Under Xiangyang City, the fierce siege war finally kicked off. Under the bombardment of more than 100 cannons, nearly 40000 cannon fodder troops took turns.

But at the end of the day, tens of thousands of people were killed and injured, and there was still no sign of breaking, which made Qin Huan and all the counselors and generals calm down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the walls of Xiangyang City are tall and strong. Today, artillery has been blasting for a full day, and there is no sign of collapse. Do you have any good strategies to break the enemy?"

In the face of King Qin's questions, all the counselors were silent, but the general scratched his ears.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Qin Huan sighed helplessly. After today's test, he knew that if he wanted to attack Xiangyang City directly, he would have to pay huge casualties. Although he was prepared for it, Xiangyang was more difficult than he imagined.

"King, if you want to break Xiangyang City, you must first destroy the morale of the defenders in the city. The students suggest that you can divide troops to attack Zaoyang or Baokang first, and then take a detour to attack on both sides. At that time, the city will fall into chaos and get twice the result with half the effort!"

After a long time, Li Yan stood up and hugged boxing.

As soon as the voice fell, the red warbler stood up again and said, "Xianggong, I'd like to lead troops to attack Zaoyang."

"Your Majesty, my subordinates are also willing to lead troops to attack Baokang."


For a time, several commanders stood up and asked for war one after another. Even the three generals who had just joined got up to join the fun.

"Baokang is easy to defend but difficult to attack. In that case, Yang Sichang must have been on guard. Although Zaoyang is open around, Lu Xiangsheng must have hoarded heavy troops. It is not the best policy to divide troops to attack."

Qin Huan waved his hand. He didn't want to send troops to the South because it was too dangerous.

Lu Xiangsheng and Yang Sichang are not fuel-efficient lamps. They have rich soldiers and horses. If they are not good, they will be ambushed and surrounded. Once they cross the Han River, the role of cavalry will decline sharply.

The south is no better than the north. Most of them are paddy fields. Coupled with the vertical and horizontal rivers, it is definitely a cavalry nightmare. Mark from the South boat to the north is not just talking about it.

Whether the Mongols or the Qing army swept the south, they did not rely on their own iron cavalry, but on a large number of traitors.

"Mr. Niu, I asked you to send someone to inquire about the Han River waterway. What's the situation?"

"Back to the king, the Ming army scuttled and sank into a large number of ships, blocking this waterway long ago, and only small boats less than ten loads can pass."

"How long will it take to clean up?"

Although he had expected it, Qin Huan still frowned and was angry.

"It must take months!" Niu Jinxing answered honestly.

As soon as they heard it, they knew that it was unrealistic to go south by water. Even if there were more ten load boats, they would also send vegetables.

"Xianggong, why don't we dig tunnels and bury gunpowder? I don't believe that the walls of Xiangyang City can be stronger than Kaifeng City!" Said the red warbler.

The eyes of the other generals were bright.

Li Yan shook his head: "commander Hong doesn't know. The south is no better than the north, not to mention still on the side of the Han River. Let alone dig a tunnel two or three feet deep to bypass the moat. If you dig half a foot, water will come out underground. Therefore, it's impossible to dig a tunnel to bury gunpowder."

"Since this can't be done, that can't be done. Let's make a strong attack. I'll take the first town to attack the city tomorrow. I don't believe I can't attack Xiangyang City."

The red warbler clenched her teeth and said, obviously more urgent than anyone to capture Xiangyang City.

"It seems that we can't do without taking out the killer's mace. In that case, the king will open the eyes of people all over the world and let them see what is the means of the chosen person."

Qin Huan stood up with his hands on his back and decided to use some unconventional means.

"What's your trump card? Why didn't you take it out earlier? " The red warbler asked in surprise.

Others also looked at King Qin with curiosity in their eyes and wanted to know his killer mace.

"Hehe, you just don't get scared."

Qin Huan waved his hand, smiled mysteriously and left the hall, which made everyone itch, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, but the red warbler caught up.

"Xianggong, what's your mace like?"

"Girl, do you believe that people can fly to heaven?" Qin Huan did not answer, but looked at her jokingly.

"Ah! Xianggong, you... How can you talk nonsense... "

The red warbler stared at him with his mouth open for a long time. He was worried about whether he was in a hurry.

Qin Huan did not care about her, but called a large number of craftsmen to get the hot-air balloon out.

After King Qin's careful explanation, the craftsmen began to divide their work and work together.

Hot air balloon is actually very simple. It is nothing more than sewing a huge balloon with tarpaulin and weaving a hanging frame with bamboo.

The only difficulty was that the balloon had to be neat, which was very difficult in ancient times, but it was very simple for Qin Huan, a modern man.

The stupidest way is to make an oval model, divide it into dozens of pieces, enlarge the scale, and finally sew it together.

As for the sealing interface and the required fuel, it can be easily done in this era.

There were many people and great strength. In just three days, a large balloon with a diameter of ten feet was made.

"Your Majesty, can this thing really fly?"

"Mr. Li, the Kongming lamp can fly. Why can't the balloon fly?"

"That said, but..."

"But it's too big, and there are people sitting on it, right?"

Qin Huan stared at Li Yan and other literati, and sighed.

During the Three Kingdoms period, China invented the Kongming lamp, but after more than a thousand years, no one thought that it would be bigger and let people sit on it. This is really incredible.


Li Yan opened his mouth and was speechless. However, he already believed that this thing could really fly to heaven and sit on people.

After all, the living example of Kong Mingdeng was there, and Niu Jinxing and other scholars were lost in meditation. They were no longer like watching jokes when they first came.

Because they are not stupid, they are so small that Kong Mingdeng can fly to heaven. So big ones can certainly do it. Small ones can hold a small stone and big ones can hold a person, so they look forward to it for a time.

The red warbler and other generals had been excited for a long time. Although they were shocking, they believed King Qin's words for a long time.

"Don't be nervous. It'll be fine. You're destined to remain famous forever. You must slow down when you fall and deflate. Don't be in a hurry, you know?"

"Know... Know, king."

Although he has reported his determination to die, a short and thin craftsman in charge of driving is still nervous to death.

"Come on!"

"Yes!" As soon as the craftsman gritted his teeth, he turned over and climbed into the basket, then lit the oil in the big iron basin above his head with a fire fold, and immediately the fire ran away.

Gradually, the withered cloth balloon also slowly swelled up. After half an hour, it floated above the basket.

Qin Huan nodded with satisfaction when he saw that the balloon was at least irregular. In fact, he knew that even if there were some differences, it would have little impact.

"Untie the rope!"

With the order of King Qin, several craftsmen untied the rope fixing the bamboo basket, and saw that the bamboo basket slowly floated off the ground.

Several craftsmen were so frightened that they grabbed the rope and pulled it off again. Others shouted in surprise and stared round.

"Don't be nervous, let it go slowly!"

The craftsman slowly relaxed the rope when he heard the speech, and the hot-air balloon flew higher and higher under the attention of the people. It began to float to the South with the wind direction. The ghost cry of the craftsman could be heard in his ear.

"Ha ha, it's done."

"It's wonderful. It turned out that making Kong Mingdeng bigger can really sit in heaven. Why hasn't anyone tried for thousands of years."

Although a group of scholars were shocked and surprised, they were not frightened. They thought it was a means to startle the world and cry ghosts and gods.