Chapter 137

Name:The best little cook Author:老肥

Feng Yan couldn't help laughing, attracted the eyes of big Liu and old Fei, and looked at them in surprise.

Big Liu said with a sad face: "I say you can't do it. We are both single dogs now. You'd better not scatter dog food anytime and anywhere. OK, I didn't hear that Xiu en'ai died fast."

"Go away, big Liu. You'll try again. I'll punish you and me for ten bottles of beer later." Zhang Ye's face darkened.

When Da Liu Yi heard that Zhang Ye was going to share wine with him, he immediately cried to Feng Yan: "sister-in-law Xiao, help me. Xiao Ye wants to take revenge on me. He wants to drink me to death here."

Ha ha!

Old fat at the side finally couldn't help laughing out, the fat on the face was shaking.

Feng Yan is a Zheng, don't understand of ask a way: "big Liu, you should drink very much of, how can be afraid of small wild?"? He doesn't drink much. "

How can Zhang ye not drink?

Lao Fei and Da Liu's chin were all startled, and two pairs of astonished eyes looked at Feng Yan together.

"Little sister-in-law, don't you really know?" Big Liu surprised to open wide mouth to ask a way.

"What do you know?"

"Ono's nickname in the University, he is the famous wine emperor of our department. He has dinner together, drinks two cases of beer, and walks without sloshing. He is really drunk."

Big Liu Lian said with gestures, and his expression was especially exaggerated, as if Feng Yan didn't know about it. It was incredible.

"Yes, sister-in-law, you don't know. When we went to school, we were scared by him. No one in the whole department, male or female, dared to stand up and fight with him. " Lao Fei also said with a smile.


Feng Yan's face rippled with an indescribable smile. She turned her head to look at Zhang Ye with profound meaning and said faintly, "smelly little ye, I really didn't know you had such a strong drinking ability."

The cold sweat on Zhang Ye's head suddenly came out, and he said with an embarrassed smile: "sister Yan'er, don't listen to their nonsense. If I had been so powerful, I would have become a national wine escort."

Feng Yan looked at him with a smile. Qian Qian Yu took Zhang Ye's arm and said faintly, "drink less in the future. It's bad for your health."

Zhang Ye nodded with a smile and said, "well, I'll listen to sister Yan'er in the future."

Two people's eyes suddenly look at each other, one is gentle and resolute, the other is affectionate, and there is infinite tenderness in their eyes.


Zhang Yili sighed. Now he finally understood that Feng Yan was deeply in love with himself.

In fact, if you want to say that you don't have any love for her, after all, we have been together for such a long time. Sister Yan'er is not only bright and sunny, but also beautiful. It's hard to like her or not.

Forget it!

No matter what he does, sister Ru doesn't object anyway.

Zhang Zhili rolled his eyes and decided to carry on with this muddle headed debt. He put his arm around Feng Yan's waist without any scruples.

Feng Yan's body trembles slightly. She looks up and sees Zhang Yezheng looking at her affectionately. Her eyes suddenly burst out with infinite surprise.


The single dogs howled again. The love show made people want to die. Fortunately, the elevator stopped at this time, which made the two poor single dogs get a temporary relief.

After entering the private room, the two single dogs suddenly became active again. Big Liu quarreled with Mai diange and became a Mai ba. Lao Fei ordered beer and dried fruit nearby.

He turned his head and asked Feng Yan, "sister in law, what kind of wine do you drink?"

"I'll have water."

Feng Yan smiles. She can't help thinking about the last time she got drunk in zhangyejia because she was in a bad mood. Her pretty face only feels hot, which makes her a little sensitive to wine.

"No, sister-in-law, how can we play and drink here. Xiaoye, please advise your sister-in-law. Anyway, you are the flower protector. What are you afraid of when you drink some wine? " Old fat shook his head and said.

Zhang Ye turned his head and read some worries from Feng Yan's eyes. He took her hand and said with a smile, "sister Yan'er, if you want to drink, you can have less red bars."

Feng Yan didn't want to spoil everyone's interest, so she nodded and said, "OK, then I'll drink less red wine."

"Well, let's open a bottle of Baroness Beauchamp in 2009." Lao Fei immediately decided to help Feng Yan.

Baroness Beauchamp?

Zhang Ye's face was stunned. He didn't expect that Lao Fei, who is usually careless, should know such a strange wine. He thought Lao Fei wanted some local tyrant's wine like Lafite.

After working in Yunhai hotel for two years, although he didn't drink those expensive red wine, he knew a little about the red wine of various wineries.

Baroness Beauchamp is located in the Boyac region of Bordeaux, France. It originally originated from Beauchamp at the end of the 17th century.

Although the price of Baroness red wine is not expensive, it is definitely not cheap. Especially now that they drink it in KTV, I'm afraid they can't get down to three or four thousand yuan a bottle at least.As for men, they don't have such expensive treatment, but Lao Fei also ordered corona, the most popular beer brand in the world and the most powerful beer brand in Mexico.

And just when the wine and snacks were served by the waiter, the wonderful sound suddenly came out.

I'm sorry, I love you. This is the Song Feng Yan ordered.

All of a sudden, Zhang Ye's heart is also looking forward to, know Yan Er elder sister so long, but never heard her sing.

Nothing else. I just want to say I'm sorry.

Sorry, I really love you.

Whatever you think, whatever you say.

It won't change my decision.


Feng Yan's jade hand gently raised Mike, and the soft voice gradually came out. Every tremor in her throat made people want to protect her.


Zhang Ye did not expect that Feng Yan's singing was so intoxicating, gentle and delicate, like a Misty drizzle, which had already moistened his heart unconsciously.

Her eyes are blurred, and she turns to smile at Zhang yeroumei. Her eyes are full of dependence, which is such an infatuated confession.

At this moment, even old fat and big Liu are quiet, looking at Zhang Ye enviously, but also happy for his brother.

When I think about you, my heart is burning.

I want to give you my heartbeat.

I want you to know that I don't sleep well.


Feng Yan's singing is getting better and better. It seems that she has gradually integrated herself into the singing and recalled the scenes of these years.

What would her life be like if she didn't meet Zhang Ye? She didn't want to think that way. What's the point of life without Ono?

Over the years, no matter whether she is happy or sad, Zhang Ye will always be the first to appear in front of her, sharing her pain and joy.

She will never forget the night of her father's death. Zhang Ye, who was only a student at that time, took on a lot of pain for her. His broad chest and strong heartbeat still seem like yesterday.

From that moment on, her heart stopped hesitating, longing for years of security, and now finally came to her like a goddess of luck.

At the moment, Feng Yan knows that her heart has been completely occupied by the little man in front of her, and there is no place for others.

Maybe the goddess of luck has already arranged this marriage for her, and she is destined to be his woman.

No name, no matter how, when lover how, as long as can nestle in Zhang Ye's side, she has got the world.

I can't guess your face.

I can't wait for your response.

I don't want to embarrass you, and I don't want to give you up.

Decided to tell you, I'm sorry, I love you.