Chapter 1371

Name:The best little cook Author:老肥
When he came to the rooftop, Thain became more excited. His eyes were shining. He rubbed his hands eagerly and asked Zhang Ye, "master, what should I do?"

"Take off your clothes and lie on it." Zhang Ye pointed to the table.

"Ah?" SAIN stares at Zhang Ye: "master, you should like women."

"Get out of here!"

Zhang Ye did not have the good spirit son scolded a, the facial expression blackened down.

"I'll take it off. I'll take it off."

Thain quickly and obediently stripped all his clothes, and then a little embarrassed lying on the table, although it is a man, but in this case it is more embarrassed.

Zhang Ye doesn't think it's anything. Although he hasn't been a doctor before, he knows all kinds of medical skills and has seen other people sick.

At this time, in his eyes, Thain was more like a patient. What he said was even worse. It was his test object.

Will a scientist be interested in whether the experimental mice are stripped of their hair?

The answer, of course, is No.

Zhang ye came to Thain's side without expression, his eyes were calm and indifferent, and said:

"close your eyes and relax. No matter what happens, you are not allowed to open your eyes for a while, unless I remind you to open your eyes."

"Oh, I see." Thain nodded nervously, his face was a little white, but when he thought that he would be able to practice as he wrote in the fantasy novels, he was a little excited, his heart thumping, but he couldn't calm down.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't I let you relax? You're as tense as a stretch of monkey skin." Zhang Ye frowned.

"Master, I really can't relax." Thain looked at Zhang Ye with a bitter smile, but said: "master, otherwise you can help me."


Zhang Ye speechless looking at SAIN, see he really can't relax himself, can only nod, right hand instant wave into a knife, bang hit SAIN's neck.


It's really easy.

Before Thain lost consciousness, he had only one thought in his mind.

Looking at the faint SAIN, the whole body finally relaxed down, Zhang Ye this just expressed satisfaction, started his movement.


A breath of star emperor Qi gushed out in the palm of his hand and pressed on Thain's chest. Star emperor Qi continuously poured into Thain's body and began to examine his body carefully. Although Zhang Ye had checked Thain's body before, it was just a rough look to see if he had any meridians, but this time it was to shape Thain's meridians, and the situation was different. Zhang Ye had to thoroughly understand every inch of blood, muscle, nerve and bone in Thain's body in order to establish the best construction scheme.

This process lasted more than half an hour, Zhang yecai slowly opened his eyes, but his heart was slightly happy. As like as two peas, Fu Xi found that the fact that he was not completely accurate was not entirely in the body of the westerners, but the meridians were completely different from those of the Orientals. But the position of the Dan Tian was the same. Now he just pulled out the current veins of

's body and then built the meridian of the Chinese body for him.

This is not difficult for him now. Thinking of this, Zhang Ye immediately began to do it. He first released a ban on Thain, which is a means to paralyze the enemy, but now it is used as an anesthetic by Zhang Ye, which not only can make Thain feel no pain, but also can not hurt his body, which is many times stronger than the existing anesthetic.

Then, Zhang Ye once again urged the star emperor Qi, turned into a fat insect, swished into SAIN's body, under Zhang Ye's precise control, began to devour the Western meridians in his body.

Fortunately, Zhang Ye used anesthesia for SAIN before, otherwise no one could bear the pain of swallowing pulse, and SAIN might even go mad.

This process requires extremely meticulous operation, and any slight error may result in the loss of all previous achievements.

After a full hour, Zhang Ye finally slowly opened his eyes, and the bright bug came back to his hand again, and then turned into a handful of star flames, burning all the blood and flesh of the meridians.

Then, as Zhang Ye's fingers moved a little into the empty sky, the silvery stars gushed out between his fingers, as if they had become ink. Zhang Ye constantly sketched and drew, and a map of human meridians was soon sketched out.


He jerked a seal and pointed to Thain.

The meridian map of the human body, which was originally suspended above Thain's body, began to decline slowly. When he met Thain's body, he went through it like a ghost, and did not encounter half an obstacle.

Sure! Zhang Ye once again changed a Yin Jue, and the diagram of human meridians stopped quickly. Then he urged him several times, just like a fully automatic assembly machine, which constantly connected with the Dantian, nerves, flesh and blood in SAIN's body, and was left in advance by Zhang YeThe emperor Qi in the meridians began to rotate slowly, making the final adjustment. Only when he was sure of success did he take back the last trace of emperor Qi.

This thing can't stay in Thain's body, which is not to help him, but to harm him.

The whole process lasted for three hours. When Thain slowly woke up, he felt that his body was different. His whole body seemed to have endless strength and comfort.

"Master, I, I succeeded? Can I really practice? " He excitedly said to Zhang Ye. "Yes, you can practice. I've found a book for you. Go and practice it yourself. By the way, help me call Diana over." With a flick of Zhang Ye's finger, a divine light poured into Thain's eyebrow, which made him learn the skill called Xiangshan Jue in an instant.

"Thank you, master. I'll go down first." SAIN is not stupid, he also saw the purpose of Zhang Ye calling Diana tonight, it must also help Diana shape the meridians.

In this case, Diana will be naked at that time. If she dares to stay here at that time I'm afraid the consequences are quite serious.

Thain figured out this and went downstairs happily. After a few words with Diana, he went back to his room to study Xiangshan Jue. This skill is really selected by Zhang Ye for him. The main purpose is to cultivate the body. After the completion of the skill, the body will be like fine steel, and it can also grow bigger, just like the Hulk, but it doesn't have the side effect of Huck's anger.

However, Thain didn't know that there was a limit to this skill. At most, he could only practice the top of the innate nine grades of Taoism, and he didn't break through the skill after the Empire. But it's also a test for him. If he can really become his own apprentice, it's OK for him to pass on other skills after he breaks through the Empire in the future, but not now.