Chen Shaofeng clenched his teeth. Who can ask for help. Then he said, "brother Liu, what do you mean?"

Liu Xiong put out two more fingers and said, "less than this number, don't even think about it."

Chen Shaofeng's face sank, but it was fleeting.

The next moment, he had put on the original expression, a warm smile, happy reply: "good! 30 million is 30 million! As long as brother Liu helps me, I will never forget my great kindness. "

Liu Xiong said with a smile: "well, brother, I will do my best. Then it's up to you and director Ma. "

After that, he got up and left. Before leaving, I didn't forget to say, "remember to put the money into my Swiss bank account."

Chen Shaofeng nodded and said, "it will be."

Although Chen Shaofeng's words are very simple, if you listen carefully, you will feel uncomfortable.

It's like being held around the neck and trying to make a sound out of your voice.


In case Chen Shaofeng doesn't find him, Yue Yunfei stops his car far away from Chen Shaofeng's home, and then walks to the outside of Chen Shaofeng's villa.

Since he separated from Huang Yuanyuan, he has visited three villas of Chen Shaofeng in an hour, but no trace of Chen Shaofeng has been found.

In desperation, he had to place all his hopes on the last villa.

I really hope Chen Shaofeng is here, otherwise, he really does not know whether the tax bureau will sue Huang Yuanyuan?

He took a deep breath and regained his excitement. Then the body darts fiercely, the foot kicks on the wall, has already turned over from the more than one meter high wall.

Quick action, quick work. It's like a cheetah on the prey.

Because Yue Yunfei has been here once, he is also clear about the layout of monitoring equipment in Chen Shaofeng's house. He cleverly avoids all of them, and then pries the door to enter.

After entering, Yue Yunfei checked in the living room.

Looking at the broken tea table, Yue Yunfei was stunned.

This Chen Shaofeng really can play, not only the man wants to play incisively and vividly, but also in the living room!

Soon, a picture appeared in Yue Yunfei's mind

Since he came to this city, Yue Yunfei has not enjoyed that special joy for a long time.

Although there are many beauties around, including four of the five beauties in Shucheng, the relationship between those beauties and themselves is relatively vague.

Yue Yunfei said it was their bodyguard, but his right to act far exceeded that of a bodyguard. It is said that they are ordinary employees, but their attitude towards Yue Yunfei is a little strange. It doesn't look like the relationship between the employees and the boss at all!

To sum up in one sentence: Yue Yunfei has seen those girls for countless times, and even knows what brand and color they wear, but he doesn't even play with their hair!

There are many beautiful women around all day, but they can not move a finger, this is really a very painful thing!

Thinking of these, Yue Yunfei can't help thinking of Chen Mengyao.

Chen Mengyao is definitely the one she loves among all the girls. Because of this, they almost broke through the last line of defense - if not disturbed.

"Beast After Yue Yunfei's words popped out of his mouth, he sat down and smoked a cigarette. I decided to calm the surging mood for a while.


Looking at the bank card in front of her, Ma Jianhong pushed the card to Chen Shaofeng and said impolitely:

"boss Chen, we have made it very clear before. After I finish the last thing for you, don't pester me again. Just now when I saw director Liu here, I couldn't bear to refute your face. Why are you still like this? "

Chen Shaofeng said with a smile: "director Ma, how can you say that. What do you mean I'm pestering you? We have a cooperative relationship. As long as I don't stop this kind of cooperation between us, how can you stop it unilaterally? Do you know it's not kind of you to behave like this? "

Ma Jianhong never thought that Chen Shaofeng would dare to talk to him like this. He suddenly burst into a rage and rose up in a furious voice:

"Chen Shaofeng, you shameless rat, dare to talk to me like this. Do you believe that I will immediately disclose your false account?"

For Ma Jianhong's threat, Chen Shaofeng did not care at all.

He originally wanted to cooperate happily with Ma Jianhong, but he didn't want to use his trump card.

But no matter what he said, Ma Jianhong did not enter the oil and salt, did not eat the hard and soft, and was determined not to help him this time. In desperation, he had to tear his face.

Chen Shaofeng glanced at Ma Jianhong disdainfully, then lit a cigar and cocked his legs. A good puff of the cigar filled the room with smoke.

Seeing Chen Shaofeng's arrogant attitude, Ma Jianhong was completely angered.

