After a short period of concentration, the thunder wound around the whole body. People who saw it felt as if there were countless lightning leaping and exploding.

"Thunder, thousands of thunder and thousands of shadows have become?" suddenly, the others couldn't help taking a breath.

The Vajra Dharma phase and the yuan breaking Dharma are equal. People feel a little too incredible.

The other party unexpectedly learned a thousand thunder and ten thousand shadows in this short time!

This is known as the quality of orange, even comparable to the stuff above the eighth level skill. How could it be so simple?

"I don't know where the chance came from. I can completely master thousands of thunder and shadows in such a short time. The Leiyin cave owner estimates that he will wake up with a smile when he sleeps at night." some people shook their heads.

Of course, there are also some lemonade. They are muttering something about thousands of thunder and shadows, how powerful they can be.

"Well, President, it's only good for us to improve our strength. Don't talk any more." Xueer came forward and said.

After all, don't forget that the other party is now the leader of their whole alliance!

At that time, to fight against the ancient sect, we have to rely on the whole thunder.

"Young and promising, I can't wait!" sighed the strong man.

But although he said it, he was still very confused. How could the other party suddenly learn a thousand thunder and ten thousand shadows?

This is so outrageous that he can hardly find out who else has such strength. After all, from now on, the other party has mastered the secret and then rises in an instant?

"This sudden insight, but no one can say well." suddenly everyone smiled, and then they stopped looking here and returned to their position.

For a thing that is not your own, what can you do except envy if it is given by others?

It is obvious that everyone here disdains to do lemon essence, so they no longer pay attention to his situation. All people focus on everyone's examination questions.

Thundering, a lightning on both hands disappeared, and the last dozens of separate bodies in Dun time and space instantly returned to the body.

"Hoo, I didn't expect to finish this move without much effort. It's really cool!" Lei Ming also feels energetic now, and his body seems to have endless power.

He didn't dare to think about it before! Thousand thunder and ten thousand shadows, an absolutely powerful skill, has always coveted, but has never had the courage to really try.

"Sure enough, people's potential must be forced out!" Lei Ming smiled and shook his head.

After all, if an ordinary person usually has almost the same physical loss, he can't catch anything and feels weak.

Hang it directly from the 40 story tall building for him. At this time, he will absolutely secrete adrenaline, and then hold it tightly with both hands for a long time.

Because the physical fitness has reached its peak at that time, the body's instinctive reaction is to know that if you let go at this time, you will fall and fall.

But he was a little different. He was purely for the safety of his thunder cave and the people in beizhou.

After all, there are a large number of elite in beizhou where they are stationed. Although this is not too much to say, relatively speaking, these people are also the backbone of beizhou!

If he dies for no reason, he will not only have no face to go back to beizhou, but even if he goes back, he will be despised and become the target of thousands of people.

No way, because he led the team!

"Fortunately, lucky in misfortune." Lei Ming turned back and arranged for old Yan to sort things out. Then he looked at a large group of people present.

It stretches for dozens of kilometers, and there are dense figures at a large interval, but sitting cross legged in the air, surrounded by the seal of the whole Fengdu city and the seal of the ghost emperor, it seems that there is some assessment.

"President, aren't you very good at chess? It's said that you have the title of chess saint, and even have been to Leiyin cave master frequently. How do you feel today?"

Several people who didn't want Lei Ming to be the leader of the whole alliance asked in a strange way.

"Today? Today's state is not generally good. I... wait, what do you mean?" Lei Ming was stunned, jumped up, looked at the people in front, sat cross legged, and there was an illusory chessboard in front.

"Ally leader, this is the test of Fengdu ghost emperor. After passing the test, anyone who is qualified to withstand the oppression brought by the sealed door will have a chessboard."

"The other side of the chessboard is controlled by Fengdu ghost emperor. They are all his life's chess skills. Only by passing, can we proceed to the next step. I don't know if the alliance leader has confidence?"

Two men turned to look and asked.

They don't care at all now. Soon, a game of chess also appeared in front of Lei Ming. The other party's first step, xiatianyuan!

It's so familiar. Lord Qin invited him to play chess just now. Now he plays chess again.

"Isn't Fengdu ghost emperor looking for a successor who can take away the artifact and inherit it?"

"Why are you playing chess here!" Lei Ming felt that it was a human act of confusion. Is there any relationship between playing chess and inheriting?

"The alliance leader doesn't know. The Fengdu ghost emperor is also a strange... Just" the two of them just wanted to say it. Suddenly, the Fengdu ghost emperor far ahead, that is, the white faced monster, suddenly opened his eyes.

They were immediately too frightened to go on. After all, the other party was simply too strong, at least stronger than them. It was clear from the five element God and Cher's saint's answer.

How dare they say anything offensive to each other?

"Playing chess? It's a strange test." Lei Ming shook his head a little puzzled. The other party was really a little strange. Like the Lord Qin, do experts like to play chess!

He shook his head and looked up at the timer.

"Eh? What does this timing thing do?" Lei Ming frowned, then pointed and asked.

"Get away, you bastards, and don't waste the time of Lei Meng Lord!" suddenly, breaking the yuan Dharma came and saluted the thunder slightly.

"Leader, there is a time limit. The more time passes, the more difficult it will be. We are stuck in the third round and can't settle again. If the leader wants to, we can have a try."

The phase of breaking the yuan method also returned to its position in a hurry.

This third round, everyone can't get through? This is ridiculous. No one can explain it.

The five elements God sighed and frowned.