"Yes, we'll go right away."

Hearing this, the two little gangsters immediately got up from the ground, bowed and bowed to compensate for their sins, spread their legs and ran away.

However, when the two turned around, their eyes showed resentment, and they were obviously not ready to let Shi Xuan go easily.

"Hello, my name is Shi Yuexuan. Nice to meet you."

Seeing that the two gangsters were driven away, Shi Yuexuan was relieved.

She generously extended a small hand to Shi Xuan and showed a sweet smile.

"Hello, my name is Shi Xuan!"

She shook her cold and soft hand with the beauty, and Shi Xuan smiled and opened his mouth.

The surname Shi is also a big surname in China. Therefore, when he found that the beauty in front of him was his family name, he was only surprised and recovered his peace.

"What a coincidence, we both have the same surname. Thank you for saving me today. Otherwise, I would be miserable. "

Thinking of the two gangsters just now, Shi Yuexuan's beautiful eyes showed a lingering fear.

She stared at Shi xuanjunlang's face and stuck out her tongue, looking a little playful and cute.

"It's not worth mentioning."

Shi Xuan waved his hand when he heard the speech, and then lifted his hair. He looked like a strong fan and said, "sister paper, you are so beautiful. You should be careful in the future. After all, there are a lot of hooligans in this society."

In front of beautiful women, of course, you should be as strong as possible, don't you?

"Well, I understand." The girl blushed when the boy praised her beauty.

After hesitating, Shi Yuexuan said, "well, I'm going to buy some learning materials today. There are other things to deal with. I'll invite you to dinner another day."

She is a junior at Haikou University of finance. Now the exam is approaching. In order not to fail, she needs to review well.

"So you are still a student! Well, beauty, if you have something to do, hurry up. I just need to go somewhere. "

Shi Xuan said with a smile.

With that, the two sides exchanged contact information.

Then he waved to Shi Yuexuan and leaned into the impatient taxi driver's car.

Explain the location to the driver, start the car engine and go to the sunshine community.

More than half an hour later, the taxi came to the sunshine community.

After paying the money and getting off the bus, Shi Xuan stood where he was, looked at the changing environment around him, sighed, and felt disappointed in his heart.

Entering the sunshine community, he went directly to the third floor of building B.

When he knocked on the door, he found that it was a strange middle-aged woman who opened the door.

After chatting with the woman for a while, Shi Xuan learned that his adoptive parents lost a lot of money because of an oversight five years ago.

In order to pay off the debt, they not only took out their savings for many years, but also sold the house and moved to the poorest and most backward slum in Haikou.

Hearing the news, Shi Xuan felt very heavy if he was struck by lightning.

He never expected that such an accident would happen to his adoptive parents after he left China.

Now it's more than 4 p.m., and the slum is outside the Fifth Ring Road of Haikou City, which is very far from here.

After thinking, Shi Xuan decided to go to the slum tomorrow to see the situation of adoptive parents.

Politely bid farewell to the middle-aged woman, and Shi Xuan took a taxi back to Jinhui group.

Now those terrorists in the Middle East may not know the identity of Cheng muxue. She is still safe for the time being.

But when the girl went to and from work, Shi Xuan decided to follow her closely. After all, there was no harm in keeping an eye on her.

If the mission fails, the $100 million will be lost!

Half an hour later, the taxi was very close to Jinhui group.

Unfortunately, there was a car accident on the road ahead and the traffic was seriously blocked.

For a while, the taxi couldn't get to Jinhui group smoothly.

Anyway, it's only a few hundred meters away from Jinhui group. Shi Xuan simply paid the bill, got off and walked towards Jinhui group on foot.

Just as he walked a distance, a rough and bad drink suddenly sounded behind him: "smelly boy, stop your mother!"


Suddenly, when he heard the loud drink, Shi Xuan stepped forward and immediately looked puzzled and turned to the back.

Then I saw a young man in his twenties, naked and wearing a fake gold chain around his neck, surrounded by more than 20 flattering younger brothers, striding towards him.

These people have carved dragons and painted phoenixes. One of them is mixed in society.

The head of the youth, who was as strong as an iron tower, looked ferocious and full of flesh. At first glance, he was not a good man.

On his left and right sides, he was followed by two small gangsters with swollen faces and colorful hair.

Seeing the appearance of the two gangsters, Shi Xuan raised his eyebrows and showed a playful smile on his face.

These two guys are the two hooligans who wanted to flirt with Shi Yuexuan but were taught a lesson by him today.

It seems that these two guys suffered a loss in his hands. They resented and found the boss to retaliate!

"Third brother, just this smelly boy, he beat us in the face today."

When they came near, the two gangsters touched half of their faces and said to the burly young man headed by them. At the moment, both of them are full of resentment and look at Shi Xuan.

"Brother, you stop me. What can I do for you?"

Calmly staring at more than 20 gangsters who came nearby, Shi Xuan asked knowingly, without a trace of fear on his face.

"Smelly boy, Shaote's mother's approach. Madder, you even dare to fight the little brother of labor and capital. If you don't lie in the hospital today, my Huang San will take your last name. "

Huang San, the young man headed by him, pointed to Shi Xuan and shouted abuse. His big eyes were full of bad intentions.

"Well, don't give me your last name. I don't have your unfilial son“

Just as the voice of Huangshan fell, Shi Xuan said with a smile.

It's OK for these street gangsters to scare ordinary people, but he doesn't eat this.

Hearing Shi Xuan's words, Huang San's face became gloomy for a moment.

Just then, I only heard the two beaten little gangsters say, "don't be crazy, smelly boy. I'll beat you so that your mother doesn't know you."

Because their teeth were knocked out, the two unlucky guys were very funny because they were talking.

"This bastard is so forced that he has to kneel and sing 'conquer' later."

"Let him finish the conquest later, and beat his limbs and let him know the consequences of offending us."

Just as the voice of the two gangsters fell, the others behind also opened their mouths with a grim smile.

There was so much noise here that it soon attracted passers-by to stop.

Seeing more than 20 gangsters surround a thin young man, the crowd's eyes show a touch of sympathy.

However, in order to avoid causing trouble, no one dared to call police.

Huang San's eyes were cold. He didn't want to waste time. He waved his big hand and said, "brothers, don't talk nonsense with this silly fork. Let's go and dry him first!"

When Huang sanphen ordered him, the younger brothers behind him all showed a ferocious smile and rushed at Shi Xuan.

The little ruffian who rushed to the front was eager to show himself in front of the boss and kicked hard at Shi Xuan's belly.

Seeing this scene, Shi Xuan's face was calm, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth. After calmly avoiding this foot, he took it lightly and slapped the little ruffian in the face.


A clear sound came out, but the little ruffian sent out a painful scream, and his body was directly fanned out.