Chu Bingyan stands at the door, looking at the shadow of Luo Yan's leaving car. She feels even worse. She leaves me in such a broken place and sends me away. Well, after her parents return home, let her father come here to meet her, and let him see for himself how Luo Yan treats her, so that her father won't repeat this engagement with her.

Luo Yan drives to the direction of Yi Yao's house. As for where to sleep tonight, he hasn't figured out. He doesn't have much money. He can't afford to stay in a hotel or a hotel, and he doesn't want to go back to the small yard. Now Chu Bingyan lives there, and it's inconvenient for him to have a room with only one man and few women.

Although he and Tang Xin live in the same room, there is a difference in essence. Tang Xin lives on the second floor and he lives on the first floor. They don't meet each other.

Besides, Tang Xin can't live for a few days in a month. He went back after two days' holiday last time. Now there is no one living on the second floor, but he can't go to live on it. Tang Xin said it was her room and it was locked.

After thinking all the way, the car drove to the door of Yiyao's house unconsciously. Otherwise, you can sleep in the car at night. It can at least keep out the wind and rain, and the seat can be used as half a bed.

Luo Yan decided to sleep in the car at night, first deal with Chu Bing Yan Jiuzhan magpie nest this period of time, wait for her which day to go back to the small yard to sleep.

At 7:30 in the morning, Yiyao got up, looked at the eye door, found Luoyan sitting in the car, relieved.

Last night, she kept staring at the door and saw one o'clock in the morning. Finally, she fell asleep. She wanted to see what time Luoyan would drive back, but in the end, she didn't wait.

After a simple breakfast and light makeup, Yiyao went out.

Luo Yan saw the chairman come out, got off and opened the rear door, but this time Yi Yao didn't get in. Instead, she opened the front door and sat in the co driver's seat.

"Luoyan." After the car got on the road, Yiyao called to him.

"Yes." Today, Yiyao takes the initiative to sit in the co driver's seat. This abnormal behavior makes Luo Yan feel a little guilty. Last night, Chu Bingyan sat in that position. It's not the chairman who noticed anything.

"What time did you drive back last night?" Yi Yao light asks a way.

"At three o'clock in the morning, I'm sorry. I drove you to the airport to pick someone up."

"The one who's been calling you?" Yi Yao then asked.


"Men and women?" Yi Yao continued to ask, but she felt that this question seemed very sensitive. She regretted asking, and stroked her hair awkwardly.

"Woman." Luo Yan light return way, he don't understand Yi Yao to ask these why, is the chairman also so gossip?

"Oh." Hear Luo Yan say female, Yi Yao a moment put down heart.

Luo Yan didn't cheat her. As soon as she got into the car, she had already smelled the faint fragrance left by a girl in the air. If Luo Yan said that she was a man, she would reexamine Luo Yan's honesty, but Luo Yan's answer was very candid, and she was very satisfied.

But a woman came to him and heard that they hadn't met yet, but he ran to the airport to meet them in the middle of the night. What's the relationship? Two people are familiar with it, or not familiar with it, this let her good tangle.

All day, Yi Yao was confused by these inexplicable ideas. She didn't do a good job and made a lot of small mistakes. Bai Bing reminded her several times, so she had to find an excuse to say that she was not very focused during her physiological period and fooled her.

In the evening, Yi Yao continues to take Luo Yan to the table. Luo Yan is still as diligent as usual and acts as her bar. Only in the middle of the way, Luo Yan's phone rings again. She sees that Luo Yan answers the phone and goes to his back to listen to what he says.

Chu Bing Yan sleep until noon to get up, wake up, did not see Luo Yan.

Last night, after Luo Yan left, she lay on the bed and thought for a whole night. During that time, she cried several times. At last, she was too tired to fall asleep. All night, she didn't sleep soundly.

After a simple wash, she wandered around the room and went up to the second floor. Seeing the door closed, she thought that the room might be Luo Yan's sleeping room.

Out of the inner room, Chu Bingyan came to the yard. It was too late last night. She didn't observe carefully. Now in broad daylight, she took another look at the small yard and found that the environment was pretty good.

There is a big tree in the middle, which covers the whole yard in the shade. The breeze blows by, and the leaves are very cool.

Under the tree, there is a cement stone table, several stone benches, and a small swing under the thick tree trunk. Chu Bingyan's childlike innocence rises, sits on the swing and plays with it.

A small flower bed is surrounded by a fence beside the big tree. The only flower is planted in the flower bed. It looks very strange. Chu Bingyan has never seen this kind of flower. It is estimated that Luo Yan planted it himself. It is really a strange flower planted by a strange man.

She picked up the watering can next to the flower bed and helped Luo Yan pour water. During this time, she lived here first and contacted her parents when they returned home. Although the place was simple, it looked very warm.

Away from the intrigue of Yanjing family, this rare peace makes Chu Bingyan feel at ease.

Chu Bingyan sat on the swing waiting for an afternoon, quietly in a daze, waiting for Luo Yan to come back in the evening and take her out to dinner. Now she is penniless and can't go anywhere.

But Chu Bingyan waited until nine o'clock in the evening, but she still didn't see Luo Yan come back. She was very angry, and Luo Yan went out to fool around again. Now she must be happy in a nightclub. She had forgotten that she still lived in his home.

Last night, I was angry with Luo Yan and only ate a few mouthfuls of noodles. Today, I haven't eaten anything again. No matter how small the girl's appetite is, she can't carry it. She's hungry again.

Come to Jinling every day hungry, this kind of bitter days she never experienced, good grievance, finally she picked up the mobile phone to dial Luoyan.

Luo Yan a see call, headache, he really is to forget Chu Bingyan, oneself a person used to, suddenly came a woman, he has not accepted this setting, quickly press answer key.

"When will you be back?" Chu Bing Yan hears Luo Yan telephone there is that kind of rowing boxing, toasting noise, coldly ask.

Sure enough, he is a black sheep. Mud can't support him. But this time she is very calm, she has seen the true face of Luoyan, does not hold any expectations to this man, what Luoyan does now, her heart will not have a trace of fluctuation.

Drink. It's none of my business. He is a dandy. Even if he is kicked out of the Luo family, what can he do? He can't change his nature. This kind of daily life in bars and nightclubs is what he wants.

"About eleven o'clock." Luo Yan estimates the time.

"Well." Chu Bingyan hangs up.