Qin Huan stayed at the steam engine Research Institute for only one day and left. He could give advice, but he was not interested in making drums with the craftsmen.

After leaving the steam engine research institute, Qin Huan visited other research institutes in the next few days. Most of these research institutes were built on the outskirts of the river to set up waterwheel.

Compared with the steam engine, a sample has been made, and all kinds of chemicals and generators still have no eyes. They can't provide much useful information, so they can only continue to make trouble and don't be discouraged.

However, various industrial machines have taken shape. Although they are also a combination of wood and iron and driven by waterwheel, they are far from comparable to simple blacksmith shops.

At present, grinding machines, drilling machines, lathes, punches and small forging machines have reached a practical level. However, the accuracy is still unsatisfactory and the speed is as slow as a snail. The main reason is that the power is not enough, but it is better than hammering with a hammer. As for other machine tools, they are still scratching their ears because they are too complex.

However, Qin Huan still didn't want to wait any longer. He decided to set up a machine manufacturing plant in Wuhan. With the waterwheel as the power, he first made a large number of machine tools combined with wood and iron, and then used these machine tools to make all metal machine tools as the cradle of machine production in the future.

As a modern man, Qin Huan's greatest advantage is that he can't take detours. If the train can't be built, he will first build a track carriage. If the rail production is difficult, he will use wooden rails and repair the subgrade first. In this way, as soon as the steam engine is built, the train will come out in two or three years. After the progress of the steel manufacturing industry, he can also replace wooden rails with railway tracks at the first time.

Similarly, if there is no mechanical power, first use hydraulic power to get out all kinds of machine tools. When the steam engine comes out, the industrial era can be started immediately.

There must be a large number of industrial products in the industrial society. What made Qin Huan most excited and happy was that some small projects had been made, and the effect was very good.

For example, bicycles, thermos pots blown out of glass, half person high clocks, horse lamps made of glass covers, blankets made of wool, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and other daily necessities.

These things can solve the dilemmas of Hankou Industrial Zone, and it is not difficult to achieve mass production. With perfume, soap and mirrors, it is enough to build a large industrial area.

The only thing that made Qin Huan dissatisfied was that most of these things were luxury goods. Ordinary people must have no purchasing power in a short time and can only sell them to the rich.

For example, clocks and bicycles, although most of the accessories are wood, there are also hundreds of parts. Even if they are standardized, processed separately and assembled on the assembly line, the cost is estimated to be no less than five Liang. It is estimated that ordinary people who are still eating bran and porridge will not buy them.

However, Qin Huan was most optimistic about these two things, because there were many parts and more workers. The key was bicycles. As long as people had money, they would almost buy one.

Not to mention the clock, it is absolutely necessary for every family. As long as the cost is reduced to one or two silver, these two commodities will be enough to double the economy in a few years.

The clock was bought from Portugal. It was directly disassembled and copied, and it was made in half a year. In the past two years, it has mainly studied how to reduce it. As for the time calculation, it has not made much change.

The framework of bicycles is made of hardwood, that is, the transmission device, which is made of iron, but the wheels are made of rubber and steel.

The steel ring is supported by more than a dozen thin steel wires and covered with a layer of rubber. Although it is a solid tire, it is undoubtedly much stronger than that made of wood.

Although I can't catch up with the bicycle of my previous life, it's not hard to step on it, and the speed can catch up with people's running. It's no problem to pull up dozens or hundreds of kilograms of goods. The only disadvantage is that it's easy to break down.

After riding for a month or two, many parts will be seriously worn and need to be replaced. Fortunately, wooden parts are not expensive and easy to process. Ordinary carpenters can make them according to their size, so they have great expectations for Qin Huan.

Most of the objects sold are ordinary people. After all, it is absolutely unrealistic to let those elegant talents ride bicycles outside.

Therefore, for these rich people, Qin Huan temporarily sold all kinds of luxury carriages. The wheels made of refined steel were wrapped with rubber, equipped with damping springs, and the new wheel transmission structure, which would definitely attract those rich people.

After all, compared with the current carriage, it's a little faster. It's not only bumpy, but also creaking. With these three things, the speed, noise and bumpiness of the carriage are much smaller.

Therefore, there is no upper limit on Daqin's demand for rubber. How much to buy can also make up for the huge gap between China and the West.

Because Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain and other countries buy a large number of silk, porcelain and other goods from China every year, but they have nothing to enter the eyes of Chinese people. Over time, the silver flows to China. It seems to take a big advantage, but in fact it is not. Qin Huan felt that it was like they were doing cattle work for nobles in western countries.

After all, silver is a dead thing, which can not be used for eating, wearing or other purposes. Therefore, the trade balance between the two sides must be flat in the future, at least not too exaggerated.

In addition to rubber, he also wants other things. He doesn't dislike the specialties of various countries. Of course, slave beauty is also good.

Men can castrate, dig mines and build roads. Women can be servant girls in big families or serve in Fengyue places.

In Nanyang, it was not until December that it was time to return to the south of the Yangtze River. The registered residence of the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River had been re compiled, and the schools in all the provinces had been repaired by 7788.

Although the speed was slower than that of Hubei, Qin Huan did not blame local officials for their procrastination. He was very pleased that only those civil servants could have such an effect. To tell the truth, after all, the commercial banks and bank managers in each county did not help this time and were completely implemented by the yamen.

For such a large government project, if it is changed to other dynasties, let alone more than half a year, it is two things to say whether it can be implemented, so what else is he dissatisfied with?

However, after the land is divided next year, the inspection from beginning to end can not be less.

In the future, Qin Huan intended to form an institutionalization, that is, the central government issued a decree. Whether it was regional or national, the royal family would send special envoys to inspect the results.

Anyway, don't want to take chances. Even if you're not in office, as long as you don't implement the central policy in place during your term of office, you still have to be accountable. Don't want to fall clean with a pat on the ass.

So the first thing Qin Huan did when he returned to Nanjing was to call all the ministers of the Government Affairs Council to wait for Lang, and clearly told them that he would send special envoys for inspection next year. No county would be missed.

The reason why I told them is that I hope those ghost states and counties will correct them quickly and don't take chances, otherwise they will never run away next year.

After all, the purpose of his inspection is not to really kill and arrest people, but to implement the policy in place. If all counties are implemented in place and there is no falsehood, it would be better.