In a family hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from Yue Yunfei, there is a tragedy like this:

a beautiful young woman is holding an old man's ear at the moment, and she says angrily: "say, why don't you listen to me? Do you want to rebel

The old man grinned and begged for mercy: "on Let me go, dear Natasha, or you'll tear off my ears. "

Hearing the old man say this, the young woman was even more worried and said, "I think you are more and more daring, don't you dare not listen to me. If I don't show you some color today, you really don't know what I'm good at


Yue Yunfei shook his head helplessly and said to himself, "this old man is really asking for his own guilt."

Looking at Yue Yunfei talking nervously there, Huang Yuanyuan couldn't help asking, "Yue Yunfei, why are you talking?"

With a helpless smile, Yue Yunfei gives her mobile phone to Huang Yuanyuan. As soon as Huang Yuanyuan put her mobile phone on her ear, she immediately heard: "dear, wolf, I miss you so much."

"Yue Yunfei, it's all in a mess. How can it be English?" Huang Yuanyuan asked suspiciously.

“dear! Wolf, why don't you talk? " Natasha asked when she heard no voice on the other end of the phone.

"Here's everything." Huang Yuanyuan said to return the mobile phone to Yue Yunfei.

"James, you old man, how..."

“what?…… Wolf, I'm Natasha, not James

All of a sudden, Yue Yunfei was so ashamed that he wanted to find a mouse hole to get in immediately.

"Oh, Natasha, why are you?"

Natasha explained, "I was making cakes in the kitchen just now. When I came out, I saw James calling behind my back. Originally I was very angry, but he said it was your phone, so I forgave him! "


After a while of greetings, Yue Yunfei finally talked about the main point: "James, I have something I need your help."

"On shit. In your Chinese words, we have a good relationship with each other. You are too outspoken to say that. Come on, what's up? As long as I can help, I will never refuse. "

Jones James's words are firm, not like the kind of polite words among ordinary friends.

Yue Yunfei laughed and said, "one of my elders has a strange disease. At present, no one in China can treat it, so I think of you."

"The medical level and technology in China are also very high. Why can't these diseases be cured?"

James intentionally or unintentionally damaged Chinese medicine.

"Our Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and has a long history. After more than 5000 years of accumulation, we have eliminated the bad and stored the essence. "

Although Yue Yunfei and James are good friends, but on these big issues of right and wrong, about the country's face. He will not give in at all.

"Well, James, are you sure?"

James did not give a specific answer, but said: "wolf, do you have a computer in front of you now? Please ask the patient to video with me. I need to know the details before I can decide. "

Yue Yunfei looked back and asked, "Uncle Huang, is there a computer here? The doctor needs to make a video with you to understand the specific situation."

"Yes, in the house where I rest." Huang Yuanyuan said and turned in from behind.

Yue Yunfei followed and went in. He was surprised to find that there was a cave behind.

A house with an area of more than 40 square meters is magnificently decorated and full of rich atmosphere. At first glance, it is the place where rich people live.

The room was tidy, and there was a faint fragrance. Yue Yunfei sniffed as like as two peas. The smell is exactly the same as the smell of Huang Yuanyuan.

Yue Yunfei glances casually. On a big bed made of red sandalwood, there are two cartoon characters.

Nima, don't girls like snow white and teddy bear? How can you be a bald head and big wolf!

In the face of these two goods, Yue Yunfei just wants to say that if you have money, you'll be self willed!

Huang Yuanyuan has opened the video, James and Natasha appear in the video. He hardly changed, the only thing was that he had a few more white hairs on his head.

At the moment of seeing Yue Yunfei, Natasha rushed to the computer excitedly and gave Yue Yunfei a kiss across the screen.

And at this time, Yue Yunfei is also very coquettish feeling with the hand empty a grasp, put to the mouth. And then make a very enjoyable appearance.

Huang Yuguang and his wife's face suddenly turned black. Yue Yunfei is too fickle. I dare to make eyes at that golden woman in front of us.

Do you still have my mother-in-law to be and laotaishan in your eyes? Do I dare to marry Yuanyuan to you?

Seeing Yue Yunfei like this, Huang Yuanyuan really wanted to go up and give him two big mouths.But out of rational consideration, she finally resisted the impulse of beating Yue Yunfei violently. Instead, he said coldly, "Yue Yunfei, are we here to chat?"

