The reason why these landlords and gentry are willing to let their daughters teach is that there is no way and the general trend.

Because even if they didn't let his daughter teach, Qin Huan would cultivate those mud legged daughters by himself. It's better for their daughters to teach.

In this way, we can not only win prestige, but also obtain an official position for our daughter. We can rely on both size and size, and prevent those mud legs from turning over. After all, those women gentlemen are under the management of the interior government.

Second, they have not been released from the cabinet after all. In addition, the professors are all children. If they are only one or two special cases, they will be gossip. However, once there are more, it will be harmless. As long as their wives and concubines are not allowed to appear in public, it is acceptable.

So I agreed without hesitation and even volunteered to increase my voice and reputation in my hometown.

Suffer a big rise head and shoulders above others this time, has been because they are not listening to them. If students are everywhere in their hometown, and even has the final say, they will be officials in different places.

It's just a different form than now.

Qin Huan didn't know that they were playing this kind of calculation. In order to make them hand over their daughter obediently, he didn't refuse or promise on the spot. He just ambiguous said that he would look at it in the future. Maybe he would be assessed at that time. If he wanted to be a gentleman, he could study some relevant books first.

Although the gentry were disappointed, they did not dare to entangle too much. As for the assessment of them, they were not afraid at all. Most of their time and energy were spent on reading and examination. Are they afraid to learn more?

Compared with the four books and five classics, the things Qin Huan wanted to teach were too simple. Basically, he only had to read them several times without thinking and copying them himself. In the past, he just disdained to learn them.

So the people said one after another that they would let their daughter report to the Yamen after they went back, and then they left.

Not long after they left, the conversation in the Fengtian hall spread, and everyone knew it for a time.

The fact that his majesty can be exempted from poll tax and the promise of exemption from private land tax within ten years undoubtedly proves that this petition is worth it.

Finally, they forced his majesty to step back, so they straightened up and began to pack the large and small restaurants in the city to celebrate.

But the officials of the Government Council fried the pot, and Qian bin killed the palace as soon as he received the news.

In the imperial study.

"Your Majesty, the poll tax is absolutely unavoidable!"

"Oh, Qian Aiqing, does the poll tax account for a large proportion?" Qin Huan didn't expect him to be so excited.

The reason why the poll tax is exempted is that it is not easy to collect. It is unrealistic to rely on the gentry. It gives too much power to the tax collection Yamen and is prone to corruption. In addition, it is not much. Now the imperial court and the royal family are not short of money, so it is simply exempted,

After all, the poll tax, in other words, is the tax on the rich, which can be used to balance the gap between the rich and the poor. It can be replaced by other ways. For example, the price of refined salt and the price rise of perfumed soap are all necessities for the rich.

"Your Majesty, from January to last month of this year, excluding the agricultural tax, the tax department has collected a total of more than 50 million liang of tax, including 82 million liang of tariff, 31 million liang of commercial tax and 11 million liang of poll tax, accounting for almost 20%. After your majesty's new deal is launched, the agricultural tax must be greatly reduced, so the poll tax can't be avoided!"

Qian bin pinched his fingers and said, with an anxious face. Now the expenses of the Government Affairs Council are as big as a bottomless pit, so he can't help but worry.

"Eleven million taels? Have all the big families changed their temper and handed them over honestly according to the number of slaves in their families? "

Qin Huan was also surprised and asked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, who dares to cheat on the poll tax and pay less or not?" Qian Bin said with a bitter smile.

Qin Huan immediately understood that he was afraid of being killed by him. After all, he killed so many big families and copied so many families last time. Most of them were based on the excuse of paying less poll tax.

Thinking of this, although there was some pain, he still waved his hand and said: "the loophole of the poll tax is too big after all. Now although no one dares to fake again, it will return to its original state over time, so it's better to avoid it!"

"Yes, your majesty!" Qian bin also knew that it was impossible for Qin Huan to recover.

So I'm in a hurry. I just want to remind your majesty whether such a major event can be reported to the Government Council with the prophet in the future.

Of course, he would never dare to say such words openly.

"Since you are here today, you can simply report this year's fiscal revenue and expenditure, as well as the situation of the central bank!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

Qian Bin took out a booklet from his sleeve and began to report.

Although November and December are not counted, but only ten months, the total tax revenue of the Government Affairs Council this year has also reached $102 million. This is still not included in the income from family copying, otherwise it must be at least $300 million or $400 million.

But the expenditure is also huge, reaching a terrible 150 million Liang, of which war consumption alone accounts for half, not counting the pensions and rewards of the dead and meritorious soldiers.

Because the reward is in the charge of the interior government, the pension is in the charge of the Government Council, and now the war is not over, so the pension statistics can not be carried out until next year.

Due to its short establishment time and lack of professionals, the central bank has set up a branch in each province, but it has the right to print and cast silver.

Up to now, the total denomination of banknotes printed by the Royal Bank of China has reached 355 million, of which more than half are in circulation, and the ingots cast have also reached 100 million.

According to the statistics of last month, there were about 30 million taels of silver in various banks, and more than 70 million taels of silver were in circulation. As for the silver that can be cast into ingots in the future, the banks have accumulated about 200 million taels. It can be said that the central bank has at least 60% of the silver in the whole world, so it is not bad at all.

The reason for this is that the wealth was originally concentrated in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The last large-scale home raiding was one reason, and the other is that treasure money has completely replaced copper money and silver coins on the market.

Nowadays, most restaurants and shops basically don't accept silver, only treasure notes and official ingots.

Because silver coins vary in weight and quality, it's too troublesome not only to weigh them, but also to carefully evaluate their quality. Treasure notes and Yuanbao are much simpler. In addition, treasure notes can be exchanged into Yuanbao at the bank at any time, and the handling fee is only five Wen at a time, so it's natural to choose treasure notes that are safer and easier to store.

Some peddlers even bother with Yuanbao. They only accept treasure notes and earn 50 Liang or more. They go to the bank to exchange it into Yuanbao and store it at home. As for the copper money, no one wants it at all and it has long been recycled by the bank.

It can be said that today's Daqin finance is more advanced than previous dynasties, and the reputation of treasure notes is more and more strong. We can see this from the more than 300 million denominations in circulation, but only more than 70 million yuan of treasure have been exchanged.

It is also true that, except that businessmen and landlords hoard Yuanbao, ordinary people are unable to hoard and use treasure money directly.

However, the private printing of treasure notes has also begun to show its feet. Although private printing of treasure notes is a great crime of copying families and destroying families, there are still bold choices to take risks. After all, the temptation is too great.