The reason why Qin Huan reorganized the ducha was not only to improve the status of businessmen and give businessmen a little self-protection ability, but also to let the ducha take the heavy responsibility of supervising the imperial court and local officials in the future.

When conditions permit in the future, the ducha will not only be played by businessmen, but all walks of life will participate in it. At that time, the right of the censor will not be the same.

In addition to ten fixed places for businessmen and ten places for examination, others are elected by the people. Anyone can run as long as he can read.

But now, he can only put up the shelf of the Metropolitan Police house first, and it is also impossible to give too much power to those imperial censors, but it is unrealistic not to give any power.

First of all, the censor can directly write to the emperor to impeach officials. A third-class censor alone can impeach officials below the seventh grade. From the seventh grade to the sixth grade, five censors are required, and from the fourth grade to the fifth grade, ten are required.

Four grade or above is not impeachable by the third grade censor, but requires the second grade censor to impeach. A single person can impeach officials below the third grade, and five people jointly can impeach second grade officials.

As for the first-class officials, they will not accept impeachment for the time being, and the officers will not accept impeachment for the time being. The imperial historians shall not impeach in other places or beyond their ranks.

As long as a censor initiates impeachment, whether alone or jointly, the supervision office must send personnel to investigate and be supervised by the censor peers of the general court.

No matter what the investigation result is, it must be announced. If the impeachment is true, the official shall be handed over to the court for judgment. If it is not true, the censor who initiated the impeachment shall be dismissed and shall not serve as the censor for five years.

Qin Huan also made great efforts to study the relevant systems and rules of the ducha Academy for a long time, and the effect is really good.

After all the merchants understood it, they cheered, because everything else was forgotten. Just writing to your majesty directly was a great guarantee.

In the past, the sky was high and the emperor was far away. If there were no children or classmates, friends and mentors in the officialdom at home, there was really no resistance to those officials. In a word, if you copy your home, you will copy your home.

Now, when those officials are blackmailing, they should carefully consider whether they will secretly write to his majesty for impeachment.

It doesn't matter if your majesty won't see it in person. As long as someone in the capital comes to investigate, even if no one comes to investigate, it is also a great deterrent.

Because those officials can't guarantee that your majesty will read the impeachment memorials. Moreover, your majesty has personally stipulated that as long as you receive a letter of impeachment, you will definitely send someone to investigate, and there is still a time limit.

The ten fixed places were even more amazing to them, and the 40 examination places also gave some small businesses hope.

Only Qian bin and all the officials of the Government Affairs Council are suffering one by one. A while ago, they set up a supervision office, and now they have changed the ducha into this. We all know that it will be more and more difficult to be an official in the future.

In the past, the censors of the ducha court could also listen to the wind and impeach all officials, but they were mainly concentrated in the court hall, and they were also civil servants. Now these censors are not a system with them.

Let alone the investigation and disposal, there is no matter of the Government Council. I'm afraid I won't know whether I have been impeached in advance. This kind of invisible knife hanging on my head all the time is too uncomfortable and has a greater deterrent.

"Your Majesty, do the judges of our court also have to accept the censor's impeachment?" Wang can asks carefully. The judges behind him are also staring at Qin Huan nervously.

"Isn't the judge a judge? Wouldn't it be corruption, bribery and malpractice for personal gain? However, due to the unique status of judges, the court can send judges to supervise the investigation team. "

Qin Huan glanced at him, thought and added.

Although Wang can is a little disappointed, he has the right to supervise at least. He won't let the East Hall mess, so he doesn't say anything. Qian Bin's eyes brighten.

"Your Majesty, can our government affairs council also send officials to supervise?"

"The Government Council can't. what if you inform local officials in advance and destroy the evidence?"

Qin Huan resolutely waved his hand and refused. Civil servants are no better than judges. Judges practice favoritism. There are files to check, but civil servants are different. They must not receive any information in advance. They must go to investigate secretly and catch them off guard.

Qian bin opened his mouth and dared not speak any more.

"Well, this supervision office is not the factory guard of the Ming Dynasty. You don't have to be so alarmed. Besides, you're not afraid of crooked shadows. As long as you don't have ghosts in your heart, why are you afraid of investigation? The energy of the government affairs council should now focus on the establishment of banks, the re planning of administrative regions, the establishment of municipal shipping departments, the collection of tariffs, and the renovation of official roads and docks, rather than tangle with the inspector's court here. "

Qin Huan waved his hand and scolded angrily.

He had given instructions to divide Huguang and nanzhili into two. He had jurisdiction over eight provinces in Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, huaidong and Huaixi, plus an independent state in Shanghai. However, there were still many unreasonable places in the division of state capitals, which needed to be adjusted. Qin Huan could no longer give instructions, but the government council had to do it by itself.

"Your Majesty even talked about the adjustment of the administrative region. There is one thing that needs to be reported to your majesty. That is, the capital of Hunan is set in Changsha, which is unanimously agreed by ministers and colleagues. However, there is a huge dispute over the capital of Huaixi province. Some think it should be set in Anqing, some think it should be set in Fengyang, others think it should be set in Luzhou, and Wei minister hesitated for a moment, Your majesty, please make a decision. "

"This... I'd better set it in Luzhou." Qin Huan didn't expect that there would be disputes about it, so he hesitated and said.

Luzhou, that is, Hefei in previous generations, is naturally the first choice in terms of economic development. However, the ancient transportation was inconvenient. Therefore, from the administrative point of view, Luzhou, which is located in the center, should be more suitable.

"Your Majesty, one more thing is about the city shipping department..."

"Well, I'm going to bother you with this little thing. What do you want your Government Council to do? If there are no other major events, just step down! "

Qin Huan saw that he was endless. He waved impatiently. He could not say more clearly about the city ship department. He also had rich experience to learn from. What else could not be solved?

When Qian bin and Wang can see this, they both quickly leave with their men.

Not to mention Qin Huan's impatience, Zhang Yan, who was waiting outside to give birth to the emperor's son, had already complained about these civil servants. In the middle of the night, she was still talking loudly in the imperial study. I don't know where they got such good spirit.

In fact, we can't blame Qian bin and Wang can, but the establishment of the supervision office has made both of them cautious. In addition, many of the new policies and laws are unprecedented, which makes them really have no bottom in their hearts. They are afraid of making mistakes. This is why they report everything for instructions and can't let go as before.