Puchi -

looking at Wei Kai, ye Chaoge couldn't help but smile.

Well, I'm very happy.

I saw that unparalleled Junyan, suddenly more than a purple eye, and only one.

Wei Kai stared at the girl who couldn't close her mouth with a smile. She was very angry. "Is that funny?"

Ye Chaoge doesn't say anything. He goes forward with a smile and pushes him to the bronze mirror. He points to the mirror, which means that you can see for yourself if it's funny.

Wei Kai

After laughing enough, ye Chaoge asks Hongmei to find two boiled eggs.

Hongmei Mali soon brought the eggs.

Ye Chaoge rubs the egg on his purple eyes, trying to disperse some bruises.

"Does it hurt?"

Enjoying her tenderness, Wei Kai shook his head, "it doesn't hurt."

"What did he do?" Rub for a while, ye Chaoge suddenly asked.

Wei Kai stopped, "do you know?"

Ye Chaoge sighed, "you know me, I don't know you."

Smell speech, Wei Kai pursed lips, "then why do you want to hide from me?" He took her hand and wrapped it in the palm of his hand

"Shh." Before he finished, ye Chaoge's slender fingers touched his lips, "now I am very contented, and, in the future, who can guarantee it? It's not doomed that misfortune and fortune go hand in hand."

Wei Kai closed her eyes, took a breath, held her finger on her lips, kissed her, and then held the person in her arms, "if God is destined, I will go against this day, if there is no reversal, I will go with you, life and death do not give up."


"I said, live together, die together, also be together, big deal, you and I do a pair of ghost mandarin duck."

His voice reverberated firmly in her ears.

Ye Chaoge slowly closed his eyes, the clear tears fell silently, fell in his lapel, disappeared in an instant, leaving only a small circle of water halo.

She remembers.

I remember what he said when he was on the cliff.

At that time, she was shocked and moved. It was also her decision to join him if she did not die

Although later, they went through all sorts of things.

After a year, hearing this again, she was no longer shocked, some did not give up.

Of course, she was moved by life and death.

After swallowing her saliva, she heard herself say, "for you, I'm going against the world with you!"

Compared with GUI Yuanyang, she would like to make a pair of Yuanyang with his neck, just like the one she embroidered. They are in pairs and never leave each other.

Wei Kai smiles, slightly raises his head, and the corner of his eye drops into his hair.

"Well, we will go against the world together!"



Chengxi hit this punch, in Wei Kai's eyes left a moment hard to rub the traces of scattered.

Knead for a long time, still blue and purple eye.

Ye Chaoge can't help laughing.

"Laugh if you want. I won't let you laugh."

Looking at her smile, Wei Kai turned his mouth.

This words a fall, leaf dynasty song is really not polite of laugh.

"You really don't know how to hide." Ye Chaoge said when he saw the good.

Wei Kai snorted coldly, "anyway, he didn't take advantage of it!"

Ye Chaoge blinks.

"I'll see when you see it."

Hum, he promised that when the girl saw the boy, the ugliest one in her mind must not be the easy-looking one at the beginning!

At this time, the head guard of Zhou came in and reported: "Your Highness the prince, Miss Sun, Prince Pingrui sent someone to invite you."

Wen Yan, Wei Kai and ye Chaoge look at each other and see each other clearly.

Sure enough.

When he went to the main hall, he saw Prince Pingrui sitting there drinking tea. In front of him was a small white flower. There was only one root, about the size of a fingernail.

Hearing the report, Prince Pingrui looked up subconsciously. At the next moment, a mouthful of tea came out.

Wei Kai

Aware of his gaffe, Prince Pingrui quickly wiped his mouth and got up. He just looked at Wei Kai's blue eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched, and his face became a little distorted because of his smile.

After a while, he calmed down.

"Your Highness, your eyes..."

"If you have time to care about your lonely eyes, it's better to care about King Xiqiong."


Prince Pingrui was puzzled at first, then suddenly, did he say that his Highness's eyes were beaten by Xi'er?

The prince said

Prince Pingrui winks at Chao Feng, who retreats and runs to Chengxi's residence.

When you come out, your face is distorted.

At this time, Prince Pingrui picked up the little white flower and said, "this is the medicine that the prince asked for."Ye Chaoge and Wei Kai look at each other.

"Is it a flower?" Ye Chaoge asked.

Prince Pingrui nodded, "yes, it's just a flower. This flower is very picky about its growing environment. Its rhizome absorbs nutrients and has enough nutrients before it blooms. The flower is a rare good medicine."

"Today, Seven Star Valley, on behalf of Rouran, presents zhansilu to his royal highness. I also hope that his highness can follow the original agreement and teach me the water conservancy method of Rouran to solve my dilemma."

Having said that, Prince Pingrui will present zhansilu.

Wei Kai went over to take over, "this is nature." Then he winked at Nanfeng, who scooped out something from his arms and gave it to Prince Pingrui.

"This is the method of water conservancy. You just need to find a craftsman to build a wheel according to the above book, and then use it to divert water. You will be able to solve the problem of softness."

Prince Pingrui opened it and looked at it for a moment. He was excited and nodded, "thank you, your highness."

After thanking him, he put away the object. Thinking of what Feng said last night, Prince Pingrui asked eagerly, "when will your highness and miss ye leave? It is reasonable to say that we should keep two more for a while, but your highness said before that the king of hell is merciless and urgent to save his life, and we don't stay much. In order not to delay important things, we should leave today? "

Wei Kai, ye Chaoge

It's just a matter of time. It's a pleasure to start early.

That afternoon, Wei Kai and his party bid farewell to Prince Pingrui and left the Seven Star Valley.

"It's strange."

On the carriage, ye Chaoge whispered.

"Why is it strange?"

"Didn't you find out? I didn't see King Xiqiong and Princess Fuxin just now."

Wei Kai sneered, "it's strange that the guy has the face to send each other off." He now, can go out the door, he admired him.

Ye Chaoge couldn't help but wonder, "how far have you beaten him?"

"You care about him?" Wei Kai took her eyes.

Ye Chaoge glanced at him faintly, "what do you say?"

In just three words, it's not hard to recognize the threat.

Wei Kai quickly hugged the man to his arms and said, "I'm sorry, but I still don't like you to mention him."

Others can, but this once intended to pry his corner Chengxi can't!
