the purple air comes from the east -- a propitious omen?

The crowd trembled and thought, isn't this the famous stunt of the leader of Ziqi city?

Such a move was really taught to Ziyan!

At this moment, they finally knew how true it was that the leader of Ziqi City loved this disciple.

What you said is true!

All they can do at this time is to watch quietly.

At the next moment, everyone was not calm. Ziyan's move seemed light and weak.

But in fact, the moment they hit out and fell in front of each other, they all opened their mouths.

I saw this purple air flying in the air and exploding a circle of purple halo. The air accelerated in vain, and even no trace was left!

Suddenly, everyone stared and hit the target in the next moment.

King Shen Jiuwang of Huangsha city didn't care much at first, but the other party's action is to open up. Who can bear it?

His pupils contracted slightly and he didn't have time to use the skill to deal with it. He could only use it instinctively to release the fastest shashuo shield.

"I'm in the way!" he gritted his teeth and roared, directly carrying it.

At this time, there is no other way. If you want to win, you can only fight hard with each other.

It was too late to release other skills, and everyone was sweating for him.

The next moment, shashuo shield was pierced by purple air.

A small hole passed through, and the whole shashuo shield was infected by purple gas, surrounded by wisps of breath, and then exploded in an instant.

"No, how could this be?" his pupils trembled wildly in his eyes. Although this move is not very strong, it is also the best skill of rapid defense.

He knows he can't stop the attack, but it's not so fast, is it?

He thought he could reduce the damage by 30 or 40%, so he could carry it.

But I didn't expect that this contact was like a small fire seeing a flood and being submerged in an instant!

It must seem a little unexpected at this time, but what is the most important?

The most important thing is his safety!

"I'm the grass, lying in the trough!" he shouted, panicked and wanted to escape.

But it's too late.

The blow had fallen in front of him, and there was no chance to react at this time.

So unfortunately, he was hit.

At the moment of contact, a wisp of purple gas instantly seemed to point into the water. After countless circles of ripples opened, it exploded instantly!

A purple fog exploded in the air, and no one could see the situation inside.

All I could see was a figure flying out of the purple fog.

At this time, everyone opened their mouths and stared at the falling figure in the air.

Because there is only one person in the purple fog! It's Shen Jiuwang.

The figure fell from the air, like an eagle with broken wings, into the woods and startled a bird to fly away.

There were still some fluctuations in the purple fog exploded in the air.

Everyone was speechless and peered at each other one by one.

What is strength?

This is called strength!

Despite the release of some residues, many people have been afraid to approach.

Take out the handkerchief and many people wipe their foreheads and the cold sweat on their necks.

Blink while breathing.

One by one, they were shocked to the extreme, and they looked at the great beauty again.

At this time, in addition to some admiration, there are more fears in the eyes.

After all, this situation is so shocking. Who could have thought that a woman has such strong combat effectiveness?

Her move was to beat up the king Shen Jiu, who was known as the king of the younger generation.

It's needless to say who is stronger at this time!

I have to say that this strength is really fierce to heinous. Those who even want to get her are sweating in a moment.

A forced twist is not sweet. If they try their best to get each other over, they will slap them dead. Who do you want to talk to?

Moreover, the purple gas city is also very strong. There are some things that money can't do among practitioners!

Looking at the scene in front of me, I suddenly felt something wrong.

Among them, there were some people who had something to do with Huangsha city. They quickly flew out to see whether the other party was alive or dead.

That move just now looks strong enough!

I'm afraid this explosion is either death or injury, at least they think so.

The facts don't look much worse.

Seven or eight people hurried over and saw the smoking King Shen Jiuwang in the pit.

"Mr. Shen, how are you?"

"No... not much." Shen Jiuwang's tone was stifled.

"We'll help you up." four people are about to lift you up.

"Don't move!" Shen Jiuwang raised his hand with wide eyes.

"It's broken."

He breathed suddenly and gasped quickly the next moment.

Everyone was stunned one by one. After all, it was a little outrageous.

He was beaten like this with only one blow. If the other party didn't come up and open it directly, he would not believe it if he carried it directly!

So at this time, it seems very embarrassing.

"Damn it, damn it!" Shen Jiuwang lost his face this time.

He can only scold in his heart.

This woman is playing for real? I thought she was just trying to scare him.

I didn't expect that the other party really opened up directly, and it seemed that at least 80% of the power was used.

This huge power almost slapped him to heaven several times!

"I really don't know how this is done, and the lethality is so great!" he could not but make complaints about himself.

After all, this is really a continuation of the inheritance of the leader of Ziqi city.

No one dares to belittle this woman at this time!

Because the shock she brought was so great that they couldn't look down on each other at all!

This move is purple and comes from the East. It can be said that it is perfect!

"Er, ha ha. The purple girl's move is better than the blue!"

"Yes, yes, I wonder if Miss Zi can leave a contact information?"

"Purple girl, how long have you practiced this move?"

People's voices keep ringing. Obviously, most of them are interview oriented.

So she didn't bother to answer at this time, and she managed to deal with it.

Seeing that the other party didn't want to answer, they could only turn their heads angrily and go into the auction house.

Except for those of King Shen Jiu, everyone else went in slowly.

Qin An witnessed all this with his own eyes. He couldn't help reaching out and wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Women are really powerful now. It's right to use a tigress to describe it!"

Qin An muttered helplessly. After all, it's not surprising that these powerful martial artists can do this now.

So at this time, he shook his head and looked a little depressed.

But the worst thing is the guy who was beaten away. This is really terrible!