I woke up without remembering how I got to the bed. I was alone, I didn't like the feeling. I was also hungry. I walked out of the room and found Jafar and Uche shooting pool in the parlor..

Me: was looking for you…

Uche: howfar madam Tana?

Me: Uche, I dey o…

Jafar: I will be with you soon….

I went to the kitchen, there was no food besides bread, so I made myself a cold cup of Milo and took two slices from the loaf.

Jafar: you should be sleeping instead of eating, its 4am…

He came inside the room and sat on the bed..

Me: how did we get inside, last I remembered we were on our way…

Me: awwww…thank you…

Jafar: something came up, I would have to leave very soon…when I come back…you can leave for Sagamu..

Me: what came up?

Jafar: can't tell you, but we would need all the hands we can get, one of the guys will stay with you here..

Me: okay…

He helped me take the empty cup back to the kitchen, then joined me beneath the blanket.

Jafar: when you wake up in the morning, I will be gone..

Me: just come back….for me…

Jafar: sure…

Just as he predicted, I woke up to an empty bed..the house was eerily silent. I called Toun…

Toun: how are you?

Me: I am good o..i will be going to Sagamu today…

Toun: nice, Ago is dangerous now…

Me: how are you feeling?

Toun: I have dreams of him everytime…

Me: he is in a better place…

Toun: how is Jafar?

Me: he is fine, he told me he loves me…

Toun: awwwww, I like that guy…cultist and all..

I didn't even bother correcting her…

Toun: Timi nko?

Me: I will call him as soon as I hang up..

Toun: he called me last night…said he still loves you and all..

Me: I will try to see him soon….

Toun: I will call you later during the day…

Me: thanks babe…

Toun: bye…

Me: bye…

I called Timi but he didn't pick up…

I put on one of Jafar's shirt and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth….my phone rang, it must be Timi..

It was Jafar..

Me: hey J!

Jafar: Tana, lock up the door to the room, look into my wardrobe, you would see a black shoe box, open it, there is a loaded gun inside…take it to the bathroom and lock yourself in with it.

Me: what is happening?

Jafar: Just do as I say…I am on my way back….

Me: I am scared…

Jafar: I am with you…

He hung up…

My heart was beating fast..i considered bolting outside the house to the nearest public place, but it was risky..i decided to just obey Jafar.

I was at the corner of the bathroom, with the heavy metallic object on my lap…my phone rang again…

Me: Jafar, I am scared..

Jafar: I am on my way…hope you are in the bathroom?

Me: yes..

He hung up…

The water dropping gently from the tap was coinciding with the beating of my heart…in no time, Jafar will be around and it will be alright…I kept telling myself..

Then I heard the big bang!

The guy in the apartment seemed to dash into a room and ran back out…another shot was heard. This one shattered the sitting room windows. The guy returned fire…my ears were exploding…I held on tight to the gun..

Then I heard a crash…the front door was broken…there was a brief exchange of fire…then silence…

I was hoping our guy had won, then I heard Eli's unmistakable laughter…

Eli : Tanatolo…Tanatolo…I know say you dey hear me…