Now the morning sun running wolf badge is ready. Master Luban uses one skill to push the line to stun the enemy's ADC, and then takes the enemy's shooter and assistant.

This wave of operation is really flowing.

There is another detail here, that is, sun Shangxiang is stuck, and there is no good time for purification.



With these words, Lu Feng uses his own operation to show his vivid passive fire dance and the use of skills. All kinds of displacement and control are very consistent.

"To death! None of them can go away! "

"Yes, I can't let go of Taiyi's big move!"

"Sun Shangxiang died!"

"Taiyi is dead!"

Two heads, double C for geese, one for each, which is very average. Of course, the emperor's garrot really needs to be more economical. Although najialuo was for the later period, Junzhao said that it was necessary to develop in the early period.

After killing two people, the enemy beat boar Bajie late.

Geese doesn't care about the man at all. With the artillery, he is going to push the tower.

"Just a pig, it's estimated that Xishi will come soon. Can you push the tower?"

"Yes, our people are coming, too!"

There's support on the other side. Geese don't have it! Not only qingfan mirror comes online, but also Liu Bang of Jiangcheng is eager to try. The goose shakes people, and he has never been afraid of anyone.

"Soldier line into the tower!"

"Pig eight commandments across the street, they've got a big move. They're going to keep it!"

"The old pig is getting worse and worse!"

At Lu Feng's command, the geese and others immediately took action. Qing fan mirror decisive multi break displacement approach, he also has Liu Bang's big move a skill, one of the skill shield.

More importantly, after Liu Bang's landing, there is a defense tower to interfere with silence.

Six seconds of jamming is enough time for geese to deal with the enemy.

"Whatever you want, all five of us are here!"

"Keep people, keep people!"

"Pig Bajie is dead!"

"Xi Shi is too flashy to catch up."

"Priority Tower!"

Goose this general battle, really desperate. I don't know what kind of idea RM has for the time being, but geese have played an unparalleled momentum.

"The defense tower is down, get out!"

Goose this wave is very nice, the military line operation, very in place.

They went back to their own lines without delay in clearing up the military lines. In other words, they have not left behind. Everyone's development is perfect.

"No state to add state, ready to attack the second tyrant!"

“OK! OK!”

Geese have a good rhythm. They take the initiative in the whole game. So far, geese has led nearly 3000 gold coins in economy.

You know, there's Taiyi real person's gold coin on the other side, and it's so far behind.

That means geese are really strong.

Before long, the goose began to attack the tyrant. I don't have the slightest idea. I don't even look at it. In this case, big goose Nalong is very smooth.

But the enemy changed the strategy of economic distribution and made Xi Shi a tool man.

Sun Shangxiang, the enemy's Archer, ate the middle line and went to the archer's road from the blue area to eat the line again.

Geese have used this method of rapid development, but they are not satisfied with it. However, it is another matter whether we can achieve certain results after eating the economy.

Not every young lady looks like a goose.

"Master the prophet, take it too!"

"All right!"

Geese do not let go of any economic point, his advantage expanded to a certain extent. In fact, the current choice is to change the line to push the warrior road.

Lu Feng is not very human. He likes to surprise and attack in one go.

"The line of dragon soldiers will arrive soon. The wave of middle road can cross the tower!"

"No problem!"

The geese all nodded after hearing the speech. One by one, they all showed confidence. In this economy of three or four thousand, we have the self-confidence of five against five over the tower. The general team does not dare.

Not to say much, the struggle in the canyon is not over.

After a while, the geese concentrated in the middle. The enemy doesn't know this and has no vision of the goose.

The enemy will not think that the goose will choose the middle way to cross the tower. This, in itself, is an appalling plan.

Goose four people came here, soldier road Jiangcheng Liubang, ready to go. The goose is positive, only the opportunity of the group. It's difficult to start a group. After all, there are three or four in the middle.

I can't see where Zhu Bajie is, but zhongshefu is absolutely Zhongzhong.

"The opposite person has come to clear the line. There are three in the middle!"

"It's morning sun. You can pull anyone!"

If the enemy is not afraid of the Qing soldiers in the grass who can't wait, the goose will not be polite. Start a group in the front and finish it!

"I opened it and got Taiyi and sun Shangxiang!"

Chen Yang Lu Ban master's big move with flash, forced to pull two people.

But the latter has purification, then a skill to run down the tower.

Geese are in the middle, how can they give the enemy the chance to escape. Even if sun Shangxiang enters the middle road outside the tower, the goose can still go to the tower to kill people. Don't ask why. Asking is killing.

"Sagittarius want to go, Jiangcheng attention to big, more Tower!"


Qingfan said, no hesitation, skills refresh distance displacement straight to sun Shangxiang. His mirror big move has controlled the big young lady for a while, can hit the output to be more.

The enemy is also strange. The skill of Xi Shi was given to master Luban very early.

As for Taiyi's words, flash back, want to give sun Shangxiang big move.

RM team play boar Bajie, also came, want to protect miss, is trying to control the flying thunder mirror. Ma Chao is on his way.

"Taiyi immortal gave a big move, sun Shangxiang immediately resurrected, on the outside edge of the tower!"

"In this position, the shooter will die!"

Lu Feng looked at the map, he did not know the fire dance, it is time to move. Due to the good operation of his teammates, it is unnecessary for him to flash. One skill is to fly. The dragon fire array kicks the young lady and recruits the next head.

"Sun Shangxiang died!"

"Taiyi is dead!"

"Others, can kill, don't be afraid!"

Geese swarmed on this side. After killing the enemy Zhenxiang group, they didn't stop. They ordered the acceleration of Jialuo and kept Zhu Bajie. Geese can kill people if they keep up.

"Dead pig!"

"This Xi Shi can really run!"

It's not true. For many times in a row, the single tool man in the opposite can always escape safely. Geese's main goal is not her. It's easy to understand that she can walk.

"Ma Chao's side comes and goes again..."

"Push the tower in the middle!"

Ma Chao has a gallop. Geese don't have to chase him. The most important thing is to push the tower in the middle.

With this half blood dragon line, if used properly, they can even push down the enemy's two towers in the middle. Lu Feng, that's what he meant.