Chapter 1008

Name:The best little cook Author:老肥
Feng Yan, a little girl, has gradually grown into a strong woman. She has a strong opinion in Weixiang group. No one dares to refute her tough attitude.

But her own decision-making is usually not wrong, so although people under her feel uncomfortable, they have to admire her strategic vision and specific decision-making arrangements.


Feng Yan is setting up a big game, which can be said to be an absolute feat that has never appeared in the world.

She knows that Weixiang is well-known in China now, but it is not high enough. In fact, those places without branches only understand Weixiang from the description of the media, and they have never tasted the flavor of Weixiang.

And what she wants to do this time is to do something that will stir the whole country, and thoroughly start the brand of Weixiang.

"Mr. Feng, do you really want to decide to open 100 branches in the same day in the whole country?" The young assistant asked with some worry.


This is what Feng Yan thought of.

No matter how confident he is in his own strength, he will never open 100 branches all over the country at the same time, unless he is a madman.

But Feng Yan dares to do it, and she is planning to do it!

We need to know that although Weixiang's positioning is not very high-end, the price of vegetables is not cheap, and to match the price of vegetables, location, prosperity, decoration and so on, we must also keep up with it. So after this calculation, the investment will be relatively large.

According to the rough estimation of the staff, although the investment of these 100 stores varies according to the region, for example, the investment of capital and Mordor is definitely higher than that of other provincial capitals, but on average, each restaurant needs to invest at least 5 million.

A hundred branches, that's a total investment of 500 million.

See clearly!

It's just an initial investment.

No matter how famous Weixiang is, it is impossible to be full of friends immediately. People always have to adapt and get used to it.

But in the process, the restaurant has to eat money every day.

Therefore, the final investment project in front of Feng Yan is about 1.2 billion yuan.

Young assistants have never thought about such a huge investment, let alone experienced it.

However, Feng Yan is not worried at all. He has confidence in his husband. He believes that all the chefs trained by his husband's school will be excellent. What he has to do is to grasp other human relations. "That's OK. You're going to ask them to recruit 100 store managers quickly, and then assign them to the designated cities. Let them study and choose the address of the branch by themselves, and then write the materials for me. Tell them that this is just the beginning of Weixiang's expansion, and there will be 300,

400 and even more branches in the future. If they do a good job, they will be promoted to the regional manager and manage several branches as a whole. "

Feng Yan ordered cleanly, decisive, capable, with strong self-confidence, no hesitation, the style of a strong woman has been revealed.

And Zhang Ye side of another strong woman, at this time, but busy a little bit off the ground.

Unlike Feng Yan, who is planning as a whole at this time, Mingwei's products have completely opened up the market. Just one new year's day, it directly triggered a rush buying frenzy. She has no way but to start limiting the number of purchases and has no choice but to carry out hunger marketing.

For this reason, she was still in tears and laughter. She received several threatening calls, saying that if the limited supply was not opened immediately, they would go to the relevant departments and tell them that Mingwei company had goods on purpose and did not sell them.

But Huo Mingwei looks at the empty warehouse of her factory, and she really wants to cry.

It's only two months. My factory is not running enough. The product my husband helped me launch is too terrible. How could it cause such a big sensation.

Because Huo Mingwei is naturally beautiful, she doesn't need any cosmetics at all, and even if she is curious to use beauty products, the effect on her is not great. After all, her skin has been beautiful to a certain extent, and the improvement of drugs on her skin is very little.

But after all, she is a congenital friar. How many people in the world can be like her? Most women just buy it back with a try mentality, but they are completely crazy after using it.

A lot of women even throw the skin care products they just spent thousands of yuan to the dustbin and concentrate on becoming Meizi's brain powder. Moreover, these people are often very enthusiastic and will desperately give their friends Amway the benefits they get.

It is for these reasons that after the brewing of a new year's holiday, Meizi immediately formed a terrible rush to buy. A total of 30000 sets of cosmetics were immediately ordered by several sellers.

You know, the price of Meizi's products is not cheap. A set of hardcover Meizi skin care cover can't find 3000 yuan, but those sellers seem to see cheap Chinese cabbage. They can directly open their mouths to tens of thousands of sets, and they still ask their grandparents to tell them.Although the order price is only 1500 yuan, excluding the cost of 700 yuan, the net profit of 30000 sets of Meizi products is 240 million yuan.

240 million!

For a cosmetic brand that has just launched into the market, it's just a big pie and a miracle that shocked the whole industry.

All of a sudden!

All of a sudden, Nanjiang city found that the chairman of Meizi group, who caused a sensation all over the country, was actually Huo Mingwei, who was once the apple of the eye of Huo group, who was known as a gifted business girl, but didn't know why. She broke up with Huo family in the most tragic way.

At the beginning, everyone thought that Huo Mingwei was crazy, even if she was a talented business girl, the Oriental Athena goddess of Wall Street, but when she lost the support of her family, how much trouble could she cause.

However, the rise of Meizi is Huo Mingwei who has proved her strength and wisdom to the world. In a short period of six months, she has never had anything and is once again earning billions of dollars.

The Huo group, which once bullied her with complacency, lost Huo Mingwei. In just half a year, its market value has shrunk by nearly half, and it is not worth a billion.


In Huo's office tomorrow, a crystal ashtray was smashed on the ground and smashed. "Damn, Huo Mingwei, that cheap maid, I don't pay attention to it, but you are up again. Hum, but don't think you can get up again by Meizi. You are a Huo family person in your life and a Huo family ghost in your death. After I get Meizi, I'll make you look good

, ha ha ha... " Huo said coldly tomorrow, with an evil smile on his face and a light like a beast in his eyes.