Xi's bodyguards saw that the master was pressed down by the card seat and couldn't move. They all wanted to help carry the card seat. But in front of them, Xu Shan's mountain like figure was already there, stepping on the card seat.

At that time, several bodyguards who wanted to help in the past were afraid to move.


Another scream. Xikai felt that his body would be crushed and his face would be deformed!

His body is lying on the ground in big characters, and on the top of his body is a solid wood tabletop with a card seat. This tabletop just covers his whole body below, while Xu Shan has already stood on the tabletop with his feet.

Originally, there were dozens of kilos in the seat. Now, with nearly 200 kilos of Xu Shan, Xikai could not move his body at all, and he did not dare to move. Maybe if he moved, his bones would be broken, except for screaming.

"What Xi family, Han family, I promise you are a big family, but when you engage in politics, you concentrate on your politics, and when you engage in business, you concentrate on your business, and you reach out to the black boxing arena of the underground world. I don't like you any more. Instead of looking for you, you come to me and hit me at the muzzle of my gun. I can't blame you! " Standing on the desk of the card seat, Xu Shan said with a little effort on his feet.

He just stepped on the position of Xikai's face where he exerted his strength. Although he was across the card seat, his strength still spread to Xikai's face!


Sikai screamed again.

"Come down, old man, or we'll shoot!"

There were more than ten bodyguards with guns. They suddenly went crazy. They pulled out their guns and pointed directly at Xu Shan.

Suddenly, people on both sides stopped. On one side, the master was pressed under the card seat, so he did not dare to move at will. On the other side, his deputy master was pointed at by more than ten guns, so he could be shot at any time, and he did not dare to move at will.

For a moment, the two sides were in a deadlock.

No matter in SZ or pickle country, generally speaking, cold weapons are used to smash the field. However, the bodyguards of Xi's family come with guns, and they bring more than 10 guns in the area, which is a serious violation of the rules.

But in Sikai's eyes, there were no rules at all.

There are also guns in the underground arena of Ligao hall. It's just that the incident happened in a hurry and these gangs didn't bring them out. Besides, who dares to smash Ligao Hall's arena in recent years?!

Maybe that's why ligotang has relaxed a lot.

If a few years ago, some of the elite members of these gangs would have been armed.

"If you shoot, your master will be crushed to death before your bullets reach me!" Xu Shan's face remained unchanged in front of more than ten guns, worthy of the image of a tough man.

However, the expert saw that Xu Shan's words were a bit exaggerated. He had more than ten guns, just a few meters away from him. If he fired at the same time, he could be shot in an instant. How could he kill Xi Kai.

Chu Jiang can understand it, so can Shuangtong killer. After understanding, Shuangtong killer can't help but cast his eyes on Chujiang, as if to say, brother, it's time to save your brother Xu?

"Double pupil, you come on, let me see the beauty's ability." In the double pupil's eye hint, Chu Jiang said with a smile, especially emphasized the ability.

What skills do women have!

"You're not my turn." Two pupil light way.

"I've always been a gentleman. If a lady wants to show herself, I'll never take the lead."

"In my eyes, when it's time to do it, it's a gentleman."

Hearing this, Xikai's bodyguards knew what the man and the woman were giving way to. It turned out that they were giving way to who was going to save Xu Shan. It seemed that saving Xu Shan was a trivial matter in their eyes, but they were lazy to do it.

After the bodyguards understood the conversation between Chu Jiang and Shuangtong, they were so angry that they almost vomited blood. NIMA's, at least we took more than ten guns and surrounded Xu Shan at close range. What can you do to save them?!

Damn, I've seen the forced one, but I've never seen such forced one, and I still sing the double reed!

"I didn't expect that Shuangtong's eloquence was good, ok..."

When Chu Jiang said it, the bodyguards with guns rolled their eyes, but when they rolled their eyes, Chu Jiang's figure turned into a virtual shadow in front of them.


The pupils of their eyes almost didn't turn back. Even if some of them have turned back, they seem to have a bit of a sprain.

"Don't move

When they saw Chujiang clearly again, Chujiang had snatched a gun from a bodyguard, but the bodyguard was still standing.

"On the count of three, you all put down your guns, or I'll shoot." The muzzle of Chu Jiang's gun is not aimed at other bodyguards, but at the foot of Xu Shan, Xikai under the table of solid wood card seat, leisurely way.

It was a stalemate just now, and now it's a stalemate.

"One Two... " Chujiang began to count.

"You Don't mess around. It's the Xi family under pressure. If you dare to mess around, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, the Xi family and the Han family will not let you go. " One of the bodyguard leaders can only roar, hoping to frighten Chujiang."Is it?" The corner of Chu Jiang's mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of irony. "I killed him, but I didn't run away, and Three

In the middle of what Chu Jiang said, he suddenly called out "three!" Immediately, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


When everyone thought Chu Jiang didn't dare to shoot, the sound of the gun rang, which was not reasonable, but unexpected.


This is definitely a madman!

At the sound of the gun, a word flashed through almost everyone's mind.

Look at this madman. He can't see the position of Sikai's body under the table, so he shoots. What if it's not Sikai's thigh but Sikai's heart!

If you really kill the Xi family, it's not the Xi family that will be alarmed. The Han family will certainly go out, and the police, or the military, of the whole kimchi country will move.

But the madman didn't even think about it, so he counted one, two, three, and then he shot. This product is just like eating bear heart and leopard gall!

"Young master!"

When the bodyguards woke up slightly, several bodyguards called out, their voices were full of sadness. At the moment, they were scared to death, because if Sikai died, they would not survive.

Take the eldest and youngest of the Xi family and the grandson of the Han family out. Then they live and the young master of the Xi family dies. Can the people of the Han family let them go!

Once again, a strange color flashed in the eyes of Shuangtong killer. Maybe it was appreciation, maybe it was an accident, maybe it was

"Ha ha -" but Xu Shan laughed heartily, "happy, happy, brother Chu is too much to my taste, this brother, I don't admit my mistake! By the way, brother Chu, Xikai under my feet seems to be motionless. He Isn't it really dead? "

In the middle of his smile, Xu Shan felt very quiet at his feet and suddenly asked.