Half a month passed.

The time has come to the beginning of May of the 11th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty. In previous years, the winter wheat in Nanyang will be harvested in a few days.

But this year, the wheat in the field is sparse, and some are even bare.

Because last summer, almost the whole North has not had a drop of rain this year, and winter is not only longer but also colder than in previous years, and most wheat seedlings freeze to death in winter.

Planting spring wheat, God is not open-minded, and it doesn't rain for half a year. Now there is such a strange weather once in a century. Even winter wheat is affected, and production is reduced in a large area, or even there is no harvest. It's simply not a way to live.

As the heart of the Central Plains, Henan is a province with the largest population and the largest fields in all dynasties. It is also the first choice for drought, locust and flood.

In the past seven years since Chongzhen, Henan has been suffering from severe drought almost every year. In summer, the Yellow River will burst its banks. In addition, locusts and military disasters are rampant again and again. Various rebel armies have repeatedly crossed the border, and the imperial court has continuously sent more Liao sound, which has already covered the Central Plains with sores.

The long and cold winter last year was undoubtedly the last straw to crush the camel.

Millions of people looked at the bare fields and cried in despair. What they were waiting for was not relief food, but taxes that were not reduced but increased. Everyone roared angrily.

At the same time, the five provincial governors and two chief military officers of the Ming Dynasty still stood still in liujiaao.

After the spies sneaked into the county and inquired about the reality, Xiong Wencan's eyes at Zuo Liangyu also changed.

Zuo Liangyu proposed to divide the army. Where is he just trying to kill Qin Ming?

Obviously, he wanted to kill even the governor.

So he resolutely gave up the idea of dividing troops.

Instead, Chen Hongfan, the chief soldier in Xichuan and Neixiang, led his troops into Yun County, attacked Zhushan in the south, and ordered Zhuxi, Baihe and Yunxi counties to guard against thieves.

Obviously, Xiong Wencan has calmed down from his original impatience and treats Qin Huan as a giant bandit like the eight kings, Chuang Wang and Cao Cao.

At the same time.

In the wilderness outside the city of Zhushan County, drums rumble and horns sound constantly.

I saw three huge squares and five small squares, sometimes scattered and sometimes closed, practicing. Each square has a camp flag.


On the high platform, Qin Huan raised his fist and the drum stopped suddenly.

King Qin's face was as black as charcoal when he looked at the more than 10000 troops below.

After a period of basic training, half an hour of battle array coordination drill was added in the afternoon.

Ten thousand people, no less than one thousand people, it is not an ordinary difficulty to have effective command and not become a mob of scattered sand.

Qin Huan was not a militarist before.

The little military common sense in my stomach is learned from TV dramas and novels.

In addition, I have selected several military books from the seized books these days to make up for them.

I think I should be a famous general. After all, Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng just read a few military books and fought a few wars?

At the beginning, I was full of confidence and formulated various detailed orders, accompanied by command flags, horns, drums, suona, etc., which were transmitted, but the reality was slapped in the face again and again.

Because I'm afraid it won't be possible for these gangsters to understand every drum sound, bugle sound and command flag without three or five years.

Therefore, it has been simplified again and again. From the initial hundreds to today's dozens, it seems that we have to continue to reduce.

If Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng knew that Qin Huan had made hundreds of battlefield orders and more than ten means of sending orders, they would have to raise their thumbs and say: you cow!

"That's all for today. Break up and rest!"

Qin Huan waved his hand and felt the pressure was very high. Only ten thousand people came here. They couldn't bear it. It was really inconvenient in the days when there were no walkie talkies and tweeters.

Tens of thousands of people immediately dispersed, and the heroes who watched the excitement also went back to the camp to eat with a smile.

Returning to the study of the county government, Qin Huan decided to use three command methods for the time being.

Gongs, drums and trumpets are used to command the whole army. As for commanding battalions and more complex orders, they are conveyed by heralds. Below the battalion level, they can only be played by commanders and officers at all levels.

Orders are divided into three categories: peacetime, marching and battlefield.

Gongs and war drums are used in the battlefield, and horns are generally used in peacetime and marching.

The gong sounded slowly, and the whole army remained in formation and retreated slowly.

With the rapid sound of gongs, the whole army ran wildly and threw away all heavy things.

Beat the drums to March, the drums sounded slowly, the whole army kept the formation, pushed forward slowly, the drums sounded quickly, and the whole army rushed to kill.

The bugle is more complicated. For example, stop moving forward, move forward, move forward at full speed, assemble, assemble urgently, form an array to meet the enemy, dissolve and rest, eat, go to bed, get up, and use the bugle to convey.

After all, the horn sounds long and changeable. It can be heard hundreds or thousands of times. Even the most stupid person can distinguish it.

After doing this, Qin Huan called in the trumpeters, gongs and drummers, and beat the drums with them for a while.

The experiment began the next day.

This time, the whole army must learn to listen to these orders. All soldiers who carry knives to fight must learn to distinguish. Non combatants only need to learn daily work and rest and marching orders.

After several days of running in, I listened to the bugle every day, ate, slept and rested. From time to time, I came to two emergency gatherings and gatherings, and practiced marching from battalion to battalion. Everyone gathered together to simulate the battlefield rush, and almost could be distinguished.

After all, there are only ten trumpets, some of which are difficult to distinguish. A pig can distinguish the sound of drums and gongs.

In fact, it's very rare for an army to be able to do what Qin Huan made.

Looking at the whole world, it is rare for the Ming army or the Qing army to do this after more than 10000 people.

In terms of battlefield command, soldiers' combat effectiveness and generals' ability, China is really not as good as one generation and one dynasty is not as good as another.

By the end of the Ming Dynasty, they almost didn't know how to fight in the field. They all rushed together.

When Qi Shaobao died, there were few generals who could command more than 100000 troops and horses.

Even Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng and others are all halfway monks, studying military books and practicing them.

Qin Huan believed that if he gave them 100000 troops to line up in the wilderness, they could not play.

Because ordinary soldiers and generals at all levels do not know what to do, it is absolutely impossible to effectively command an army of 100000 people by relying on a commander alone.

Qin Huan didn't know that this simplified command system combined with ancient, modern and modern times was very great at the end of the Ming Dynasty. He still wanted to improve it.

Finally, complex orders still need to be conveyed by the flag. After all, it seems that they were still used in World War II. Existence is reasonable.

So he plans to train a group of young flag language soldiers to form various orders with three Arabic numerals.

At that time, each battalion commander will send two people around him, one responsible for receiving and one responsible for flag language. At the same time, 30 big men will each carry a digital flag.

Teach those junior military officers some common sense questions. A large army of tens of thousands of scale can change all kinds of formations like an arm.

The reason why governor Xiong took up 12 points to deal with King Qin is that he practiced outside the city every day with gongs and drums and trumpets.

More than half of the 10000 people are still wearing uniform clothes. Each one is either carrying a knife and a shield, or holding a fire gun and a long gun. How scary it is.

After all, compared with the soldiers and horses of Marshal Zuo and general Qin, it seems that the more than 10000 people who drill every day outside Zhushan city are more like officers and soldiers, but they are more like bandits in the valley.