It's not that the future life is not good. You can also live a normal life, travel, work and enjoy life. It's just that it will be different.

In addition, Qian Aiqi was addicted to drugs. At first, she was a marijuana addict. Later, she was forced to take drugs with those bosses, so she already had drugs. Although she behaved normally now, it was because the drug addiction did not happen. Once it happened, Qian Aiqi would not be her.

Lin Mingyuan has seen too many drug addicts in the Middle East, Africa and all over the world. Lin Mingyuan can still recall clearly the appearance of those drug addicts. It can be said that once you take drugs, you don't want to give up, and your body will change irreversibly from the moment you take drugs, and your life will be ruined. Once some drug addicts have an attack, they will not recognize each other, and they have no sense of normal people. In order to get drugs, they will do anything, as long as they can get drugs.

Of course, people have to be responsible for themselves, and they have to bear all kinds of consequences. Qian Aiqi also enjoys the life that ordinary college students can't enjoy, giving up something and gaining something, but the consequences are really beyond the expectation of ordinary people.

Lin Mingyuan has tried a lot of things, but drugs are things he will never try in his life, even if there is a risk of death, he will not try, so he is usually extremely disgusted with those drug addicts, even if it is the so-called soft drugs, but no matter how soft it is drugs, including those stars

To some extent, Lin Mingyuan doesn't sympathize with those who have HIV, but he doesn't rule out that there are some people who are really poor, such as mother to child infections, such as blood transfusion, and even trauma infections, which are very poor and innocent. However, Lin Mingyuan never sympathizes with those who are infected because of sex, drug abuse, and chaos.

Or that sentence, people always have to be responsible for what they do. Since you want to be like that, you can only say that it's bad luck to get sick. Therefore, Lin Mingyuan can't sympathize with Qian Aiqi's experience, let alone that she was infected and poisoned in that way.

Since they can't sympathize with each other, Lin Mingyuan and Xu Yaoyao don't treat each other much. What he promised will be done. Qian Aiqi, Lin Mingyuan won't help her in her future life unless Xu Yaoyao asks for it. However, looking at her appearance, she doesn't seem to want to ask Lin Mingyuan.

Old a and others fled downstairs in confusion, and it was also a very hard work to run down the 17th floor at one go. These people were lying askew downstairs, and they didn't dare to rest. After a little breathing, they quickly got into the car and ran away from here. Old a was sent to the hospital. After all, his throat was scalded, and now it's difficult to speak. It's reported to Wang long by others, That is, the president of the loan company. After hearing this, the latter was silent for a few seconds and said, "wait for him to come. I'll see who dares to be so rude in Huayang city!"

500000 is not a big loan, even a small one. Those who borrow millions or tens of millions are not without it. Of course, those who borrow tens of millions have to be very promising, and few people will borrow so much.

So the borrower not only doesn't pay back the money, but also dares to press the debt. This kind of thing doesn't happen, but it's rare. Moreover, on his own side, he will definitely get back the field and let the other party pay back several times. Otherwise, Wang Long won't have to mix. So he makes old a feel at ease, and if the other party dares to come, he will pay back.

In the car, Lin Mingyuan took a look at Xu Yaoyao, who was a little careful. Seeing her strange expression, he couldn't help holding out his hand and pinching her face. He asked, "what's this expression?"

"I'm afraid you're not happy!" Xu Yaoyao sucked her nose, but this time she was pinched. She carefully said, "I didn't know it would be like this. I thought she was just unhappy. Maybe she was kicked by the man who kept her. As a result... I tried my best to stabilize myself just now, because it's already here. I can't show it... In fact, I'm afraid!"

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that she will suddenly poison her hair. I'm afraid that she will not calm down. In case... I'm also afraid that I will get sick myself!" Xu Yaoyao said with a lingering fear. She patted her chest and made a thumping sound. She seemed to think that this action was not good and would make her chest very small. So she quickly took her hand away and said, "I'm not saying bad things about people behind my back. It's really... I really don't feel sorry for her, because my sister once said that the blisters under her feet were ground by herself. She didn't have no choice, It's about choosing the wrong way when you have a choice! "

"Oh? You can see it clearly! " Lin Ming is far away.

Xu Yaoyao sighed and said: "it's not clear... How can she not know the consequences of doing that? She even goes to the hospital for physical examination regularly. She knows that there is a high probability of getting sick and that there is a great possibility that a mistake will become eternal hatred! But she still chose... I don't understand and I don't accept it, but seeing her like that, I still have to bear to say something nice to her, comfort her and persuade her! "

Lin Mingyuan looks at Xu Yaoyao with a smile and finds that she has grown up a lot. If she had just met her, Xu Yaoyao would not have said these words!

Seeing through, Lin Mingyuan patted her on the shoulder and said, "as a friend, you have done what you should do. That's enough. As your friend, of course, I will help you to the end!"

"That's why I'm afraid you're angry, because it's disgusting!" Xu Yaoyao turned her lips and was a little unhappy. She bothered uncle because of this. However, she was not calm at that time, otherwise she would not have asked Lin Mingyuan to come.

"Do you still have to worry like this between us?" Lin Mingyuan has bright eyes.

Xu Yaoyao had no reason to shake her body for a while. She avoided Lin Mingyuan's eyes and said shyly, "uncle, don't look at me like this!"


"Your eyes are like... Trying to eat me!" Xu Yaoyao held her hands together. Her palms were sweating and her heart beat faster.

Lin Mingyuan was closer, and her breath could be sprayed on her face. Xu Yaoyao sniffed it secretly. It was a very strange smell. It was hard for her to describe, but it was definitely not halitosis.

There's a smell of smoke, but there's also a wonderful smell. It's so wonderful that... She even wants to get close to it slowly, then kiss it, and taste it carefully... Xu Yaoyao thinks so in her heart, people have got close to it, because they are not far away.

She can see himself clearly in his eyes, must be very red? Red is red. Xu Yaoyao continues to move forward. Her eyes are getting closer and closer, and her taste is cleare