"Come on, what did Luo Ru send you for?"

"Surely this female general is the red lady? I'm polite... "

"Presumptuous, you also called my red sister? Old man, believe it or not, I'll teach you to chop one first? "

The old man tidied up his clothes. As soon as he hugged his fist and saluted, Qin tie jumped up, choked and pulled out his knife, looking like he was going to kill.

The old man was immediately frightened, his face was blank, his legs were soft, and he almost didn't stop. He was calm just now.

"Well, at your age, I don't bother to embarrass you. If Cao Cao wants to surrender, let him come in person, otherwise everything will be free."

The red warbler waved his hand and didn't want to listen to him at all.

"General Hong, the king of Wei and the king of Hua came from the rebel army. In the past, they also fought against the Ming army. Now the king of Hua occupies Nanyang, Xiangyang. Instead of going south to attack Huguang, he goes north to attack the state of Wei. It's not relatives who hurt enemies. Hurry!

If your army is willing to withdraw, my king Wei doesn't want to form an alliance with the king of China. Since then, the two families can advance and retreat together and give you a sum of money and food. Why not? "

The old man calmed his mind and said with a fist again.

In fact, neither Luo Rucai nor Liu Guoneng could figure out why Qin Huan came to fight them all the time?

Because runing's house has no money, no food, no land, and no people's livelihood. It is not comparable to Jingzhou's house, De'an's house and Chengtian's house at all.

The only thing is that Ru Ning's house is next door to Nanyang, but there is Ma'anshan between the two houses, unlike the other three houses.

Moreover, we all belong to the rebel army and can form an alliance. Then the Chinese army can safely go south to capture the whole Hanjiang plain. This is the way of smart people.

"Hum, my king hasn't paid attention to your money and food. He quickly goes back and tells Luo Rucai to surrender quickly, otherwise our army will arrive soon and burn with the time."

The red warbler smiled contemptuously.

"General Hong, the Chinese army is really powerful. I'm afraid it's difficult for our Wei army to resist it alone, but the ox demon king and Chuang Wang have sent a large army to come. At that time, who will win and who will lose is unknown. Therefore, I hope general Hong will think twice. You can talk about whether your army wants money, food or population territory. Why insist on swords and soldiers?"

The old man still doesn't give up. It's the so-called saying that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles, so he wants to find out why the Chinese army came to fight runing house.

After all, the Chinese army now occupies the land of three governments and one state. There is no shortage of money and food, and there is no shortage of soldiers and horses.

"Hum, since the day when our Chinese Army started, we have been inspired to save all the people and restore peace in the world. Then Luo Rucai will make a good people in runing's house, who will not be beaten?"

Naturally, the red warbler would not tell him that they came to rob women, so he slapped the table heavily and said with awe inspiring righteousness. At last, his ears were a little red.

Naturally, the old man didn't believe this kind of nonsense, but I'm afraid he couldn't think of it. Qin Yu didn't fight on the rich Jianghan Plain and came to runing house just to rob his wife and miss, so he wanted to try again.

The red warbler didn't want to listen to him anymore. With a wave of his hand, he was dragged down.

Because she knew that Luo Rucai would never teach all the ladies and girls.

"Wait a minute..."

Li Yan on one side looked at the old man dragged out. After all, he couldn't help shouting.

Obviously, I also think that the Chinese army has some chicken ribs in beating the runing house at this time. Even if it is a diversion, it is too laborious to mobilize the public. The gains outweigh the losses. It is better to form an alliance with them and fight the Jianghan Plain wholeheartedly.

After all, only by laying down the whole Jianghan plain can the Chinese army have the capital to compete for the world. It is enough to have a Nanyang Ruzhou, and more is a burden.

"Mr. Li, I know what you want to say, but this Ru Ning mansion must be hit."

He still respected Li Yan Hongying, but Qin Huan told him, so it was inconvenient to explain to him, so he had to smile bitterly.

After all, this kind of robbing women was disgraceful. The whole army knew the real reason why Qin Huan beat runing house.

In fact, Qin Huan naturally knew that at present, it was the most important to lay down the whole Jianghan Plain, but as the saying goes, it was easier to fight rivers and mountains than to rule the world.

After tasting the role of those big ladies, they have some knowledge of eating marrow, because only by relying on them can he first open the business and banks to the local authorities, and put the land registered residence policy in place. They can also use them to supervise the civil servants. Therefore, the fight against Ru Ning is actually preparing for the next plan to govern the whole Jianghan Plain.

In other people's opinion, the most important thing in this era is soldiers, horses, money and food, but Qin Huan thinks that in his current situation, literate and obedient people are more important.

Because after the wheat harvest in Nanyang in May this year, there will basically be no food shortage. With a large amount of salt, iron and grain, more treasure bills can be sold, so there is no shortage of money.

As long as there is money and food, plus mines and Arsenal, there are as many soldiers and horses as there are, but it is difficult to find people who are literate and obedient.

Seeing what she said, Li Yan knew that it was mostly Qin Huan's meaning. He sighed and didn't say anything, but he still couldn't understand it.

After the old man returned to Ruyang, Luo Rucai and the leaders also completely died. They were angry and planned to work hard at the same time.

The next day, Hong Ying and his army launched a siege on Xiping County. Cao Bianjiao also took 8000 cavalry to the northeast to stop Niu Er's 100000 army.

For a long time, the small leader left behind in Xiping County abandoned the city and fled with people. He didn't dare to stick to the city at all.

"These guys are really damn. They made a good county like this."

After entering the city, the red warbler looked at the devastated county. Except for hundreds of old and weak, she left nothing. She also hated her teeth.

"Alas, in troubled times since ancient times, the people in the Central Plains have suffered the most!"

Li Yan also sighed with a long sigh as he looked at hundreds of skinny old and weak people with godless eyes.

There are only so many people left in such a big Xiping County. What's the difference between ten rooms and nine empty rooms?

Along the way, they didn't see any people, all barren land and dilapidated villages and towns.

Hongying is also silent. When she was performing in Xiping County, she also passed by, but a large county with tens of thousands of people is now dilapidated, which can't even compare with a village in Nanyang.

Although I know that most people have been coerced to Ruyang City, the scene like a ghost city is still creepy.

"Xiping County will be left to you. I'll leave a brigade to assist you and be responsible for maintaining order."

Without much delay, the red warbler explained to the two civil servants and continued to move towards Shangcai County with the army.

This time, more than 100 civil servants came with the army, half of them from the Government Council and half from the court. Although there are only a few hundred old and weak people, the two civil servants are still full of energy.

The county magistrate immediately counted them, compiled household records, and then asked them to choose Wu Chang and village head, and then distributed the nearby land to them according to five mu for men, three mu for women and two mu for the old and the weak.

The judge publicized the relevant civil law and criminal law to the people with the code, and a large number of agricultural tools, livestock and grain were continuously transported.