187 Gifters

"But! Before I come with you guys. I want you, the monkey who is sitting on top of another monkey to answer me something." Thorik says referring to the guy who is sitting on top of a beast.

"How dare you talk ill about Sir Arald! Just when he took pity on you guys and wanted to let you all live." Hawk says while approaching Thorik with cuff's.

"Heh! This human suddenly grew horns now that he knew I was going to spare his puny life?" Arald says as he stares down at Thorik while smiling from the corner of his mouth.

Arald seems calm without getting provoked or intimated by Thorik's words but inside he is saying*"Talk big all you want. Once the beasts are all assembled. You won't be able to talk anymore."* To Thorik out of anger glittering eyes.

"What do you wanted to know? I will grant your wish." Arald says as he waves his hand towards Thorik as if a king giving his permission to the slave. Arald's words and his body movements showed how cocky he is and how superior he is feeling right now.

"A soldier- with a divine weapon like sword." Arald's eye brow feels a twitch all of a sudden upon hearing the words of Thorik. Thorik on the other hand is taking his time in telling what he want. The hairs on his body are standing up as he is reminiscing the sight of the soldier he is describing.

"The only soldier who could use the God arts... The one with whom you people have formed alliance with to win the war with the 11th realm. I want to know how he attained the God arts from? I'm sure it happened after he became your ally. After your ugly Queen accepted him into the kingdom."

"I want to know what took place? and is your Queen the only female to grant the power of God arts? I want to know how to get my hands on it." Thorik finishes his words like a wild beast hunger for power.

It was silent and Hawk and Arald are speechless with what Thorik had spoken.

Hawk is standing 5ft tall with jade green body. Reinforced with light green armor like skin at his chest which is hard and looks like an extension of his skin and lizard scales on his neck. His arms are long stretching down to his knees from his shoulders. And he is dressed in normal full body gown.

Arald on the other hand is over 6ft tall and muscular. His lizard like scales are dotted and stretches all the way down to his thighs. The scales on his body are more hard looking. Acting as an armor for his body. He only has a one silky green cloth wrapped around his waist as if he has just came out of shower.

Both Hawk and Arald are backed up by dozens of beasts of 8th realm which, each beast is of a captain grade. Meaning, as powerful as a captain on earth.

These beasts are also green in color with four limbs, sort of resembling an ape but every beast is above 8feet and muscular.

"He-he! S-so you are seeking for a power. You seem to be in a Captain's position, but it looks like you're not a gifter huh. A mere seeker for power became a captain. If only your squad has a gifter in it, you all wouldn't be in this pitiful position." Arald says with a goofy face trying to act like he does not know what Thorik is asking him about.

"I-I told our captain to get a gifter for this particular mission to assist us. Sir Theodore even offered our squad a gifter. B-but captain just ignored everyone and headed out with us inexperience squad and everybody flew away. We are the only one trapped here." The girl behind Thorik cries and stutters about her bad fate.

In this world, the gifters are people who have massive amounts of spiritual power inside them. There is a weapon which is gifted to them solely based on the type of elemental stone they use.

Like a green bow of Zoilas with 3 green stones which can shoot an arrow without the use of an actual one. The weapons of gifters are unique and different from their squad soldiers. Which differentiates a gifter from the soldiers. Most of the gifters ends up being a captain and from there it is based on their skillset which pushes their rank up.

"You Mr. Seeker, I suggest you to give yourself up and die here. The things you have asked me and spoken off are forbidden to speak in this realm." Arald gets cocky once he realises that the captain before him is not a gifter.

Hawk also laughs to himself for the stupidity of Thorik to stand against them even when he is a seeker class.

He walks up to Thorik with chain cuff's and a small steel spear.

"You don't have a squad to back you up here, nor do you have the power. Do not try to jump or slip away from us. We will give you a quick death." Arald says as he lean forward with an evil smirk.

"So you want me to spank your butt and make you spill the truth about God arts or are you going to make it easy for me?" Thorik who has been quiet till now opens his mouth.

"Hahaha you puny human! What makes you so confident! You don't even have your armor on your body as of now. I have my dangerous beasts and dozens of them. Hawk alone can slice you people up to pieces. I'm blessed by God's for my superior physical ability. I'm a noble here. I have everything. What do you have that is making you cocky? Tell me what do you have!" Arald goes on a rage all of a sudden with the behavior of Thorik and his words.

Hawk gets closer to Thorik with his cuff's and wraps his chains around Thorik.


Thorik who is infront of Hawk is suddenly walking away from him with his back against Hawk.

Hawk is confused. Thorik is facing him until now but now he is walking back from him?

*"Huh? Why is he walking away? Wait! Why is Arald and the beasts are in front of me? They're supposed to be behind me." He is puzzled with what is happening before him.

As he sees Thorik walking away, Hawk feels his body is falling down onto the ground. The head of hawk is turned backwards by Thorik as he walks towards Arald.

"Well I have thumbs! And guns!" Thorik says to Arald with while showing his hand.

