In the following days, Qin Huan took charge of Wuchang and personally directed the new deal reform.

If the previous policy was just a little shocking, this time is undoubtedly earth shaking.

The first is to make it clear that all people except the emperor are equal citizens without distinction between high and low. This is absolutely to completely subvert the concept of feudal system for more than 2000 years.

Another is that all people over the age of six and under the age of 14 must study, even those of landlord officials. It also subverts the concept that knowledge and truth have only been in the hands of a few people for 2000 years.

The third is that a family can only own 100 mu of land at most, and all the rest should be sold to the imperial court. This is absolutely to break the roots of all gentry and landlords.

As the emperor's books spread to all parts of Hubei, all the gentry and landlords were boiling for a while.

If such a policy is really implemented, it can be predicted that the gentry class will completely disappear in the future.

In the past, the gentry everywhere compromised because although Qin Huan hurt their muscles and bones, they still had a chance to turn over in the future.

But now it's the day they'll never turn over, so there's nothing to do? However, they dared not resist so openly. For a moment, they had to contact each other and prepare to unite all the gentry and landlords in the world to petition Qin Huan after the news spread all over the world.

There are three such things as registered residence system, marriage law, etc., which are not what they are.

Although the book says that it is only implemented in Hubei, everyone knows that after Hubei is finished, it will be the world's turn. Therefore, when the news spread to all provinces, it was an uproar.

Especially in several provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, although the big landlords and officials have been eradicated, half of the land is still in the hands of gentry and landlords.

According to the new land system, they had to hand over at least half of the land, so all the landlords and gentry went to Nanjing to prepare a petition.

Because they really have no other means except petition to incite the people to make trouble. The people are cheering now. Where will they listen to them?

Buying local ruffians and hooligans, bandits and mountain bandits to make trouble, but these people are almost extinct.

Of course, there are a lot of servants and caretakers in their families, but after reading the book making, most of these people will no longer work hard, because no one wants their son to be a slave in the future.

The landlord and gentry would have such a response. Qin Huan had expected it and was fully prepared.

If other emperors, even the first emperor, faced the resistance of all the elite in the world, they probably would not dare to do such a thing.

But Qin Huan was different. He didn't rely on the world's elite. Now millions of strong troops are in hand, ordinary people return to their hearts, and more than 200000 women obey their orders.

Not only do they firmly control the military power and people's hearts everywhere, commercial banks are everywhere, salt and grain are in their hands, and Yuanbao paper money has completely replaced gold, silver and copper money. It can be said that they have a deep control over the world, which is not comparable to the founding Kings of all dynasties.

Moreover, if Qin Huan wanted, he could let the interior government replace the Government Council, and the shopkeepers of commercial banks around the country replace the county magistrates and judges, so as to maintain the basic social order in the southern provinces. Therefore, he was not afraid of the rebellion of the gentry and landlords.

Because all their means can not threaten their rule, and they can eradicate them all as long as they give an order.

This is exactly why Qin Huan dared to subvert the feudal society of more than 2000 years and establish his civilized legal society.

Qin Huan ignored the petitions of gentry and landlords in Jiangnan. He just asked Zhang Yan and Qian bin to deal with them. Instead, he focused on Hubei.

Petitions can be made and mothers can be scolded, but they can't be damaged or violate the Qin law. Otherwise, they will be dealt with in accordance with the Qin law. They should copy their homes, go to jail and exile.

In front of the Qin law, there is no law that is not responsible for the public. If 100000 people break the law, 100000 people will be disposed of, millions of people will break the law, and millions of people will be disposed of.

The gentry and landlords in the North dare not petition like the landlords and landlords in the south of the Yangtze River. Although they are equally anxious, they can only choose to watch the changes and watch the performances of the gentry and landlords in the south.

If the gentry and landlords in the South could not resist in the end, it would be even more impossible for them. If the gentry and landlords in the South finally forced Qin Huan to give in, they could enjoy their success.

After all, this kind of thing, as long as not fools can see, either not implemented, or implemented throughout the country, so almost everyone's eyes are fixed on Hubei.

The gentry and landlords in Hubei obviously had no way back. Until then, they found that they had no means to resist.

There was no way to reason with Qin Huan except going to Wuchang together. However, Qin Huan, who used to like reasoning very much, was not reasonable this time.

The first book was only issued for half a month, and the second book arrived in all counties again.

That is, before the new year's Eve, all the landlords' private land, if not sold to the government, will be filled with ownerless land as official land.

All people must take their families and go to the government or township to handle the household register. If they exceed the time limit, they will be exiled overseas as refugees.

After the beginning of the new year next year, the imperial court will check door to door. None of them will want to run away.

As the earliest root base in Hubei, there was a wife and a servant girl in each township. Therefore, Qin Huan only sent a female envoy to each county, carrying a large number of household registration books and new land contract certificates printed in advance, to open accounts for the people, issue new land certificates, and carry out education next year.

Ordinary people are naturally the first to respond. As soon as the special envoys of each county arrive, they go to the town one by one.

For a time, there were people who got married and separated from their families all over Hubei, but no one was willing to marry their daughter at this time, because one more strong labor force could share more public fields. As for more than ten mu, the extra tax had to be paid, and no one cared about that little silver at all.

So it's almost a marriage change, that is, I will marry my daughter to your son, you will marry your daughter to my son, and then divide the family. After all, although the tax paid is small, what's better not to pay?

Unfortunately, their calculations will eventually fail.

Because the new marriage law stipulates that only men and women over the age of 14 are eligible to rent public land. Only women of 18 and men of 20 can get married. Those who do not reach the age can not open an account alone even if they become relatives.

Although the wives of the villages and towns have made this clear for a long time, the people of the villages still report their age indiscriminately with a fluke mentality.

Some teenagers who seem to be twelve or thirteen years old have said twenty, and little girls who are eleven or twelve years old have said eighteen.

But they didn't know that everyone's name and age were kept on file with the mayor's wife. It couldn't be fake at all, because all the population had been counted a few years ago.

The enthusiasm of ordinary people made the gentry and landlords in Hubei even more flustered. As some servants began to secretly abduct servant girls to open accounts and start a family and prepare to divide the fields, the situation was out of control, and the whole Hubei was in chaos.

All the gentry and landlords looked pale, but they had to start to separate their families and choose the best farmland under their name. Although they also wanted to cheat, after all, they had many sons, but when they counted the population, everyone didn't expect this scene today, so they told the truth.

After all, the ancients believed in honesty. In their opinion, there would be no real loss if they reported their age, so no one would lie.