Chapter 63 - [Apologies for vanishing - Please read] - 01/07/2021

Hey all, if any of you still have this favourited lmao its been a while.

I felt the need to write at least some sort of reason why I vanished from making this novel when at the time I was so into doing it.

Simply put, Life hit me hard as fuċk. Family struggles, Job struggles, having to isolate took its toll on me and the final nail in the coffin was that I had issues with my computer causing me to have to reset. I only managed to keep some notes for this novel and lost the majority of the plans I had.

I always came back to this novel after that reset every couple of weeks trying to write a new chapter and lead the story in a direction but nothing was sitting well, I had an overarching plan however I had lost the thought process of what character does what, how they react, basically losing all remembrance of where I wanted these character arcs to head due to losing certain notes and losing drive. The only notes I managed to save were a synopsis on what was gonna happen each year, the ritual and an early version of my character profiles with Oz only included as he started his first year.

So I put the novel on HIATUS, hoping that initial spark would return which at some points it has. However, the worry of forgetting something I already wrote or overlooking something I had already wrote stopped me from actually pressing the publish buŧŧon on many draft chapters.

I would truly like to continue this novel however I do feel I've lost that drive I had at the beginning of the year when I started, mostly dimmed down by life itself making me too busy to focus on this project.

So, I cant give any guarantee this novel will return, however I'd like to hope in the future I can get my act together and put in the time to continue this because I had many exciting plans I wanted to realise, plans that would expand the Harry Potter world out much further than just 'Hogwarts' and 'England'.

So for those who would still wait for that day, Thank you. And for those who don't have the patience, I understand. Hope you are all well in these turbulent times.

- BoiGeorge