the second day.

Sun chuanting did not send troops to settle accounts in all villages and towns. He came to sneak attack Nanyang, not to rob things and kill people, so naturally he would not quarrel with the people nearby.

But as soon as the army pulled out of the stronghold, Xiaocui came to report with the female cavalry. With the confrontation yesterday, Xiaocui didn't take advantage of it today.

The 20000 troops, still a square array of 1000 people, five rows, a total of four rows, advance towards Nanyang in an orderly manner. Although it is slower than the normal March, it is also limited.

I have to say that Lao sun does have two brushes. There are a thousand people. The cavalry are fierce, and he can still eat it after a charge.

But they must pay a lot of casualties, and only affect the 1000 people, and the other 1000 people will immediately take the opportunity to surround them.

Similarly, a thousand people are not too many, and they will not be like snails when maintaining the basic formation.

This makes Xiaocui very angry, but there is no way. The short gun they are equipped with has a limited range and can't ride and shoot, so they can only be flies on the periphery at the end of the day.

Similarly, as yesterday, the female soldiers did not return until the Qin army set up camp, but each one was red.

Obviously, today's main fight is a mouth fight. Male soldiers who can see more sows. Xiaocui, these beautiful female soldiers, are naturally defeated.

He was ravaged countless times by 20000 male soldiers. Sun chuanting naturally didn't care about it, but was happy to see its success.

In this way, Xiaocui brought the female soldiers to report on time every day. Although she was scolded every day, she wanted to rush up and fight with each other, but she had to come the next day.

It was not until the fifth day that sun chuanting finally advanced to Nanyang city with his army. Seeing that the defenders in the city were already ready, Lao sun was not surprised.

There was no encirclement. 20000 troops camped directly outside the North City, and then sent troops to nearby villages and towns to raise food and grass, remove door panels and house beams to build siege equipment. After all, there are no trees near Nanyang.

Compared with the last time, he just wanted the soldiers to have a good meal. This time, Lao sun really wanted to raise food and grass and catch strong men.

Because it has been nearly ten days to the south, the army has only five days of dry food left, which is very dangerous for an army without logistical supplies.

Therefore, sun chuanting did not dare to attack the city until he could raise enough food for the army in January. After all, the sneak attack no longer exists.

Five days is enough for the other party to make full preparations. It can't sneak attack. It can only be a strong attack.

These 20000 people are strong field soldiers carefully trained by him. Naturally, they are reluctant to let them climb the city with ladders at the beginning. At least they have to fill the moat and consume some rolling logs and thunder stones at the head of the city.

Although only three teams were sent this time, each team had a full 3000 people, and Lao sun sent almost half of his troops.

There's no way. Those two thousand female cavalry are really not vegetarian. If there are fewer people, they will suffer a great loss.

Three towns were attacked by officers and soldiers at the same time, which made Xiaocui hesitate. She didn't know whether to divide troops to rescue at the same time or concentrate troops to take the opportunity to hit him all the way.

"Sister Xiaocui, what can I do? Are there any troops or not? Make up your mind! "

A group of female soldiers were anxious when they looked at the officers and soldiers who had gone away. Obviously, they didn't have to think about it. They all knew what they were going to do.

"Without dividing the troops, let's go to rescue Liujia town and inform the other two towns to escape if we can't keep it."

Xiaocui finally gritted her teeth and decided to concentrate her troops to inflict heavy losses all the way, giving these officers and soldiers a powerful look.

Immediately, he took two thousand cavalry soldiers to Liujia Town, which made sun chuanting frown. To tell the truth, he still hoped that these women soldiers would go to the rescue separately.

Soon, the three towns and officers and soldiers became a pot of porridge. Compared with the logistics soldiers, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers was several grades stronger. In addition, there were many people, and the people in the three towns were not opponents at all.

Xiaocui rushed to Liujia town with cavalry. There were shouts of killing and screams outside Liujia town. Three thousand officers and soldiers and thousands of people completely made a pot of porridge.

Originally, Xiaocui could have come earlier, but in this way, she would not be able to hurt the army, so she gritted her teeth and held back.

At this moment, when looking at the people falling to the ground and the people being chased and killed by the officers and soldiers, all the women soldiers were red in the eyes, pulled out their sabers and rushed up one by one.

The formation of the officers and soldiers had already been disturbed by the people. Although the cavalry did not dare to rush indiscriminately, they still lost a lot of money and fled back.

If sun chuanting had not sent troops and horses to meet him in time, it would be possible for the whole army to be destroyed.

After an inventory, he found that only a thousand people had returned. Lao sun was also distressed. He found that he still underestimated the female cavalry.

Fortunately, the other two returned in triumph. They not only robbed a lot of grain and wood door panels, but also arrested more than 2000 young people, which made Lao sun a little comforted.

Seeing the mess of the other two towns, almost half of the people escaped. Xiaocui was also very angry. She dragged the 200 Qin army wounded who had not had time to escape behind her horse's ass and ran back and forth outside the camp.

This scene turned sun chuanting's face blue again, and finally turned into a long sigh.

In fact, he didn't want to embarrass ordinary people, but to attack the city, he had to have wood and young people. In addition, he carried little food, and where did he get these things except the villages around?

If there were still gentry and landlords in the area, he naturally did not have to take such extreme measures, so in the end, he could only beat all these people into Anti thieves in order to comfort himself.

The next day, sun chuanting didn't send anyone to search for wood, grain and young people. Instead, he pushed out hundreds of cannons, facing the left and right sides, and then drove two thousand young people to fill the moat with mud bags.

Xiaocui wanted to gallop under the city wall to save the young people, but she had to give up after seeing the power of the cannon.

Compared with sun chuanting who killed 20000 elite soldiers under Nanyang city and bullied female soldiers and ordinary people, Lu Xiangsheng was bullied by Cao Bianjiao and was going crazy.

As soon as 100000 troops crossed the hilly area and came to the west of Biyang, they were watched by 10000 cavalry of Cao Bianjiao.

As a result, it was difficult to move, so we had to continue south along the edge of the mountain. Less than ten miles a day, 100000 troops almost slept at night without turning an eye.

After all, the more people, the easier it is to herd sheep, not to mention that 100000 people are uneven, so Lu Xiangsheng dare not be careless.

In fact, seeing the posture of the other party's 10000 cavalry, Lu Xiangsheng dared not continue to go west into the plain.

Because once the anti thief pulls out the troops and horses going south and comes to besiege him first, even if it's only a town, they have to destroy the whole army.

When Cao Bianjiao learned about the situation near Nanyang, he was also anxious, but he didn't dare to help.

Because once he returns, Lu Xiangsheng's 100000 troops will immediately enter the plain. At that time, let alone the nearby villages and towns, I'm afraid even the county will suffer.

So he had to keep an eye on sun chuanting's army. While going south, he sent a fast horse to ask Qin Huan for instructions and agreed that he would send 2000 cavalry back for rescue.