Chapter 490

Li Fan did not hide from Lu Rui, nodded and said frankly: "well, I killed Du Fei."

"You see, you see, Ruirui, this smelly boy killed people for you. If you don't make up with this boy again, it won't make sense." Li Dakang came up and said.

Lu Rui looked at Li Fan with some worry: "do you want to run?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. No one saw me kill." Li Fan shook his head and said.

"Besides, no one called the police. No one knew that I killed people. Why should I run away?" Li Fan said with a smile.

At this moment, Li Fan felt a little funny.

Yes, once upon a time, Li Fan was as simple as Lu Rui. He thought that if he killed someone, he would run away. If he didn't run away, he would be arrested by the police and shot.

But now, Li Fan has seen a different side of this society.

Li Fan has a different understanding of this society.

People like Shao Shuai don't know how many homicide cases there are in their hands, but isn't he nothing?

Just don't kill in broad daylight.

Like Li Fan, when he killed, no one saw him.

And Sun Jing destroyed all the evidence. As long as Li Fan didn't turn himself in or say anything, who could prove that Li Fan killed someone?

Li Dakang gives Li Fan a squeeze, meaning to let Li Fan go further.

But now Li Fan doesn't know how to continue.

Hand in hand, what should we do next?

A hug or a kiss?

Li Fan to Lu Rui, or maintain that respect, as long as Lu Rui is not willing, Li Fan will never force chaos.

"Lu Rui, if you still refuse to forgive me, then I can only kneel down and knock two for you." Li Fan said, bent down, ready to kneel down for Lu Rui.

Lu Rui was so scared that she immediately grabbed Li Fan's arm and said, "don't kneel. So many people are watching. Uncle is still there. What are you doing?"

"Well, well, I forgive you. Let's make up." Lu Rui no longer hesitated, but nodded and agreed.

Li Fan's heart was so happy that he was pressed on his shoulder by Li Dakang when he was about to get up.

With a plop, Li Fan knelt down to Lu Rui.

Cough, cough.

Li Dakang coughed and slipped a small box into Li Fan's hand.

"Son of a bitch, are you going to propose? Is this ring ready? If you propose, you can't do without a ring. " Li Dakang looked at Li Fan and said.


Li Fan muttered, he and Lu Rui love just talked about a few days, direct proposal? That's too fast, isn't it?

What's more, I just went to college now, and my marriage is far away from me.

Li Fan did not intend to propose to Lu Rui.

But Li Fan is not a fool. His father forced him to propose to Lu Rui.

And he knelt down. If he didn't propose, he would be embarrassed.

It's like a duck on the shelf. Li Fanzhen has no way to help his father.

Li Fan had no choice but to squeeze out a smiling face and open the small box. In the small box, there was a diamond ring.

That diamond ring is the size of a pebble.

Li Fan held the diamond ring high on his head, then looked at Lu Rui sincerely: "Lu Rui, please marry me."

"We... We just made up."

Lu Rui also felt that it was too fast, so she politely refused and said, "can you wait a moment for the proposal? We haven't graduated yet. We'll wait until we graduate. "

"Let's fall in love first. If we are still together before graduation, I will promise you, OK, Li Fan?" Lu Rui said carefully.

In her heart, Lu Rui loves Li Fan. To be fair, her inner world wants to agree.

Even when Lu Rui saw Li Fan's proposal, she was full of excitement.

But, I haven't graduated yet, and it's a big thing to propose, so I have to tell my family.

In a word, Lu Rui has many worries in her heart.

"OK... Then..."

just as Li Fan was about to get up and was ready to give up, Li Dakang put his hand on Li Fan's shoulder and held him down again.

"I remember a great man once said that if you don't fall in love for the purpose of marriage, you are all playing hooligans. Uncle doesn't want his son to be a hooligan. So, since you are going to fall in love, you should take marriage as the purpose. Marriage is a matter of time."

"Besides, this smelly boy even bought a diamond ring. Ruirui, if you don't agree, won't you let him down? Do you think so? "

"If you don't take it, I think the boy will have to go back to bed and cry all night.""A few days ago, I was still curious about how this boy came home with a face. It was like losing money. When he went back to his bedroom, he secretly cried. It turned out that you two broke up."

"Uncle is from here. It's normal for young lovers to quarrel when they fall in love, but they can't just break up, you know?"

"All right, Ruirui, give uncle a face and take the diamond ring first." Li Dakang said.

Lu Rui's face is still a little embarrassed.

"Uncle, is this diamond ring a little too big?" Lu Rui frowned slightly.

"Big? If I don't look carefully, I can't see the diamond on the ring. It seems that the pocket money I give this boy is too little, otherwise he can't buy such a small one for you. Don't be too small. When you get married, I'll let this boy change it for you. "

"It happens that our family has a mine in South Africa, a diamond mine."

Li Dakang said with a smile.

Don't say that Lu Rui doesn't believe it. Even Li Fan doesn't believe it.

My father is too good at blowing. Blow again, the whole earth is his.

Li Fan white his father a look: "Dad, in front of outsiders, can you be more serious."

"Stinky boy, who is not serious?" Facing Li Fan's ass, Li Dakang directly kicked it.

"Here, Ruirui, I'll put it on for you."

Li Dakang took out the diamond ring from the small box and put it on Lu Rui directly, regardless of whether Lu Rui agreed or not.

"Dad, shouldn't I come here?" Li Fan some displeased said.

"It's the same for everyone. The point is that Ruirui has agreed to your proposal." Li Dakang began to laugh.

"I... I haven't said yes."

Lu Rui complexion said: "this kind of thing, I have to tell my father."

"It's a time of free love. Our elders can't interfere." Li Dakang said with a straight face.

Li Fan suddenly found that his father was too shameless.

It's the older generation's non-interference. It's all planned by you in advance!

Li Fan patted the soil on his knee and stood up from the ground. Then he looked at Lu Rui and said, "this diamond ring is on your hand. It's just right."

"When did you buy the diamond ring?" Lu Rui looks at Li Fan, his eyes can not hide the color of joy.

When Lu Rui asked, Li Fan felt guilty: "this..."

"this smelly boy must have bought it for a long time." Li Dakang lied for Li Fan.

Lu Rui looks at Li Fan and wants to kiss him, but Li Dakang is in front of him. Lu Rui is a little embarrassed.

Li Dakang's character, like a human spirit, immediately found Lu Rui blushing.

Like a mind reader, Li Dakang read Lu Rui's mind, then coughed and said, "Rui Rui, when I watch TV, this woman will express her consent to propose."

"I've turned my back. Please show it to my smelly boy."

Li Dakang said, turned his back and said to Shao Shuai and Sun Jing, "you two have to carry it quickly."

After everyone turned his back, Li Fan took a step forward and came to Lu Rui.

Lu Rui's face is still hot.

"It's not the first time. I'm still nervous." Li Fan made fun of Lu Rui.

Last kiss, but break up.

This time, it was reconciliation and proposal.

This time the mood, can be very different, whether Lu Rui or Li Fan, the heart is very happy.

Lu Rui closed her eyes and put her face on Li Fan.

"Silly boy, the girl closed her eyes and asked you to kiss her." Li Dakang turned his head and glared at Li Fan: "hurry up."