The Yellow River Ferry in the northwest of Kaifeng has not been quiet for a whole day. Instead, it has become more and more chaotic and out of control.

At the end of the day, only 20000 people and horses crossed the river, and thousands of people and horses were squeezed into the water.

The reason why it is so slow is that dorgun is too selfish and Mongolian tribes are used to fighting their own wars.

In the morning, dorgun just let all the eight flag warriors cross the river first and stay to maintain order.

But when the detective horse kept transmitting the situation from the southeast to the west, in the afternoon, dorgun could no longer command at ease.

After hastily handing over the command to Wu Keshan, the most powerful leader of Horqin tribe, he sneaked away with hundreds of eight flag warriors.

It is called to go to the other side of the river to organize people and horses to build a floating bridge.

Since Tumet and Chahar were crippled by Houjin, Horqin tribe has become the largest tribe in Monan Mongolia. In addition, it is the first to form an alliance with Houjin and marry for a long time. The relationship between the two sides is the closest and plays an important role in the eight banners.

This time, there were 20000 Mongolian cavalry in Horqin. Although Wu Keshan was Huang Taiji's uncle, he was far less powerful than dorgun. In addition, he was selfish than dorgun. He forced the warriors of Horqin to take the lead on the bridge, which immediately angered other tribes. If it were not for the cavalry of the Qin army, they would always be eyeing each other and facing each other with absolute swords.

When the sun sets gradually, the scene will get out of control, and the other party's cavalry will kill at any time. In addition, most people in Horqin have crossed the river. Where is Wu Keshan willing to stay on the south bank?

He didn't dare to tell the tribal leaders. He secretly took the warriors and set foot on the floating bridge, but only half way, more than a dozen boats rushed up the river, which immediately frightened the people and horses on the bridge.

It is obvious that the Ministry of Qin has completed the final operation and completely closed the encirclement circle. Qin Yu is ready to burn the bridge.

"Come on! Shoot arrows and stop them... "

Whew, whew

Although they didn't know what the boats wanted to do, the Mongolian Tartars on the bridge knew that it was definitely not a good thing, so they bent their bows and arrows.

Although the arrows fell on the boat like raindrops, more than a dozen boats still crashed into it quickly. A fire broke out more than ten meters away, and the sailors on board jumped into the water and disappeared.


In less than a moment, the floating bridge hundreds of meters long ignited more than a dozen fires, and the nearby Tartars and war horses fell into the river one after another, struggling, but more of them were in a mess and at a loss.

The Tartars who had not crossed the river on the south bank were all silly. They looked at the burned pontoon and the fallen horses and people like dumplings. Their faces were dead ash and their eyes were full of despair.


Dorgun on the north bank was also gnashing his teeth with anger. He saw that tens of thousands of people were trapped on the south bank and almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

The more than 20000 cavalry crossing the river were secretly happy, but at the same time, they all gave birth to a sense of rabbit death and fox sorrow.

"Come on, warriors, get on the horse..."

"All rush out and don't stay by the river anymore."

"Follow me. Only when you rush out can you live."

After the leaders on the south bank reacted from their panic just now, they called the warriors of their tribe on their horses, wanted to fight out along the beach and leave here. Now they are afraid of each other's cavalry rushing up.

However, the 20000 cavalry of the Qin army not only did not take the opportunity to rush up and kill wildly, but retreated to the south.

There are more than 60000 Mongolian cavalry left on the south bank, and the remaining 10000 are all Han soldiers who can ride horses, and most of the people crossing the river are Horqin people and real eight banners.

More than 70000 people on the south bank did not go in one direction. Some swam down the river bank and killed, while others killed upstream.

More than 10000 Han soldiers rode to the South and obviously planned to surrender. Although the water level of Huanghe River was very low, no one wanted to swim directly.

Not to mention the Mongols, even more than 10000 Han soldiers are dry ducks, and no one knows the water.

Both the Mongolian cavalry fleeing downstream and upstream just ran out for more than ten miles and ran into the waiting Qin army.

Teams of soldiers with long swords stood in front, then sword and shield soldiers, and finally archers. In some places, Musketeers stood in front.

"Dad, what should I do? Why don't you spell it? "

Looking at the dense Qin army, especially the glittering spearhead in the hot sun, the tartar cavalry had to stop the war horse. The son of a tribal leader gritted his teeth at his father.

"Don't rush, go, change a place."

The old tartar obviously had to calm down. He knew that rushing up like this was not much different from dying. As soon as he pulled his horse's head, he killed in the southwest, and the cavalry behind him kept up.

In this way, tens of thousands of cavalry ran forward along the encirclement of the Qin army, trying to find a breakthrough.

Until they met more than 10000 Han soldiers who surrendered and were rejected in the southernmost part, all of them completely gave up and knew that they had no way to go except the Yellow River in the north.

For more than half an hour, the encirclement was compressed again, and Qin Huan's team became more and more dense.

The southernmost Qin army is only 20 li away from the river, and only 15 li away from the left and right. This has almost no room for tactical maneuver for the surrounded 700000 troops, especially cavalry.

The key is that the Qin army is still advancing. At this speed, I'm afraid that the 700000 cavalry surrounded before dark will completely lose their ability to charge. At that time, they will really become lambs to be slaughtered, and even have no chance to work hard.

That's why Qin Yucai resolutely refused the more than 10000 horseback soldiers who came to surrender. He didn't accept it, but he didn't have time to accept it, and he won't. now he takes a special risk for the 10000 people.

The leaders of Mongolia are not fools. They know that they can't delay any more, otherwise they really don't have a chance to break through. Therefore, they all burst out fierce and decided to fight to the death.

"Warriors, we have no way back. We don't want to be killed by the Han people. Those who want to go back alive will be killed with me!"



The ferocity of the grassland people was finally aroused between despair and survival. Under the leadership of a famous man, Cui frantically moved his horse and rushed to the front of the Qin army.

For a time, the rumbling sound of horses' hoofs and shouts of killing rang through both sides of the Yellow River, and the earth seemed to be shaking violently.

In the face of this galloping trend, countless Qin soldiers' legs trembled and their hands holding weapons could not stop shaking. The front long soldiers clenched their teeth and closed their eyes. They silently thought that the cavalry was a paper tiger and a lamb to be slaughtered in the face of the infantry battle array.

Qin Huan may be the only one who can be indifferent and expressionless when facing the three hundred thousand Qin troops.

Even Li Dingguo was shocked by the death struggle of tens of thousands of cavalry. He wondered why Qin Huan didn't surrender?

Naturally, he didn't know that Qin Huan didn't surrender now because he wanted these Tartars to surrender completely in the future. He had to carry their charge.

Similarly, if the 300000 army wants to become a division of all wars, it must also carry the deadly charge of these tartar cavalry on the front.