Arald, Hawk and the 8th realm beings only have four fingers and no thumb. Thorik reminds Arald that he has two of them while he breaks Hawk's neck by turning it all the way around.

Arald is just watching with a horrified expression. "T-take him down and tear his limbs apart!" Being overtaken by the rage of losing Hawk right in front of his eyes, he shouts to the beasts in desperation of getting rid of Thorik.

All the beasts let out roars and storm towards Thorik.

His red hair waves around as his sparkling eyes get sharper, assisted by his evil smirk. His hands reach out to two Uzi guns strapped to his belt on either side of his waist.


Within the next two seconds, the sounds of a submachine gun echoed in the entire field.

The first approaching three beasts are filled with 20bullets each. The red Uzi's are shooting continuous endless bullets filling up the flesh of the beasts.

The bullets are as small as magnetic balls. The Uzi's are enhanced with red elemental stone in its mag, as a replacement for bullets. The red elemental stone can release bullets of various sizes, from small as a fly, to as big as a Canon, depending on the spiritual power of the user.

Thorik's gun let off steam with the continuous firing. He has fired 300 rounds approximately in 1 minute, managing to hit the beasts hidden behind the first three. Naturally, if it had been a real gun with bullets mag, the muzzle of the gun would have melted completely. The pistol grip would be hot for a person to hold and the cartridge would have softened.

But since the Uzi Thorik is holding is presented with elemental stone in the place of bullets, the gun is in perfect condition, other than the light steam and warm pistol grip which is compensated with the red and black gloves that Thorik is donning.

*"The spiritual power of this captain must be less based on the size of bullets he is firing. But the bullets are pretty fast, even if they're smaller in size."* Arald starts evaluating Thorik based on his assault.

"These beasts of 8th realm regenerate in almost no time. You need to shoot more than one of your puny bullets to affect my beasts. How do you plan on taking all of them and me? Useless effort!" Arald says while he bursts out in laughter.

The kong beasts are of many classes starting from domesticated house class to general class. The special ability of these beasts, however, is that they regenerate and heal quickly. The regeneration state is faster as the class of the beast increases.

"Heh! Seeker and gifter, noble and general. You have been talking non stop all this while. A barking dog never bites. Haven't you heard of that saying? You monkey!" Thorik lets out a faint smile from the corner of his mouth.


"EXPLODE!~" Thorik snaps his finger and shouts out loud. His face is filled with excitement as if he cannot hold any longer to show something new to Arald.


The three beasts that have been shot by Uzi bullets have suddenly started acting weird. Their skin grows lumps at some places looking ready to burst out. Out of nowhere, 10 huge red spikes grew out of the lumps tearing the kong beasts from the inside out.

The brain, eyes, gut, organs and finally, the heart is shoved out, pierced by the red spikes.

This left Arald more confused while Thorik reveals a smile on his face.

"I-impossible! W-what did you do? Those were just normal bullets from your gun. The bullets are also small sized. How did the spikes come out?" Arald is starting to get scared. A seed of fear is planted in his heart.

The two girls from Thorik squad also look astonished. They do not know what happened, but they are starting to have a hope that they will be defended for a while until the help arrives.

"Hm... Don't tell me that you have never watched this type of reaction? It's simple. The large amount of bullets I shoot into each person or body is not because they are small. I mean- they are small because of my spiritual power, yeah."

"But! The bullets I shoot are magnetized. Thus, the blood spikes killed your beasts from inside." Thorik was filled with pride, and a feeling of achievement rose in his chest.

"M-magnetized? B-but you aren't supposed to have any gifted weapon." Arald stutters.

Thorik starts moving forward while he unequips the mags of both of his guns. He reaches out to brand new mags in his pockets which consist of not one, but three red elemental stones in each mag.

The mags he used till now only consisted of one red stone. But these new mags consists of three of them, more powerful and effective bullets.

*"Dammit! Why do weaker people face stronger ones in a fight? Why do the weak act cocky at first? And then, the stronger one will reveal the ace up his sleeve and the weak ones run away! Life is so unfair. Especially my life."* Arald's shackles broke on seeing a gifted weapon in his hands.

He is thinking of the most effective strategy on a war ground. The 'Run away without looking back' strategy.

The magnetized bullets that Thorik fires, work on a basic principle. The north and south poles of magnets. Each gun of his is a pole of the magnet bullet that ejects out of his gun. The gun in his left hand only fires north poles and the gun in right fires south poles.

At first, more than 2 bullets are shot inside a flesh. They magnetize the water content and blood of the body. Later, Thorik fills the body with either all south or north bullets, which repels the magnetized blood. And in the end, the blood move away and spikes protrude out of the body, leaving it deceased.

For example, Thorik first fires a South and North Pole bullet inside a body 'A'. The magnetized bullets magnetizes the blood of body 'A'. Later he fires all same pole bullets inside the body 'A'. The same pole bullets repel the blood inside the body causing it to spike out as thorns and smoothly eliminates the foe.

This is the gifted weapon for the gifter.