Since Qian Qianyi was executed by lingchi, Zhou yanru, who is highly respected, has become a leader of obedient officials and scholars in Jiangnan in the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, he was appointed by Qin Huan as the censor of Zuo Du of the inspector's Academy, which made the people and local squires unite closely with him.

And other officials also got the title of censor of the inspector's Academy.

But in addition to a yamen gate, the inspector's courtyard of the Qin Dynasty received a fixed salary every month. Hundreds of people could only drink tea and chat in the inspector's courtyard all day to kill time.

This makes Donglin gentlemen who think they are talented. How can they be willing to bury their talents like this?

The key is that they can't even give full play to the most basic rights of the censor. These days, they have also tried to impeach many officials of the court and the Government Council.

But when he handed them to the palace, all of them were drowned in the sea. He wanted to enter the palace as a face player. Yes, he was told that his Majesty was not in.

It was not easy to look forward to the great court meeting on the 15th and want to show it. As a result, the two queens, big and small, presided over the court meeting, which made everyone feel like they had no place to punch on cotton.

The depression is not enough for outsiders.

What's more depressing is that at every court meeting, they find that they can't understand the things reported by the Government Council and the court to the two queens.

If you want to jump out to interrupt and impeach officials, you will often be thrown out of the hall directly, which makes you extremely embarrassed. This makes people who want to perform in front of the new emperor very disappointed.

But disappointment turned to disappointment, but no one was willing to resign and retire. They even killed one by one in a sedan chair early in the morning. They didn't return home until the sun went down.

I don't know how diligent and busy these officials are. In fact, they are about to get sick.

Inspector's house.

In the largest room, more than a dozen imperial censors with the highest grade were in a bad mood, including Zhou yanru, the imperial censor of Zuo Du in the main position.

"Mr. Zhou, what can Qian bin do? A mere scholar is just a bit of luck. "

"Yes, this person is not worthy of morality and low ability. From the following officials, who is qualified to serve as the premier of the Government Council except Mr. Zhou?"

"It's a pity that your majesty doesn't know the wisdom of people and allows rotten wood to occupy the temple..."

"Speak carefully, speak carefully!"

"Hey, although Qian bin is younger, he still has some ability. It is said that the tax revenue of the Ministry of household this month may reach tens of millions of Liang."

Zhou yanru quickly waved his hand, picked up the tea cup and took a sip gently, but anyone could hear the strong sour taste in his words, but he was greedy and didn't show it under his majesty. What can he do?


When they heard that tens of thousands of taels of silver were tax revenue, their eyes brightened, and then they sighed again, because no matter how much money there was, it was none of their business to supervise the court.

"Well, it's getting late. There's nothing to do anyway. We'd better go back early."

All day long, Zhou yanru was also a little depressed, so he waved his hand.

Everyone got up and left. Anyway, no matter how diligent they were, no one knew. They might as well go back early and go to the Bank of the Qinhuai River.

After a while, the two royal princes returned. Zhou yanru was not as listless as he was just now. Instead, he sat up straight and asked, "how about it?"

Both shook their heads, and one of them said helplessly, "Qian bin was unmoved by whether we invited us in person or let those rich businessmen come forward. He neither went to the banquet nor received any money and members."

"Where's the woman?"

Zhou yanru frowned and asked again.

They still shook their heads.

"That's unreasonable. Isn't Qian bin a saint?"

Zhou yanru was also angry, and his beard turned up.

Originally, he thought that with his influence in Jiangnan, it would be easy to get Qian bin, a scholar who didn't know how to be an official.

Who ever thought that guy would stay at home every day except in the Government Affairs Council, and he didn't step out of the gate.

Not only didn't accept anyone's gift, but also declined anyone's invitation. Qinhuai River had never been there once. Let alone let him catch the handle of impeachment, he just wanted to arrange. He didn't know where to start. After all, there must be a reason for everything.

