Chapter 1237

I didn't expect that the black Qi in my body was the power of the dark god. Fortunately, Li Fan just recovered his strength and blocked the awakening of the dark god in time.

"When all the Qi in my body turns black, I will become a dark god? What should I do if I want to get rid of it? "

The dark color is really uncomfortable. Isn't that dark god as black as the people of wuka nationality?

"Dark god, he gathered all his swallowing power in his heart, and his appearance remained unchanged. As for the way to dispel it, I haven't thought of it yet. When I go out, I can look up the historical materials of my family for you to see if there is any way to dispel the power of swallowing. "

Kailina saw that Li Fan's brain was a little speechless about the dark god. In the tribal historical materials, the dark god was not only powerful, but also unique in appearance.

If you let the witch know that Li Fan thinks of her sweetheart as a big black charcoal, I'm afraid she will spit blood in anger.

"Well No wonder the black gas just went to my chest. Since there's no way, let's not talk about it. Let's find someone first. " Li Fan also guessed that kailinna used the special function to herself. She scratched her head and opened the topic with some embarrassment.

Knowing that he was embarrassed, kailinna didn't say much. She began to feel li Dakang's position with a smile.

A new round of changes has taken place in the tomb of the dark god. Li Dakang, who was originally in the southeast, has now changed to the northwest. Fortunately, the distance with Li Fan is not too far. As soon as he gets the news about Li Dakang, Li fan can't wait to pull kailinna towards him.

Akawu and banbu, who were supposed to be guarding at the door of the chamber of secrets, have disappeared, presumably because the tomb has just been changed to other places.

Li Fan doesn't care so much now. He only has half an hour. He must find Li Dakang within half an hour. I can only pray silently for akau and Bambu in my heart, hoping that they will not meet asatos so soon.

Turn around and have a look at Li Dakang. He and white tiger rosefinch were thrown into the same secret room by the great witch.

Strictly speaking, this is another space. Behind the door of the secret room is a huge desert. The three of them even suspected that they had gone from the mysterious ruins to the center of Sahara in a flash.

"Uncle Li! I saw it! There's a door right in front of us

Forced to fly to the air to explore the way of the white tiger, pointing to the distance of excited shouting.

He had been staring at the sun for more than half an hour, and he was almost roasted into dried meat. At the beginning, his eyes were covered with yellow sand, until he felt that he wanted to see flowers in his eyes, and he saw a small black spot far in front of him.

In order to find out what the little black spot was, the white tiger flew forward for a long distance. When he found that it was a door, he came back to report to Li Dakang and Zhu que.

"The young man has done a good job. When he goes out, I will praise you well."

Li Dakang raised his head and said with a smile.

At other times, Baihu would be happy to hear Li Dakang say such things. But looking at Li Dakang and rosefinch lying comfortably under the umbrella made of sand, he couldn't be happy.

These two people are too much. In order to let white tiger explore the way, Li Dakang pretends to be poor and says that he is old and can't stand the trouble. Rosefinch said she is a woman, skin than men are vulnerable, can not be old sun. The white tiger flew alone against the sun for more than half an hour to find the exit.

According to the law of nature, things like sand can't be fixed without water. Who is Li Dakang? The laws of nature are useless here. He directly piled up the loose sand with his ability, not only made a huge sun umbrella, but also made two comfortable reclining chairs for himself and rosefinch.

While the white tiger was searching for access, the two of them were basking in the sun.

"Little rosefinch, let's go. Let's get out of this place first." Hearing Bai Hu's words, Li Dakang stood up from the sand reclining chair, looked at the rosefinch beside him and said.

When the three people vacated that moment, the umbrella and the two reclining chairs will be back to the sand again. Looking at the freely controlled force, white tiger and rosefinch have more admiration for Li Dakang.

Even secretly happy, fortunately, Li Dakang Li Fan to take the technique of stocking. If he was a little bit protective, they would have been cleaned up by Li Dakang.

Think of oneself before so quarrel with Li Fan, white tiger and rosefinch secretly swallowed saliva.

It was not long after the three had just started flying that a huge centipede came out of the sand.

Look at that size, this centipede is nearly 100 meters long, with feet all over its body and a hissing sound in its mouth.

The huge teeth bit at the white tiger. When the giant centipede opened its mouth, poisonous gas ran out of its mouth.

Those gray poison gas stained white tiger's sleeve, that section of sleeve was instantly corroded into ashes.I didn't expect that the poison was so strong, so the three people rushed to the high place.

As soon as we avoided the poisonous gas from the giant centipede, there was a piercing sound of birds over our heads.

Just when the sun was still in the sky, the next second was covered by a huge figure, even the light became dim.

"What the hell is this?" White tiger can't help exclaiming after seeing clearly the things on his head.

It is said that this thing is an eagle, but he has six wings, and the body size is very huge, just like a roc spreading its wings.