Chapter 318

Name:The best little cook Author:老肥
In fact, Tang Zheng really misunderstood Zhang Ye.

For business, let alone genius, even compared with the graduates of Ordinary University of Finance and economics, there is an absolute difference of up to 18000 Li.

But behind Zhang Ye stands a woman who is regarded as Oriental Athena by Wall Street tycoons, a real business genius.

With his beauty formula inherited from master liantian's memory, and Huo Mingwei's brilliant business operation, if he can't make money any more, Zhang Ye will just hang himself with noodles.

But Tang Zheng, who just came to Nanjiang City, didn't know about these things. He was also quite moved when he saw that he was making money.

"Teacher, can you count me in? I'll invest in it, too. Can you give me some shares? " Tang Zheng asked with a smile.

"You want to invest, too?"

Zhang Ye was really stunned. Tang Zheng came to study medicine with him. Why did he suddenly become interested in investing in cosmetics.

"Look at the mouse's confidence in the teacher's investment, I also want to make some money. Hey, hey, teacher, you can take me." Tang Zheng said.

"Yes, boss Zhang, you can let ah Zheng take part in it. Anyway, he also has money. It's absolutely not a problem to make $18 million." Lin Xinghao also helps to say.


Zhang Ye originally wanted to refuse Tang Zheng, but then he thought again. By the way, isn't this a good chance to test him.

Money is the best way to see a person's nature.

As soon as he turned his eyes, he immediately thought of the industry he had planned in his heart. He said with a smile, "Mr. Tang, don't think about this cosmetics industry. But I have another business. I can cooperate with you."

"What?" Tang Zheng doubts.

"Boss Zhang, if you have any new ideas, let's hear them. If it's good, I'll join in." When it comes to making money, Lin Xinghao is certainly interested.

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "Mr. Lin, do you remember the kind of medicine you drank when we first met at Yunhai hotel?"


Hearing this, Lin Xinghao's eyes lit up and said excitedly: "boss Zhang, do you plan to industrialize that medicinal wine? Ha ha, that's great. I'll definitely invest in it, even if I invest 100 million yuan. "

Tang is looking at the two people beside very confused, puzzled asked: "mouse, what the teacher said is medicinal wine, can excite you like this."

"Of course, it's our men's favorite kind of medicated wine. I told you that last time I tried it myself, and the effect was strong. I drank less than half liang of it, and it was hahaha..." Lin Xinghao's face showed an expression that only men can understand.

Tang Zheng's eyes lit up: "really? Ha ha, if there is such a good effect, then I will definitely invest money. "

Two rich children of the second generation immediately looked at Zhang Ye, eager to get the formula of the medicinal wine immediately.

Zhang Ye said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, don't get excited. I'm not talking about that kind of medicinal wine. After all, the cost is too high. Although it has a little effect of strengthening yang, in fact, it belongs to something like health wine, which will not have such a strong effect. "

"That's OK. I've been drinking your wine for a long time. Later, I found that even if I didn't drink, I was much better in bed." Lin Xinghao boasted happily.

Tang is listening to the itching, but he doesn't want to drink any aphrodisiac wine. After all, he is a doctor himself. He has a very healthy body since he was a child. He doesn't need nourishing at all.

But this kind of aphrodisiac wine has a very broad market. As long as it is put into the market, those men will go crazy.

"Teacher, let's make a decision about this. If you give a prescription, it will take 30% of the company's shares, I will take 34% of the company's shares, and mice will take 36% of the company's shares. After all, Nanjiang city is his territory." Tang Zheng said in a hurry, as if he was afraid that Zhang ye would repent.

Lin Xinghao also suddenly nodded his head and said: "yes, boss Zhang, this matter is settled. I will register the company in the afternoon, and then purchase a wine factory as our production base. I can start making wine in about a week on purpose."

Damn it!

These two guys are too hasty.

Zhang Ye speechless looking at two people, it seems at least tens of millions of business actually so casual decision.

It's really his mother's young master. He has the strength to speak.

Zhang ye murmured bitterly.

However, he has to admit that among the young people in Nanjiang City, only a few people like Lin Xinghao dare to decide tens of millions of business so rashly.

With his ability, he will definitely be able to make this pharmaceutical liquor factory in a week, and then he will be waiting to start up and produce a bottle of medicinal liquor.

"Well, I'll do as you say. Anyway, I don't know how to manage. I'll be a shopkeeper and wait for the money." Zhang Ye said with a smile.Tens of millions of businesses were simply settled. Lin Xinghao sat on the first floor of Weixiang and had some breakfast. Then he went out with his mobile phone.

After Lin Xinghao left, Weixiang became quiet, and the busy time of breakfast was over.

Zhang Ye asked Liu Jiajia to help clean up first, and then called Xu Sulan and Tang Zheng up to the second floor.

Xu Sulan looks a little excited, because from yesterday after treatment, she always felt a little itchy throat.

Although she could not speak, she saw the hope that she had not seen for many years. The doctors who had seen her did not even find the real lesion, let alone treat her.

Xu Sulan sat down in her small room, but Zhang Ye didn't start the treatment immediately. Instead, he asked Tang Zheng with a smile:

"Mr. Tang, please feel the pulse for sister Xu."

"Good, teacher."

Tang Zheng's spirit, know Zhang Ye this is in the examination of his medical skills, can't help but play up the spirit of 12 points, the finger fell on Xu Sulan's wrist.

After three minutes of silent pulse building, he raised his hand, slowly opened his eyes, thought for a moment, and then said:

"teacher, sister Xu's disease should not be the problem of her voice, her vocal cord is not damaged at all, if I am not wrong, it should be the problem of the part of the brain nerve about the voice."

It's really the grandson of Mr. Tang.

Although very young, but can have such a judgment is very valuable.

Zhang Ye secretly affirms Tang Zheng in his heart, but forgets that he is two years younger than Tang Zheng. If it seems to outsiders, he should be more evil.

"Yes, your judgment is accurate. What about the specific treatment plan?" Zhang Ye asked again with a smile.