Chapter 784

Monkey does not have any fear, although he knows that he may not be the opponent of the greedy wolf, but he must revenge Linglong's revenge.

The monkey came forward with a soft sword, ready to die.

Even if it's death, we have to pull a cushion.

Between uncle Qian's eyes and brows, he was worried. He took a look at Li Fan and said, "Xiao Fan, leave here quickly."

"You told me to go?"

Li Fan was stunned for a moment, and his voice was angry: "I'm not a person who is afraid of death. If you are in trouble, I ran away. Am I still a man?"

"You have inherited the blood of the eldest brother and become a master of internal strength."

"as long as you get the advice of the master over time, you will be able to become the same master as the eldest brother. At that time, you will take revenge for us."

"If you stay with us now, you are going to die for nothing."

Uncle Qian said, "I'll hold them down. Run, they can't catch up with you."

Li Fan's speed is a little faster than them. Indeed, if Li Fan wants to escape, he is afraid that the seven kills and the army breaking will be enough to catch himself.

"At this time, don't be silly. What's the use of everyone dying here?" Uncle Qian glared at Li Fan and said to Li Fan.

Seven kill saw one eye to break army, say: "second elder brother, we also don't look at, go up."

"Catch this boy and force him to give up the way to cultivate his inner strength."

Seven kill see out, uncle Qian want to let Li Fan escape.

But how could Li Fan leave?

If we want to die together, Li Fan doesn't want to muddle along.

The broken army nodded and then rushed up directly. Uncle Qian stepped up and rushed up quickly.


Li Fan only heard uncle Qian's last words, and then he disappeared.

Seven kill and break the army almost rushed over at the same time, although the wounded uncle Qian, but also broke out amazing strength, he suddenly stopped the two door owners.

Don't let them near Li Fan, maybe this is uncle Qian's last reservation.

And Li Fan is in a stalemate there. After a few years of study, Li fan can definitely become a real master of internal strength. Even if he is not as powerful as Luocha, he can avenge uncle Qian and monkey.

This is a good and correct way.

But now, Li Fan's leg, however, seemed to be frozen and could not move at all.

Uncle Qian is almost using his life to procrastinate for Li Fan, but Li Fan doesn't make good use of it.


Bang, uncle Qian was killed seven times and fell to the ground with one blow. He was injured all over. He could not fight any more.

After he told Li Fangang a running word, he was killed by Qi Sha and stepped on his chest.

A mouthful of blood essence spurted out.

Uncle Qian's mouth couldn't make a sound any more.

The monkey is not the opponent of the greedy wolf. The greedy wolf beat him to death on a wall, grabbed the soft sword in his hand and pierced his body.

Monkey and uncle Qian, both life and death are unknown.

At the moment, seven kill, break the army, greedy wolf, three people, once again gathered together, toward the direction of Li Fan, step by step.

At this time, Li Fan may have a chance to escape.

Li Fan took a deep breath, or else he would run away?

Then, after learning to come back, for monkey and uncle Qian revenge?

Looking at monkey and uncle Qian, a tear came out of Li Fan's eyes.

"I swear, I, Li Fan, will come back and kill you." Li Fan said, biting his teeth.

This sentence expresses Li Fan's intention to escape.

Li Fan didn't want to let uncle Qian down, so he wanted to listen to him.

"No, he's going to run away."

Seven kill wrinkly brow, immediately jump, came to the other side of Li Fan.

Naturally, the army broke up quickly.

Three of them surrounded Li Fan.

Li Fan looked at the seven kills and felt that his strength was the weakest. He wanted to break a breakthrough.

However, at this time, the broken army took out something from his hand. It was a bracelet that Li Fan gave to Qin Yufei.

"When I came out of the resort, I found a beautiful woman. He was wearing this bracelet in his hand. I looked good and took her off."

Broken army smile, looking at Li Fan: "you can know."

"What have you done to her?" Li Fan asked aloud.

"I don't like women. I killed her, of course." Broken army faint smile.

Hearing this, Li Fan clenched his fist and walked away with murderous spirit.

"I'll kill you."

After hearing the news of Qin Yufei's death, Li Fan suddenly lost his mind, and at this moment, Li Fan no longer had the idea to escape."To die."

Li Fan towards the army, rushed up, gave up the idea of the first seven kill.

Broken army mouth a cold smile, meet up, he listened to the suggestion of seven kill, not with Li Fan, defuse Li Fan's attack skillfully, and turn to attack.

However, Li Fan did not matter.

However, when seven kill and greedy wolf together, Li Fan directly felt a sense of despair.

Seven kill out feet, greedy wolf out fist, and the figure of breaking the army is extremely strange.

When these three people cooperate, Li Fan has no power to parry, let alone attack. Even if it is defense, there is no chance.

Bang bang!

Li Fan was hit on the back by Tan greedy wolf, and almost fell down in pain. At this time, seven kill and one kick kicked over. Li Fan was about to raise his arm to block it, but the broken army suddenly caught Li Fan's arm.

Seven kill of a foot, heavily hit on the chest of Li Fan.

Under the enemy's back and belly, Li Fan was biting his teeth and suffering from severe pain. After a loud cry, all his strength came out.

The army was shocked, and the seven killers retreated several steps.

Greedy wolf ran fast, and did not receive what backfire.

"Is this the power of inner strength? It's terrible. "

Seven kill, break the army, and greedy wolf, three people thoroughly feel the fear.

The power of internal force is terrible.

The siege was lifted only by momentum.

However, after the burst of Qi, Li Fan felt as if his body was empty. After all, it took a certain amount of time to gather the Qi.

And just now, Li Fan put all his energy into the outside world, and it can be said that he did his best.

Seven kill took out a knife, broken army also took out a dagger, even the greedy wolf who didn't like to use weapons, also took the soft sword on the monkey.

Seeing Li Fan's horror, they decided not to attack him physically.

They are going to kill Li Fan with weapons.

However, they do not know that Li Fan is no longer able to do so.

Seven kill a cold smile: "big brother, second brother, everyone don't give him time, this boy, just a violent walk, now directly empty, everyone together, beat him into a useless person first."

They can't control such inner strength masters, so they have to hurt li Fan seriously before they can control him perfectly.

After seven kill finish saying, immediately got two elder brothers agree.

Three people, all rushed over together.

Li Fan looked at the monkey and uncle Qian and shook his head in a complicated way.

Then, in Li Fan's mind, he recalled Lu Rui and Lin Qingqing. Finally, his mind was full of Qin Yufei.

Because Lu Rui and Lin Qingqing left from their side, accompanied by their own, is Qin Yufei.

However, Qin Yufei was killed.

Thinking of this, Li Fan's mind, there was a fury, he lost all his reason, like a demon in general.

It's like this moment, the whole world is gone.

In Li Fan's eyes, there is only one person left. There is the broken army.

It was Qin Yufei who broke the army and killed Li Fan's beloved woman. Therefore, Li Fan wanted to avenge Qin Yufei.

Li Fan looked at the broken army and rushed over quickly.

At this moment, Li fan can't see the seven killers and the greedy wolf. He ignores them directly. He just wants to kill and break the army, that's all.

As if this was the only thing li Fan wanted to do before his life was exhausted.

At this moment, the broken army also felt a chill, he looked at Li Fan, like ordinary people looking at a tiger in general, that kind of fear, let him feel shudder.

Seven kill and greedy wolf, a left and a right to Li Fan stabbed over, but, Li Fan did not look at them.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Fan and held him down.