The release of the film set off an unprecedented event.

On this day, almost all the cinemas in China were full of people and unprecedented splendor.

Some people even get free tickets three days in advance and line up at the cinema with food, drink, tent or blanket.

The picture is more lively than the supermarket or rural fair during the Spring Festival.

In fact, in order to avoid accidents, sushi group and major cinema companies have arranged some measures in advance.

For example, it is stipulated that during the half month free viewing time, everyone can enjoy a free opportunity.

All film viewing personnel must hold their own ID cards and register before watching the film.

In addition, in the major cinemas, all arranged special security personnel to maintain order.

All of this is to ensure that the free film watching operation can be carried out in an orderly manner.

On this day, many big cities are full of people.

There is a long queue outside every movie city, and the theater broadcasting hall plays continuously all the time

In Lu's manor.

The hustle and bustle of the big studios outside has nothing to do with it.

Here is a peaceful pure land, as if any outside situation, there is no involvement here.

Lu Tianlong sits on the bed in the room, legs crossed, eyes closed.

He returned to Huaxia three days ago and told people directly that he would spend the next half month alone in his room.

No one is allowed to disturb him even if there is a big problem!

"It should start."

This morning, Lu Tianlong slightly opened his eyes and looked out of the window.

With the rising sun, it's almost time for the first movie series of Zhanlong to be released in major cinemas.


At this time, Lu Tianlong suddenly widened his eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed through his eyes.

Through the soft sunshine, he can clearly see a small light spot emerging from every corner of the city.

Then it was suspended in the air, and after a slight pause, it came towards the direction of Lu's manor at a very fast speed.

The power of the great fortune!

That's right. This is the power of great fortune!

One small light spot after another is the power of faith generated by the gratitude and worship of Lu Tianlong in the hearts of those free viewers.

Some people are grateful for the fact that the Soxhlet group has invited people from all over the country to watch movies for free.

Some of them are completely convinced by the performance of Lu Tianlong and others in the film, and worship is produced from the bottom of my heart.

After all, this film shows the story of the Chinese dragon fighting team, destroying the blood clan ability organization and saving the whole human race.

In the eyes of all ordinary people, Lu Tianlong's battle dragon team is a hero!

That light yellow spot mixed in the sun, slowly condensed, at first just a few scattered.

Later, the number increased sharply, until finally, it seemed to be overwhelming, and it was coming towards the direction of Lu's manor.

Of course, the power of the world's great fortune is so wonderful that people like Lu Tianlong can clearly feel and see it.

For the vast majority of ordinary people, it is just that the sun today is slightly dazzling.


When that layer of the world's great fortune covered Lu Tianlong, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The soft energy was gathered around him, emitting a light yellow light. Through his clothes and his skin, he slowly entered the body.

Lu Tianlong felt that every pore of his body was opening at this time, just like the dry land, greedily sucking the morning dew.

In the whole room of the group, he was quickly filled with the light yellow energy, and Lu Tianlong's figure became trance in the thick fog like atmosphere.

At the same time.

In the other rooms of Lu's manor.

Su Lingyue, Wen Tianhao, holy prison

Every member of Zhan long who has appeared in this movie is like Lu Tianlong, staying in his room quietly.

The power of the world's great fortune also poured into their rooms from the outside, surrounded them, and then entered their bodies.

It was Lu Tianlong who first possessed the power of great fortune in the world. When Lu Tianlong led the members of Zhanlong to fight against the evil forces such as the blood clan and the dark Holy See, he absorbed the strange energy after absorbing the Chinese spirit beads.

It is precisely because of the original spirit bead's energy that Lu Tianlong and his nearby Zhan long brothers all have the ability to gain the world's great fortune.

Of course, Lu Tianlong absorbed most of the above energy alone when he absorbed the energy of Chinese spirit beads.

Wen Tianhao and the holy prison, as well as Qing'er at that time, absorbed a small part.

Therefore, up to now, the vast majority of the world's great fortune power poured in like sunlight from outside has been attracted by Lu Tianlong.But even so, the power of the world's great fortune around Wen Tianhao and others at this time is already terrible.

"Breathe, inhale, exhale, inhale..."

All of us closed their eyes and felt the magic of the world's great fortune into their own bodies through their skin.

Every cell of the whole body is active, under the stimulation of the great fortune of that day, it becomes incomparably excited.

Everyone's body, as if put on a layer of magic light yellow Cape, bring a very spectacular scene.

Good luck.

Related to the rise and fall of the world's great fortune, it has magical and incomparably strong energy.

Feeling the power of the world's great fortune into his body, Lu Tianlong can clearly perceive that when the power of the world's great fortune increases, other energy in his body also changes.

Originally in his body, there are four kinds of energy: the power of blood, the power of evil spirits, the power of Hidden Dragon inheritance, and the power of the world's great fortune.

The previous state was to compete with each other and fight with each other to seize control of Lu Tianlong's body.

Therefore, Lu Tianlong used the power of Hidden Dragon inheritance to suppress Lu Tianlong.

But at this time, with the strength of the world's great fortune, those energy actually began to become quiet.

Later, some of them trembled and panicked. They all curled up carefully in Lu Tianlong's body and did not dare to make any more mistakes.

"There is something wonderful about the power of the great fortune in the world."

Lu Tianlong, with his eyes closed, felt the changes in his body and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The power of the ferocious evil spirit and the uncanny power of blood were not honest in his body before, just like a naughty child.

At this time, they are all docile, like a little sheep!

"I guess it was right before. It's true that the power of the world's great fortune still has magical effects, but I don't know much about it now."

Lu Tianlong thought to himself that what he knew before was that the power of the world's great fortune was good for his recovery.

But now, if you really master this energy, it is likely to be more fierce and powerful than the power of evil spirits, the power of blood and even the power of Hidden Dragon inheritance!