Chapter 1515

Name:The best little cook Author:老肥
"Lord, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Zhang Ye's face had changed, kenu asked curiously.

"It's nothing. It's just a text message from an idiot. Go ahead."

Zhang Ye waved his hand and sent kenu away. Originally, he wanted to have a chat with kenu, but now he was interrupted by this text message.

Text message is sent by Zhang Hua, and the content is also his consistent introduction and style, a total of two words.

It's over. Come on.

But the key is that he typed the manuscript wrongly and made a mistake.

So the message became Finish. Come on.

Your uncle's meaning has completely changed.

Although Zhang Ye was cursing in his heart, he couldn't help it, because he knew that Zhang Hua was one of those nerds who didn't listen to things outside the window and only read sages' books. He didn't care about anything except the screenwriter and related things. Otherwise, when he first went to a picnic that day, he wouldn't have dressed up like that.

But the more such people are, the more they are the top talents in a certain industry, because they are too focused on one thing.

Zhang Hua is such a person.

So when Zhang Ye called, Zhang Hua's first words when he got on the phone were: "what's the matter, I've sent you a text message, why do I call to delay my time?"


Zhang Ye is speechless for a moment. In this guy's heart, investors don't have any other fart point effect besides paying money?


You wait for me. If the script is bad, I'll scratch your skin.

Of course, he is also angry. He can't really do anything about Zhang Hua.

"I want to see the manuscript." Zhang Yedao.

"Then come here." Zhang Huadao.

"You can send it to me directly, and send it to my mailbox by computer. Do you need me to go again?" Zhang Yedao.

"Busy, no time, hang up."

Zhang Hua finished and hung up with a slap.

Who is the boss!

Zhang Ye looks at the phone in her hand, but shakes her head. Thinking about it, it's not particularly urgent. What's more, it's better to have Shen Lu's professional advice. In recent two days, she doesn't know what's going on, so she has to shut up and impact the realm.

It's an emperor's realm. It can only be broken through if the mind, mind and body are in one and complete perfection is achieved. If it can be broken through after closing the door, other people can't cry to death.

But it's obvious that Shen Lu is not the only one thinking like this. Almost all the wives who haven't broken through to the imperial realm are closed, even including Qin yaoyue and Huo Mingwei.

"Demon month, they want to shut up even if, Mingwei, you have already broken through the emperor's realm, what else to mix with?"

Zhang Ye was very sad and said.

"We are all sisters. Naturally, we advance and retreat together. They are all closed to break through the realm. I will accompany them."

Huo Mingwei said, directly into the closed stone house.


The stone gate is closed, and the inside and outside are completely isolated. This is a secret room designed by Zhang Ye himself. It is very closed and safe. At least people below grade 7 of the imperial realm don't want to break it.

In this way, only Zhou Mengru, Ning Jinxuan and Fang Zichen are left among the wives who are still in the clan.

Zhou Mengru is a big woman in the real sense of zhangjiahouzhai. She is responsible for a lot of things. What's more, she also serves as the vice chairman of Longteng group. She also needs to nod her head and sign a lot of things.

Ning Jinxuan is safe to raise the baby. Although she is only a month pregnant, she immediately becomes the most important protection object of the whole family.

Zhang Ye, his wives, Li Chunmei, Zhang Botian, and long Laoning, who almost grinned to the back of his head.

In particular, when Mr. long knew that Zhang Ye wanted his child to follow his surname, he was so excited that he almost burst into tears and cried out: "ningmen has a queen, ancestors, I'd rather have the only incense inheritance."

For this matter, long Lao really thanks Zhang Ye a lot, which makes Zhang Ye quite uncomfortable.

Besides, Ning Jinxuan can't feel comfortable now. Her family doesn't let her do anything. Every day except staying, she practices and cultivates her mind. Fortunately, she has been practicing since she was a child. She is quite used to this kind of thing and doesn't feel irritable.

However, Fang Zichen is the most mysterious one among the wives. After taking in two apprentices last time, she closed the door again and went deep into practice all day. If there is nothing important, even her apprentices will not see her.

But just because of this, she and Ning Jinxuan broke through the realm of the emperor at the same time, and each time the realm was full of water and overflowing. Now she has become the top of all the wives' cultivation. In just a few months, she has reached the top of the realm of longevity, which is only one step away from the realm of immortality.It can be said that Fang Zichen has been firmly in the second position of xingchenzong, and no one can surpass him for the time being.

Zhang Ye doesn't object to his wife's seclusion. After all, they want to break through the realm and reach the realm of longevity, which is also a good thing. He has no reason to stop them.

Moreover, he passed the decision to Mei Xuezhu and Zhou Mengru before, and let Zhou Mengru pass the decision to all his wives. Now they have fully learned it. It's just that this time, they don't know if they will do it again.


Just as Zhang was calculating what to do next, a strange change suddenly appeared in the sky.

The light of a big star is extremely dazzling, as if a second sun appeared in the sky, a very strong beam of light fell, and instantly poured into the room of Fang Zichen.

"Seven kill?"

Zhang Ye's face changed greatly, his eyes flashed with strong consternation and worry, and his brows twisted together.

After all, he practiced the great star art. Although he could not say that he knew the stars in the sky like the palm of his hand, he knew something about them.

This dazzling star is the sixth star of Tiangang Beidou, and it is also known as the top of the three evil stars among all the stars in the sky.

Seven killing stars, called Jiangxing in ancient times, are the masters of war and killing. People who own this star have been killing all their lives and are covered with blood.

"How can Zichen choose such a star? It's so strange. Doesn't she know that this star is very unlucky?"

Zhang Ye is frowning, the choice of the other party purple dust feels a little puzzling.

He is very clear that the seven killing stars are the kind of stars with obvious differences between good and bad. If they are well controlled, they will bring great benefits to themselves. They can make people strong, decisive, adventurous and indomitable.

But if you can't suppress the seven killer's ferocity, the whole person will become irritable, headstrong, competitive, extremely fierce temperament, almost uncontrollable.


Just when Zhang Ye was worried, the light of the seven murderers had completely sunk into Fang Zichen's room.