Chapter 1445

Name:The best little cook Author:老肥
"Hey, what's that look in your eyes? At first glance, it's just what you two God sticks are doing. They even use divination to fool Laozi." River night very displeased ground says.

"Damn, you can guess that. You're a little bit magical." Zhang Ye was startled.

"You really think so. Anyway, I've told you the truth. Believe it or not. From today on, I'm the deputy leader of Xingchen sect. In the future, the immortal sword must be given to me." River night pie pie mouth way.

"Why, I'm the Lord and you're the Deputy Lord. Even if you get the magic weapon, it's mine. Does it have anything to do with you?" Zhang Ye squints at the River night.

"You Zhang Ye, don't go too far. I'll tell you... " River night suddenly angry.

But before he finished, Zhang Ye interrupted him with a wave of his hand and said with a smile:

"what are you shouting about? Isn't it such a mess? It's just a top imperial treasure. Do you need to be in such a hurry? We are all rough people. We can keep our hands as quiet as possible. If we don't agree with each other, we can have a fight. Let's find a place to practice? "

"Get out of here!"

I'm going crazy at night.

He has known Zhang Ye for some time now, but he has never seen such a cheeky side of him, which is comparable to Wang Lang in Zhuge prime minister's mouth.

It's just that the three grades of the emperor's realm turn into the divine realm. It's one grade lower than Zhang Ye's four grades of the emperor's realm, yin and Yang. Moreover, this shameless guy is still a demon in the sky. It doesn't take much effort to kill the same level.

He said he wanted to go out with himself to practice?

Practice your master!

If I hadn't beaten you, I would have killed you.

River night's in the heart is a burst of tumble, gas of his liver son all ache.

However, Xiao Jingyu beside him was very happy and said with a smile:

"ye'er, you don't have to worry now. Lord Zhang will not be greedy for the magic weapon of our tiandaozong. Although zhuxianjian sounds famous, Lord Zhang may not be able to see it. Don't you think so, Lord Zhang. "

" well, that's another word. "

Zhang Ye nodded with a smile and glanced at Jiang ye with disdain. His blood pressure almost went up in the angry Jiang Ye. However, Nian heard Zhang ye say leisurely:

"learn to do it, and see how good your master is at saying this. Even if it's killing, I love to hear it. Don't worry. Your immortal sword is yours. I'm not interested in it. Not to mention that it was originally your immortal sword. Didn't I also give you my own liantianyun sword? Did I ask for it back? "


Jiang Ye was Zhang Ye said no words, cold hum a, turned his face to make don't twist.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Ye didn't care about him. Instead, he said to Xiao Jingyu with a smile:

"master Xiao, you see, I'm going to be the leader of a sect soon, but after all, my star sect is the founder, and no one has any experience. Since you have been the leader of a sect for so many years, I don't know what experience you have to teach me The road is not. In addition, I'd like to know that it's always a secret that I set up xingchenzong. How do you know that? "

Ha ha!

Xiao Jingyu laughs and looks at Zhang Ye with profound meaning, saying:

"Master Zhang, this is the real purpose of your coming to see Jiang Ye."

"Master Xiao is worthy of being the leader of a big sect. I can see through my real purpose at a glance. Well, I won't hide it. Indeed, I'm very surprised why you know this." Zhang Ye nodded frankly.

"In fact, it's very simple. I'm your treasure. You and I are connected by blood, this is the closest relationship, there are some so-called telepathy is very normal. Although I don't know the specific situation, as long as I feel it a little bit and add my innate divination skills, I can infer a lot of things. " Xiao Jingyu said with a smile.

"Er, what's the matter with this congenital skill of divination? Can divination really predict the future?" Zhang Ye can't believe it.

"Mr. Zhang, I know that your thinking is fixed now. You think that the so-called fortune tellers are charlatans, but it's not like that at all. There's no doubt that the people you've met or heard about before are charlatans. But that's not to say that divination is also a fake. It's just that those people haven't learned their real skills. "

Xiao Jingyu laughs and talks with a smile, which really has the demeanor of the master of heaven:

"the so-called congenital divination is a kind of alternative mathematics, and the diviner calculates and deduces some things through a series of means, that's all."

"That's it?" Zhang Ye doubts a way.

"Yes, it's so simple. In fact, I'm very surprised. Master Zhang, you have the spirit of calculation. Why don't you believe in divination?" Xiao Jingyu asked meaningfully.

"Damn, you know that?" Of course, Zhang Ye recognized Xiao Jingyu's meaning. He was obviously still talking about his own heaven soul. He was practicing Fuxi's wonderful skills. The so-called congenital divination is Fuxi's good skill."Of course. Don't forget what I just said. You and I are connected." Xiao Jingyu said with a smile.

"Well, when I'm with my wife, please don't voyeurism." Zhang Ye rolled his eyes and said.


This time, Xiao Jingyu was defeated, and his face turned blue and red. He didn't know whether he was angry or embarrassed. At last, he shook his hand and said:

"don't worry. Although I am connected with Lord Zhang's heart, I can only feel what you think. As for the things between you and your wife, I can't even feel it."

"Damn, do you want to feel it?" Zhang Ye immediately stares.

"I'll give you an example..." Xiao Jingyu is helpless.

"Well, I see." Zhang Ye, with a black face, turned the topic back and said, "master Xiao, tell me about the management of the clan. You used to be the master of the heavenly way for so many years, but there are some experiences that I can learn from. "


Xiao Jingyu hesitated, not because he didn't want to tell Zhang Ye, but because he didn't know how to talk about it.

"What do you want to ask?"

"I don't know what I want to ask, but I don't even know what I want to ask, so I ask you for advice." Zhang Ye has no good temper.

"But you don't have a specific question. How can I answer you?" Xiao Jingyu said helplessly.

"I don't care, you think. Anyway, you have to tell me something useful today." Zhang Ye simply played a rascal and sat on the sofa, knocking on his legs and waiting.


Xiao Jingyu can feel the helplessness of Jiang Ye just now. It's just that sentence. He has never seen such a shameless person.