BIHONG villa is a high standard villa, small and exquisite, which has a one-stop service of eating, drinking and playing. In the next month, it has been contracted by infinite club.

At the moment, under the arrangement of Zhao Yiyan, the seven Sakura warriors of Fujino Saburo are all in double wings Flying!

In the afternoon and evening of the dragon and tiger list battle, cherry blossom warriors shine brilliantly. The opponents who fight with them are either dead or injured, which makes them more arrogant and arrogant. They feel that the masters of Shenzhou road are just like this. In the next month, they will be invincible and win the Dragon and tiger order for infinity while completing the Shuikou group goal.


When they are in high spirits, they suddenly feel that someone has kicked the door open!

You know, the gate of the villa is made of wood. In order to have fun, they have the gate closed and no longer open.

However, the sudden sound of breaking the door was so strong, vaguely with strong anger, that two or three Sakura warriors trembled and immediately surrendered.

Baga, baga and Li Qiushui had already ordered them to fight in the arena. They were not allowed to fight in private. Moreover, they announced three major events at that time. After they made a warning to others, they had a complete deterrent effect. Who is so ignorant that they dare to enter BIHONG villa!

Besides, in the afternoon, the Sakura warrior of the Japanese kingdom is already in the challenge arena. Who doesn't know that he dares to disturb us Fly!

The most annoying thing for men, including Japanese men, is that they are doing a good job and are suddenly disturbed, so the Sakura warriors are also very angry.

Yes, they had already guessed that it must be some lengtouqing on the road before they met anyone. They saw that in the afternoon and evening, some people were killed or injured by Sakura samurai and came to seek revenge.

"Victor, I know you're here. If you can come out, I'll kill you!"

After the sound of breaking the door, a voice of Jiao Chiu came, which should be deliberately called out with internal force. The sound shocked the whole BIHONG villa.

This woman, of course, is Yue Shanshan, the daughter of Huashan headmaster. On the way, because the driver's driving skill is too bad, she was abandoned. Thanks to the locator, she followed the locator all the time, but when she got to the gate of BIHONG villa, the locator suddenly turned off.

According to the saying of Chu Jiang, he came to BIHONG villa to meet his old acquaintance. It seems that the goods were pressed on as soon as they met, and they didn't even have time to take off their clothes, so the locator was crushed.

Yue Shanshan glanced at dozens of guest rooms in BIHONG villa, and she had to look for them one by one, so a lion roared.

Baga, baga, it's a woman who's looking for death. We'll help you!

Several Fujino Saburo dismounted at the same time, then casually put on Samurai clothes, took two * and walked out with a swagger on clogs. Zhao Yiyan's face was pale and followed him. He had already had a fierce fight in the afternoon, and continued tonight Originally, I just wanted to have a taste of it and enjoy it. But just now, I was scared by Yue Shanshan's breaking, and I gave up unexpectedly!

It's said that this kind of surrender will leave a shadow in the mind. If it's serious, it can't be carried out for life. Therefore, under normal circumstances, people don't work in thunderstorm weather.


Zhao Yiyan and the seven Sakura warriors suddenly opened their eyes. They thought that there must be a large group of people to provoke. Unexpectedly, it was just a woman, and she was a beautiful woman in her early twenties. She had a hot figure, holding a purple soft sword in her hand and glaring.

Beauty has its own time, though.

"Pretty girl, are you lonely and unable to sleep at night? Listen, there are strong men here, so you are deliberately provocative..." Zhao Yiyan found that the provocation was just a beautiful woman. He immediately went to the front of the team with ambiguous eyes. He said that while talking, his eyes never left the key part of Yue Shanshan. Even if he was asked to fight again, he would not turn back.

The other seven Sakura warriors were also smiling and staring at Yue Shanshan without concealment.

Baga, this woman is just on time. Compared with this woman just now, she has become the village girl of the village girls!


But before Zhao Yiyan finished, a purple light flashed in front of his eyes, which made him unable to open his eyes. Then he felt his scalp cool. When he opened his eyes again, he saw his hair flying in the air.

He touched his bald head and was shocked. If the purple light was not aimed at his hair but at his neck just now, wouldn't he What a pity!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yiyan shrinks his neck and immediately retreats a few steps, hiding behind Fujino Saburo.

"Baga, little sister, is there no one on your way? Send you to die alone!" Fujino Saburo's eyes flashed a ray of dangerous light, then he stared at Yue Shanshan and cheered.

"You have the ability to win the thief. What's the ability to collude with Japanese devils?" Yue Shanshan simply ignored Fujino sanro, and even won the thief one by one and got up one by one.

"Baga, Xiaolin, go ahead, take this smelly girl who doesn't know the heaven and earth, and then we'll take turns..." Fujino's most taboo word is "devil". At this moment, he was called out by a woman in public. He was so angry that his beard curled up and ordered.From the content of the speech, Fujino Saburo can also hear that this woman doesn't seem to be looking for them, but this kind of blatant break in, another mouth of a devil, can he let her go?

Besides, if such a beautiful woman comes to the door, it's like a piece of fat falling from the sky?

That's right. In Fujino's eyes, if such a beautiful woman left, it would be like five thunders in the sky.

"Yes. Captain

At the command of Fujino, the four leaf Sakura warrior named Kobayashi steps toward Yue Shanshan on his clogs, and his face is slowly full of obscene smile.

Just now, Yue Shanshan had already shown her hand. In his eyes, it was nothing but taking advantage of their lack of defense.

You know, they are the Sakura warriors of Japan, and his Kobayashi is still a four leaf Sakura warrior!

At this time, not far away listening to a car, car sitting two people.

"Lao Tian, tell me what Chu Jiang wants to do. He leads a woman to the wolf's den. Although she is good at it, how can she be the opponent of these Cherry Blossom warriors?"

"Don't worry, brother Xiahou. Take your time. The play has just begun."

"Oh, Lao Tian, you mean that Chu Jiang wants to pick The seven Sakura warriors are just one less reason to start. "

"Well, it's possible. The prohibition of private fighting was announced by the alliance of the three gangs of Haishi. He, Master Chu, can't violate it openly. But if these Cherry Blossom warriors bully his friends, it's not a private fight if he comes out openly again, so there's a grand reason in an instant... "

"A pair of seven, and six of them are four leaf Sakura warriors, and one is five leaf Sakura warrior. Can you tell me if he has the chance to win?"

"If not, don't you have another chance to win him over?"

"Yes, too."

"Ha ha -"

after that, they laughed like old foxes.