"Where are the ministers and chamberlains of each department?" Zhou yanru found that the previous one didn't work in the Qin Dynasty. But at the same time, he thought and asked.

"The ministers of the ministries are almost the same. They don't accept gifts or go to dinner. It's those low-level officials who occasionally run secretly to the Qinhuai River."

It was Zhang Pu, the elder of the Fu society, who spoke. When Yiwang boarded the plane, he jumped up and down, waved the flag and shouted. With the recommendation of Zhou yanru, he even sat on the waiter of the Ministry of rites and became the imperial censor of zhengsanpin after returning to the Qin Dynasty.

"Some low-level officials can't play much role."

Zhou yanru shook his head again in disappointment. If there was a problem with the Minister of justice, he could impeach a lax official. No matter how low an official went wrong, his Majesty's trust in Qian bin would probably only reprimand him.

"Mr. Zhou, now that the new dynasty has just been established, it must be that Qian bin and the ministers in charge of the ministries also know that countless people are staring at their positions, so they are so cautious. They will relax their carelessness in two or three years. By then..."

"Too long."

Zhou yanru waved his hand, not to mention two or three years. Since he learned about the power of the Government Council and the status of the premier, he wanted to take that position immediately.

Zhang Pu and the other man were also silent. They were also greedy for the positions of the Minister of officials and the Minister of household. They didn't want to sit on the bench for two or three years.

Zhang Pu thought about it, took a step forward, gritted his teeth and whispered, "old Zhou, the lower official actually has a desperate plan. I'm sure he can get Qian bin down, but it's too dangerous."


Zhou yanru's eyes lit up and looked at him with some hesitation.

Zhang Pu immediately came to his ear and whispered, "it is said that Qian bin had to enter the palace almost every day these days. He stayed two or three hours yesterday before coming out. It is said that several empresses often disguised themselves to visit Xuanwu Lake."

"No, no, it's about the royal face. If you don't follow your Majesty's temper, you will definitely be angry. You can't do anything if there are corpses everywhere."

Zhou yanru was old and treacherous. He immediately understood his plan. His face changed greatly and his head shook like a rattle. This kind of thing is not for fun.

"Mr. Zhou doesn't have to worry. It doesn't have to be known to everyone. In fact, he just needs to let his majesty know. In this way, his majesty will certainly choose to deal with it privately. But anyway, even if Qian bin doesn't die, he can't continue to serve as Prime Minister. It's the so-called saying that he would rather believe it than not. I believe that any emperor will not tolerate it."

Zhang Pu coaxed.

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhou yanru changed his face for a few times, and finally clenched his teeth and said, "I intend to resign tomorrow and retire to my hometown, but if I have the opportunity to take charge of the Government Council in the future, I will recommend QianDu as the Minister of the Ministry of officials."

Obviously, Zhou yanru planned to go back to his hometown to avoid suspicion. He didn't even ask Zhang Pu how to operate.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

Although Zhang Pu secretly scolded the old fox for being cunning and wanted to sit at home and enjoy his success, he was still excited.

No way. If he wants to run the Government Affairs Council in the future, he must now rely on Zhou yanru's reputation.

In fact, the Inspectorate is also divided into two factions. One is the Donglin Party headed by Zhou yanru, aiming at the Government Affairs Council.

On the other hand, the castration party dominated by Ma Shiying aimed at the court, so the next day, Zhou yanru, the governor of Zuo Du, wrote to resign, which still caused quite a stir.

Zhang Yan didn't ignore the memorial this time. After all, Zhou yanru had a great influence on the scholars in Jiangnan, so she immediately sent someone to report it to Qin Huan.

At this time, Qin Yu was busy designing two small warships with the craftsmen. He agreed to Zhou yanru's resignation without thinking about it.

It's a rogue to keep these people. I'd like them to take the initiative to go away. There's no reason not to agree.

Three days later, Zhang Yan looked at the document in her hand. Qin Huan only answered two words. Go away and smile bitterly.