"Lord long, I Later, I went to smash two fairs of the flying fox Gang! " White rose tried to explain it again.

But it's better not to explain, but it's worse to explain.

"But I've just heard that you've ruined the show, and there's no one to resist. How do you explain this? " The black dragon face has no facial expression way.

"Estrangement!" White rose word by word, white forehead, have exuded a layer of tiny beads of sweat, "long ye, it must be Chu Jiang to alienate us! If you kill me at this moment, it's exactly what Chu Jiang would like to see. "

"Estrangement, estrangement is a ghost!" Black dragon slowly raised his hand and suddenly said, "how can I hear that when you are leaving, Chu Jiang invites you to talk about life and ideals alone again..."

During black dragon's interrogation of white rose, he read the mobile phone information twice, and almost knew what happened at that time, especially the key words.

"White rose, don't blame me for hating you. I must set an example to others tonight." The black dragon splits the head of the white rose with one hand. If it is struck, it will only have half of its life left.

White rose in considering whether to avoid, a tight waist, the body began to soar.

"Ah --" the black dragon failed, screamed out, and then yelled, "come on, chase

He has been employing a group of eight mercenaries around him. First, he can protect his own safety. Second, he can send them to complete the task at a critical time.

But this time I called several times, but no one responded. Is it

Black dragon walked out quickly and saw that there were several people lying at the door of the hall. At a glance, it could be seen that they were stunned by someone's sneak attack. Everyone was from the mercenary regiment.


The black dragon was scared out in a cold sweat this time. A five level mercenary regiment was put down on the ground silently. It can be seen that the opponent's skill has reached the level against the sky. If they attack themselves, how can they survive!

Is this master an extremely dangerous person in the mouth of white rose?

If so, I have wronged white rose.

Black dragon thought of this, a sad smile, and then walked back to the hall.

Flying fox headquarters.

Fifty or sixty people, including Cheng Li, were tied up and left on the ground. More than ten female security guards and more than ten male security guards, including Sima Xuan, stood on both sides of the hall.

"Cheng Li, I didn't expect that you would dare to move our General Manager Ye's idea. It seems that you can't be spared today!" Chu Jiang sits in the middle of the hall.

"Master Chu, please forgive me..." Cheng Li can't care about his face any more. He immediately kneels down to beg for mercy. His clothes on his back are soaked with sweat.

"Well, since you want to live, keep your last arm!" A cold light flashed out of the river.

A bang.

Cheng Li's other arm suddenly fell to the ground, and blood gushed out immediately.

"You go. It depends on your nature whether you can live or not." Chu River surface does not change color, light way.

Cheng Li turned pale and ran away. He had to find an acquaintance to stop bleeding so that he could live.

"Wan'er, I'll leave the others to you." Chu Jiang turns his head to Shangguan Wan.

"All right, Master Chu." Shangguan nodded.

"Sima Xuan, you stay. The others go back first and continue to protect President Ye. Cathy is in charge." Chujiang an Pai Road.

"Yes, boss!" Respectfully, all security guards, and then leave in an orderly manner.

Sima Xuan followed Chu Jiang to the living room on the second floor. She opened her eyes and asked, "boss, who are these people? What's your identity?"

"They are all on the road. Their leader is just my friend." Chu River Light answers a way.

"Then I don't think you're the boss of their boss." Sima Xuan blinked and continued.

"Go, don't talk nonsense, the boss is just the little driver of Qingcheng group, just your boss." Chu Jiang said solemnly, "do you see such a handsome boss in the corridor?"

"Oh." Sima Xuan was instructed by Chu Jiang. She bowed her head, then raised her head and asked, "boss, is there any other task?"

"What do you say?" Chu Jiang stares at Sima Xuan's pretty face and says, "what can a lonely man and a few girls do together?"

"It's my kung fu, of course." Sima Xuan, of course.

"What Kung Fu? Is it bed time? "

"Go, boss, make fun of me!"

Sima Xuan blushed and gouged out Chu Jiang.

"Well, I won't joke with you. While waiting for someone, I'll practice with you with the Kungfu of Su's Taoist school." Chujiang zhengse said, "in fact, the moves of Su's Taoist hall are good, but they didn't practice their internal power. If you don't practice Kung Fu, you'll never get anywhere

"How can the boss master Su's Kung Fu?" Sima Xuan's eyes were clear again."There are many old conventions. Do you want to try them all, such as..." Chujiang laughed, then suddenly launched an attack.

Of course, when Chu Jiang launched the attack, he didn't have the inner strength, so for a moment, the living room on the second floor began to fight, and many things fell down and made a sound.

At the moment, Shangguan Wan has already dealt with the gang members of the black dragon gang. The only way to deal with the gang members is to punish them severely or recruit them to surrender. Most of the gang members have accepted the recruitment.

Dong Dong -

there seems to be something rolling down in the living room on the second floor.

Shangguan Wan's sisters looked at each other. Didn't the Chu master fight with Bai Mei for 3000 rounds just now? Why did he fight again now.

This Isn't that brave?

If our sisters go together, can he bear it?

Think of here, the heart of the sisters have another look at each other, show face scarlet unceasingly.

Bai Mei looks at the second floor bitterly, as if her body's desire has been teased again.

"Boss, how about we go up and have a look?" White plum mischievous smile, bold suggestion way.

"Ah, Master Chu is there, we..." Shangguan Wan is in a bit of a dilemma.

"Elder sister, maybe we think too much, maybe they are fighting?" But Shangguan blue encouraged.

How to compete?

What can we learn from each other?

A man and a woman in the middle of the night, what's good to compare!

Shangguan Wan stares at the twin sister, and her face turns cold on purpose.

"Boss, if you don't go up and have a look, I'll go up and have a look. Anyway, I'm his woman. I've seen everything!" Baimei couldn't resist the temptation of curiosity.

"I'll go up with you and have a look. It's just in the living room. Even if I see something, I can't blame us." Shangguan LAN youyou said, "the living room is a public place. We also live on the second floor."

Shangguanlan said and crept up to Baimei.

"How can you do that? What you said is that you should form a united front in everything you do. How can you leave me behind?" Shangguan Wanbian laughed and scolded and followed up.