Defeated by a bodyguard, the suitor is quite unconvinced. He is the best of men. Not only is he handsome, but also his family background, knowledge and cultivation are very good.

You can take over a company with an annual output value of more than 100 million in a few decades without your own struggle. Moreover, with his talent and learning, the company can definitely have an annual output value of more than 200 million in ten years.

A little bodyguard, this is ridiculous. The suitor couldn't seem to stand the blow. He threw away the rose bouquet, sat back in the silver convertible and dialed a number.

He has Tsinghua alumni working in Henghe group and can understand the situation. When he hung up the phone, his face changed and he was determined to forget the woman who made him toss and turn.

Lonely, spend money to whore some Yangzhou thin horses, can't play, and be arranged by his father for marriage. This is his ideal marriage.

Chen Yan is too far away for him. It's so terrible that if you look at her more, his father's industry developed by white wolf with empty hands may be destroyed in his hands.

Start the car and go to a private club to find a thin horse to vent his lust. The man who frightened him is strengthening his contacts and becoming stronger at the moment.

Last night, Wang Jiang sent Lu Haotian a text message, saying that he took Lu Haotian to meet several people at his father's instigation.

Li Haotian drives his Audi A6, followed by Wang Jiang's Hummer. The two cars drove all the way to the rural towns near Huyang city without stopping. Finally, you arrive at a mountain ditch and drive for another 20 minutes to reach your destination.

The mystery of the destination aroused Lu Haotian's curiosity to a great extent. After getting off the bus, he followed Cao Zhilian into a farm.

Standing at the gate of the farm yard, I heard the noise of "cheerleading". After entering a room, Lu Hao knew that it was originally a casino.

In the outermost room, the sound of shouting and swearing is connected with cigarette smoke, which is a headache.

Fortunately, Wang Jiang did not take Lu Haotian to stay here. He glanced contemptuously and went out of another exit.

Out of the bungalow, there was another small courtyard. The house in the courtyard is beautifully decorated, which is very different from the bungalow before.

It is worth mentioning that even if it is a bungalow outside, it will take millions to build one simply.

They walked into a house again. Although it was still a casino, it was decorated slightly differently, four words - magnificent, comparable to the entertainment club in the Hilton Hotel.

Wang Jiang shook hands with a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man is short and strong with a thick skeleton. His face always seemed sinister. His eyes were wide open and full of murder. The mouth is more lifeless than cruel. It has thin lips, rubber texture and color like tender beef.

The two held each other for almost 30 seconds, which showed that they had a good relationship. When Lu Haotian shook hands with him, without thinking, he instinctively lengthened the time like a conditioned reflex.

In this society, knowing more people means more ways. We all know the truth, but few people can do it. Confucius said that learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous. That's the truth.

According to Wang Jiang, Lu Haotian knows that this middle-aged man, nicknamed eagle, is the big boss of the casino. At the same time, he is also a "boarding" agent.

"Dengyi" is the general agent of gambling companies in China. To put it bluntly, it is a banker, a big banker, with strong financial strength.

Wang Jiang's father likes to play gambling. He recently won a sum of money. He came to the eagle this time in the hope that the eagle would open a larger account for him.

Lu Haotian waited until Wang Jiang finished his work. He gathered four people to play mahjong and chat about some things in the mall. The bet amount is small in his eyes, which belongs to a small bet, but it is a year's salary for ordinary people.

Before the end of the lap, a boss at the same table answered the phone. As soon as he heard that the company had something to do, he hurried back to the city.

One of the three is missing, so Lu Haotian has to fill the seat. To say that he had bad luck, he came up and lost. After playing for less than an hour, he lost almost 100000 yuan.

A night long gamble is sometimes even more exciting and tiring than a life and death struggle, and a night of fish and water.

Lu Haotian didn't have 100000 yuan in cash and was paid by Wang Jiang. I'm not happy to lose money. I heard that Wang Jiang made money by gambling. He also wants to open a sun City account.

Wang Jiang stopped and said, "brother Hao, a small bet is pleasant, and a big bet hurts your body. It's good not to open!"

Thinking of the 100000 yuan he lost, Lu Haotian was very unhappy. He smiled and said, "of course it's a small bet!"

Lu Haotian played a card and said with a smile, "brother eagle, please open a larger account for me."

"No problem, how big do you want?" the eagle glanced at Wang Jiang and asked with a smile.

"Well," Lu Haotian thought for a long time and said in a deep voice, "two million!"

The eagle immediately asked, "OK, how big is the single bet limit?"

"Fifty thousand!"

Hearing this number, Wang Jiang almost vomited blood and didn't even touch the cards. He was surprised and said, "fifty thousand, is this still a small bet? Brother eagle, don't open an account for him!"

"Play cards quickly. I say small gambling is small gambling. Don't ink!" Lu Haotian seems to be a heavy smoker, and what makes him addicted is gambling.

Wang Jiang played a card, frowned and said, "brother eagle, come on, brother Hao doesn't lack this money."

When Lu Haotian left, he had an online account of Sun City. When he left, Wang Jiang successfully completed the task assigned by his father.

A successful man eats, drinks, whores, gambles and smokes. These five kinds of gambling are more dangerous. Eating and drinking is at most a big belly. It doesn't have much impact on life and career.

Whoring is not a big problem. There is no news report that successful people ruin their lives because of whoring. At best, some people are out of control and live a few years less.

Although the threat of drug abuse is the greatest, a successful man can get 90% of things in the real world. He doesn't need drugs to enter a fantasy world to meet his desires.

But gambling is different. Even a successful man can hardly face the temptation of gambling. Wang Jiang's father knew this because he was the agent of big gambling companies such as Sun City crown.

It can be said that the success of Wang Jiang's father destroyed many families. So when his career is on track, he has to donate 10% of every money he earns.

There are too many evils, which is the sorrow of many successful people. Like Wang Jiang's father, there are still a few businessmen who know how to repent and take action.

As the saying goes, one report for another, not not no report, the time has not come. He doesn't want to do evil himself and suffer for his son.