowing dragon emperor.

With the temperament of the devil, even if he knew that he would be retaliated by the dragon, it was not uncommon for the devil to attack the dragon in all parts of the void.

In any case, the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor is more confident than the others present.

He is grumpy and strong, and he doesn't want to be a shrinking turtle all the time.

The attitude of the ego-brained demon who treated them as nothing before really angered him.

The Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor, who is a bully himself, knows that in the face of a bully's provocation, if he blindly forbears and retreats, it will only make the other party gain an inch.

There are so many true immortal-level powerhouses present, no matter which side they join, it will make the other side very difficult.

If the ego demon forgets this, then the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor will have to remind him now.

The questioning of the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor did not make me hold the Heavenly Demon angry, and his tone was still so relaxed.

"You old dragon has a bit of a temper, but you can't tell the difference between good and bad."

"Do you know why this fake Jun Chen Immortal Venerable refused to accept my proposal? Does he really have such a kind heart with his ruthless nature?"

"He's just doing one big thing right now, and he can't be distracted at all."

"That fake Jun Chen Xianzun, do you think I'm wrong?"

After I had responded to the Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor, I started shouting at the Void Immortal Vine.

Void Immortal Vine did not directly respond to the ego demon, but the ancestors of Bai Chuan continued to persuade everyone to beware of the ego demon. It is best to start with Meng Zhang and the others to eradicate the wings of the demon.

In the eyes of many people, the ego-brained demon has sloppy behavior and frivolous language, which easily pushes some of the true immortal-level powerhouses who were originally neutral to the opposite.

However, because of his preconceived preconceived ideas, Meng Zhang always felt that he had ulterior motives in clinging to the devil.

He remembered what I said, and he moved in his heart, and began to carefully observe the Void Immortal Vine.

On the surface, almost the entire small world has long been transformed into a demon domain by the ego-holding demon and has become his home field.

However, according to Meng Zhang's own experience, in many parts of this small world, there is still the power of Void-Breaking Immortal Vine lurking, and it will come into play when needed.

For example, Gu Yue Ling Qing was previously trapped by the power of the Void Immortal Vine, while the power of the Demon Realm was isolated.

In front of Meng Zhang and the others is the core position of this small world, which has not been transformed into a Demon Realm.

The ego demon and the sky-breaking fairy vine each occupy one side, and the strength of the two sides is stalemate.

From where Meng Zhang and the others were, the large purple mushroom creep, the blood moon in the sky, and the thick demonic energy were the manifestation of the power of the ego-goblin demon, occupying more than half of the space in front.

In that deep forest, the green mist emerging from the forest is the manifestation of the power of the Void-Breaking Immortal Vine, and it seems to be on the defensive most of the time.

As for the real bodies of the ego demon and the sky-breaking fairy vine, they were temporarily hidden by each of them.

The only target Meng Zhang wanted to observe was the forest.

Due to the thick dark green mist, Meng Zhang could only see an outline.

His eyes couldn't penetrate the fog completely, and there were only vague shadows in his eyes.

In the demon realm, the ego-holding demon was staring at him, Meng Zhang did not dare to release his spiritual thoughts at will, for fear of being dyed by the demon.

Meng Zhang changed several pupil techniques in succession and tried slowly.

In fact, Meng Zhang is not the only one who has such thoughts.

Sanshan Zhenxian and several other powerhouses have been secretly observing the situation of the ego-holding demon and the sky-breaking fairy vine.

The Sea-Swallowing Dragon Sovereign seems to be arguing with the demon, but he also doesn't believe in Broken Sky Immortal Vine in his heart.

In the long life experience such as Sanshan Zhenxian, what I have seen is often a dog that bites and does not bark.

The stern look that Po Kong Xian Veng showed, could not make them believe it.

The ego demon probably also knows that these guys are watching in secret.

Not only did he not stop it, but he intensified his attack on the Sky-Breaking Immortal Vine.

The blood moon in the sky shed an almost endless amount of blood moonlight and fell over the forest.

As soon as the blood-colored moonlight met the dark green mist, it was as if water had been poured into a frying pan, and both were boiling violently.

After a series of drastic changes, the dark green mist that enveloped the forest became much lighter.

Meng Zhang's magical power of pupil technique finally allowed him to see some of the situation inside the forest.

This forest should be transformed by the power of the sky-breaking fairy vine.

In the depths of the forest, countless thick vines built several huge arches.

Inside the arch, there were bursts of violent spatial fluctuations, and it was faintly visible that the spatial passages were taking shape.

Although he still hadn't seen the body of the Void Broken Vine, the arches formed by those vines faintly exposed some of the attempts of the Void Vine.

The attention of the others was not the same as Meng Zhang, who was all in the depths of the forest.

What they paid the most attention to was the battle between the ego demon and the sky-breaking fairy vine.

The ego-brained demon expended its strength to expose the Void Fragrant Vine, and its own body was also exposed.

In the midst of those purple creeps, a vague figure could be vaguely seen.

Judging from its breath, this should be the ego demon.

From time to time, a few thick vines fell from the sky, breaking through the siege of the purple creep, and whipping towards the figure.

There will always be bursts of strange light around the figure in time, blocking these vines.

Meng Zhang didn't pay much attention to the battle over there, and focused his attention on those special arches.

It is very likely that the secret that Broken Sky Immortal Vine is trying to hide is in it.

But Meng Zhang looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't see through the hidden secrets, he just knew that those arches might be the space passages leading to the distance.

What is the Void Immortal Vine doing secretly opening up a space channel at this time, is it to escape?

However, judging from the situation on the field, Po Kong Xian Veng has not fallen to a complete disadvantage, and it is still far from being defeated and fleeing.

The powerhouses such as Sanshan Zhenxian and the Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor also saw the scene Meng Zhang saw one after another.

They also couldn't see through the plan of breaking the sky fairy vine.

Sanshan Zhenxian was thoughtful, and secretly communicated with the Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor.

"Old Long, have you noticed that the breath behind these arches is a little familiar?"

The Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor nodded, did not answer, but continued to observe.

Hunling Zunshen, as the deputy leader of the team, although there are many conflicts with them, and their views are very different, Sanshan Zhenxian did not reject him and still kept in touch with him.

When Sanshan Zhenxian and the Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor communicated secretly, he also let him join.