It's five people together. It's no need to say more about the harm!

"Gongsun Li, the enemy, has found us. She wants to go!"

"Big Joe just gave two skills back to the city, let's move faster!"

"Got it!"

"Rush to, the enemy shoots auxiliary in Big Joe elevator, Big Joe also released big move!"

Looking at the enemy like this, I want to fight back! But the enemy is too confident, right? Does going into the circle mean that he will be able to return to the city? Not necessarily.

Geese here, but there are heroes!

"Gongsun Li's big move has repulsed our double front row!"

"It's no use! There's Nalu

"Gongsun is dying!"

"Big Joe is dead!"

"Two of the enemy were killed in the battle, and no one sent them from Daqiao's big move!"

"Then don't wait, go and take the line separately!"

"OK, no problem!"

Kill two enemies. Geese can do it. Qing fan Na Ke Lulu alone, went to take the line of wave Archer Road, others took, invaded the enemy's blue area.

The reason for this is very simple. The middle line and the soldier's route have been cleared in advance. There are no ancient creatures in the canyon, so they can only invade.

Coincidentally, in the front of the master pit, I met the enemy's turning LAN!

"Oh, this wave can stay!"

"Pig eight commandments big move frame live, fast with output!"

"Lan die!"

With Yu Ji in the front, with Jiang Ziya's reducing double resistance, there is no room for LAN Xiu to operate. In the blink of an eye, the enemy is out of action.

The enemy's buff in the blue zone is in your pocket.

After the confrontation with the enemy, Lu Feng found that the enemy's use of the Daqiao system has not yet reached the perfect level.

For example, the enemy doesn't know how to operate now!

The enemy's weakness is a good turning point for geese. It's hard to say whether it can be done.

If the enemy is killed three times, the middle line will come soon. Next, what the goose wants to do is obvious!

"Middle line, prepare to push!"

"Ying Zheng, the enemy, is big!"

"It's OK to eat hard in the front!"


Geese now have an advantage in the number of people, can be more unscrupulous push tower. On the other hand, the RM team did not dare to defend at all. They were afraid that the geese would drive.

The enemy is far away. Geese protect the soldiers, and then they point the tower.

"Chinese and foreign towers, broken!"

"The second tower is broken!"

"The enemy's hero is resurrected, turn to the soldier's road, and qingfan brings the line!"

“OK! Here we are

Goose this wave of devastation general, continuously pushed down the enemy's two defense towers. It's not over. Turn the line. Geese have to push on.

This is completely feasible.

The reason is very simple, RM team's LAN, may resurrect not so fast.

"The soldier's line has entered the second tower!"

"The enemy's Lian Po is in front of him. He has two skills of Big Joe at his feet. He can't go back to the city in seconds!"

"The second tower is broken!"

"Lianpo has sent back. The front is the enemy's three crisps. I think we can fight!"


Of course, there is no problem in fighting. The question is, how to fight. Without acceleration, how can we reach the enemy?!

Lu Feng has a solution to this problem.

Geese's qingfana kelulu is in the wild monster pit near the highland in the enemy's blue area.

Lu Feng, Jiang Ziya, is ready for a big flash! As long as two people act in a flash, the enemy will explode.

Jiang Ziya's big move has been completed without hesitation!

"I have a big flash!"

“NICE! Big joss blood! Directly hit out the hot dominator of Ying Zheng

"I'll come too, Big Joe is dead!"

The enemy has been paying attention to it, so qingfan's Lulu only hurt her. But then again, even if you meet Ying Zheng, you may not be able to kill him.

After all, Ying Zheng has more shields.

"Nice nice! All right, retreat first

"Got it!"

Kill the enemy's assistance again, which means that before Daqiao resurrected, the whole situation of the king's Canyon was controlled by the goose team.

It may not sound like much, but now the time is crucial!

The enemy's Big Joe can't be revived in a short time. And, twenty minutes now!

Unconsciously, finally came to this point.

"Storm Dragon King is coming! The decisive battle begins

"Our military lines are in good operation. We can go there directly!"

“OK! OK!”

Today's geese are not afraid of anything. The enemy is short of one, and Ying Zheng is clearing his troops on the highland of the soldier's road. In front of him is Zhu Bajie in Jiangcheng, just behind the enemy's red zone buff.

What else can geese take into account with such advantages of vision and location?!

If you have to say that, I'm afraid there is no information about RM's heroes.

"The enemy, Lianpo, is coming from the red zone!"

"Jiangcheng also retreats a little bit. Just don't be driven away. We can't support it."

"But I didn't see the rest of the enemy!"

"Chenyang, go to the grass in longwangkeng near Sagittarius road to find out if there are enemies."

"No problem!"

Here I want to mention that the refresh position of storm Dragon King is the master pit. It is precisely for this reason that the goose searches the grass on the side of Sagittarius road.

Chenyang first to see, Jun Zhao slowly to the other side close.

"Sure enough, there are people in the grass. They are two of the enemy's wild shooters!"

"Come on, come on! Push back the enemy


The enemy's position is a little close to the Dragon King pit. There is a saying that geese do not allow the existence of RM team members. Here, after all, is a threat to the Dragon King.

However, as the Dragon King's health is getting lower and lower, the enemy will not really retreat.

What's more, there is the red zone. The enemy's intention to rob the dragon is on his face.

"The Dragon King still has one third of his blood!"

"The enemy's Ying Zheng is magnified behind the red zone buff!"

"Jiangcheng is in the real face. Can you resist it?"

"Don't worry! Enemy LAN is also here. They have no idea about me. They are exporting Dragon King crazily. If you can get the dragon, don't worry about me! "

"Roger that, Roger that!"

RM team deeply understand that if the Dragon King is lost, it is equal to 90% of the goose turnover. The enemy doesn't want to see this!

In today's situation, the enemy, under the pressure of being pushed by the line in the middle of the road, also has to fight hard.

"The Dragon King has silk blood left!"

"LAN, LAN is coming from the side!"

"Whose is the Dragon King?"

"Mine, mine!"


Qingfan didn't drop the chain this time. His Nalu punished the storm Dragon King. In an instant, the situation reversed. Instead of retreating, the goose pursued the enemy.

Just ask, Dragon King really hurt, what else to be afraid of?!

"Rush, rush, rush!"

"Oh, the enemy didn't get the dragon, but they are still charging?"

"Fight face to face, don't counselle!"

"Lan die!"

In fact, it is very clever for the enemy not to retreat but to advance. If we don't fight, will we be able to leave? It's better not to withdraw, to delay the team-mates.