"Wow..." Natasha exclaimed, "wolf, your girlfriend is so beautiful. Looking at Natasha and Yue Yunfei, she was very angry. But when I heard her praise her face. The anger suddenly disappeared, and Natasha liked it a little.

Because Huang Yuguang only knows a little English, James Mei needs Yue Yunfei to translate it to him: "uncle, what's the disease that the doctor asked you about?"

"Ankylosing spondylitis."

After hearing Yue Yunfei say the name, the smile on James's face immediately disappeared, and his expression became very serious.

He had heard the name of the disease more than once in the course of some previous academic research.

But there was no direct contact with these patients. Because the incidence rate of this disease is very low, and only one case is found in every fifty million people worldwide. Although incidence rate of

is low, the disease is very fatal. Once suffering from the disease, it is basically equivalent to the death penalty. There is no cure, early or late.

Because of this, this disease will be called the image of the medical profession - cancer in cancer!

So far, according to the world health administration. There is no precedent for the disease to be cured together.

Looking at James's serious expression, Yue Yunfei also knew that it would not be so easy. So he said, "James, is there any difficulty?"

James sighed deeply, nodded his head and said, "it's really weird. I..."

"James, you can't give me face. And this man is a close relative of mine. In any case, you must do something about it. "

"But wolf, I can't do anything about it." He knew that once he said this sentence, it meant that his good friend wolf's hope was dashed.

But that's what he is. He's a straightforward man. He didn't want to cheat his good friend, so he finally said it with his teeth clenched.

"Yunfei, what did your friend say?" Looking at James's face is very serious. Ma Shuxia could not help asking!

Huang Yuanyuan also understood what James meant. She wanted to whisper it to Yue Yunfei. Tell her not to tell Ma Shuxia the news, so that she will not be heartbroken after hearing the disappointing news.

But before she could speak, Yue Yunfei was already answering Ma Shuxia's question:

"er Aunt, it's OK. You can relax! Although my uncle's illness is difficult to cure, my friend is not a quack who depends on gilding. He will certainly find a way to treat his uncle! "

Looking at Ma Shuxia just that heartbroken appearance, and after hearing a glimmer of hope, her heart that happy feeling.

Yue Yunfei didn't want to see the old man cry and fall to the ground again. So I lied to her. At the same time, what he said is also more implicit, James will give treatment. But whether it can be cured or not, he also failed to make clear his position.

Looking at Yue Yunfei, Huang Yuanyuan is so considerate of the old man that she can consider Ma Shuxia and care about her feelings. A warm current surged up in my heart, and I looked at Yue Yunfei gratefully.

Looking at James like this, Natasha was also worried: "old banana, how can you do this? You have no conscience. Ten years ago, if you were not a wolf, would you still be alive now.

Now see the wolf has difficulties, but you stay out of the trouble, let alone the wolf. I'm ashamed of you. "

Seeing that the time was ripe, Yue Yunfei finally said, "James, if you don't help me, we'll break up from now on."

James is under the double attack of Natasha and Yue Yunfei. Finally he said, "well, I'll try my best. But let's make it clear in advance. If I can't cure it in the end, you can't blame me. "

As long as James agrees, Yue Yunfei will be very happy. Even if it is not cured in the end, Yue Yunfei will not have any complaints.

After discussing James's trip to China, they exchanged greetings for a while, and Yue Yunfei turned off the video.

"Don't worry, auntie. In three days, James will fly over from England to treat his uncle

Ma Shuxia said happily: "Yunfei, thank you this time. If it wasn't for you, we would have no idea what to do. "

"Auntie, it's OK! That's what I should do. "

Ma Shuxia likes Yue Yunfei more and more. He said, "well Yunfei, you and Yuanyuan will play first. Your uncle and I will go back and get ready first, so as not to be in a hurry. "

"Aunt, I don't think there's anything to..."

Huang Yuguang was pulled by Ma Shuxia, and immediately reflected that he wanted to give young people appropriate free space. Then he said, "Yunfei, don't say it.If people come from afar, we must prepare everything in advance, lest they say we are not well cared for. "

Huang Yuguang finished, then went back.

"Dad, mom. You wait for me, and I'm going back to take care of dad. "

"I'll take care of it by myself. You can play with Yunfei." After Ma Shuxia finished this sentence, she took the door with her.

Smelling the faint fragrance in the room is like smelling the smell of Huang Yuanyuan. Yue Yunfei felt uncomfortable and thought obscenely:

lying trough! Play with me for a while. Is NIMA suggesting that I can do something interesting?