Although he was only a director, he was in the Business Bureau, which was in charge of businessmen's lifeline. A director has a lot of power.Usually those businessmen see that they are either flattering or flattering, absolutely no one dares to be so arrogant in front of themselves.

"Chen Shaofeng, I hope you don't regret it."

Ma Jianhong has a gloomy face. After that, he plans to leave. He will be mad if he goes on living with such people.

Looking at Ma Jianhong about to go out, Chen Shaofeng said with a smile: "director Ma, do you really intend to go like this?"

Ma Jianhong stopped, turned back and said: "you scum, I cooperate with you. I'm really blind."

“…… After a sneer, Chen Shaofeng said, "director Ma, are you blind or not? I don't know. But I'm sure you can see it! "

Looking at the things in Chen Shaofeng's hands, Ma Jianhong's face suddenly defecated. He rushed forward with three steps and two steps, snatched things from Chen Shaofeng's hands and fell to the ground with all his strength!

Looking at the debris on the ground, Chen Shaofeng didn't care. He sneered: "ha ha Director Ma, have you eaten too much dog meat recently? Why are you so angry? Maybe you don't know yet? You must be hurt if you are angry!

Director Ma, you see that you have so many "ice" to deal with every day, which is enough to hurt your kidney. If you hurt yourself again, it's really ruined! "

Ma Jian's red eyes seemed to be bursting with fire. He grabbed Chen Shaofeng by the collar and lifted him up from his chair. He punched him in the face.

Chen Shaofeng mouth of a blood arrow suddenly out, after the slot teeth were also knocked out a!

But Chen Shaofeng didn't get angry. He said with a smile, "director Ma, no matter how smart you are, you didn't expect that I still have a hand!"

Director Ma's face has become distorted because of his excessive anger.

If he had a gun in his hand now, he would kill Chen Shaofeng without hesitation. But he doesn't have a gun, he has to face reality.

Ma Jianhong moved her lips twice, but she didn't make a decision in the end.

This time, if he can't figure out a suitable way, he will have to spend the rest of his life in prison.

At this moment, he found himself in a difficult situation.

It's like he's standing in the middle of a single wooden bridge, in a dilemma.


After smoking a cigarette, Yue Yunfei has completely calmed down.

He put those thoughts out of his mind.

A killer should not think about these messy things - although Yue Yunfei can't help thinking when he sees those beauties.

Yue Yunfei stood up and stretched. Then he went to Chen Shaofeng's bedroom and walked around. He wanted to find the traces of Chen Shaofeng's life in his bedroom.

But after a period of search, Yue Yunfei was disappointed in the end!

Looking at the mountain of island products in front of him, Yue Yunfei couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Murmur to himself: "this guy is right, Japanese a female star's album all bought it. When I have money, I will also enjoy the life of a rich man. "

Yue Yunfei started!

A few minutes later, he had chosen his favorite. ——Several classic works by Mr. Bodo and Mr. wutenglan.

Yue Yunfei looked at the spoils in his hand, and finally got a little consolation for his failed heart.

"It seems that the Lord is fair to everyone! Chen Shaofeng didn't find it, but he found a teacher named Boduo! " He showed a smile that was hard to understand, and then shamelessly said:

"I'll take it home and have a study with Mengyao when I'm free. I think she must have never seen such a good action movie!"

In order not to scare the snake, Yue Yunfei restored the things in the room to their original state. As for these island specialties, he must have taken them away.

There are so many Chen Shaofeng. It's nothing without these. He won't find out for sure.

Moreover, Chen Shaofeng left this thing in disorder. Just now, there were several pieces under the silk stockings on the tea table. They were just the masterpieces of Mr. Cang.

Yue Yunfei has no interest in this turbulent little woman.

Because he always felt that this little woman's voice was too fake. She was acting for the sake of acting. She didn't even have the basic quality of an actor.

So Yue Yunfei didn't take it.

Out of Chen Shaofeng's house, Yue Yunfei began to worry again.

Since Chen Shaofeng didn't find it, it shows that Huang Yuanyuan's injustice can't be cleared.

Yue Yunfei rubbed his beautiful black hair and then lit a cigarette.

After smoking a cigarette, he had thought of someone who might be able to help himself.

So he didn't hesitate any more. He got on the car and put down the loot from Chen Shaofeng. He stepped on the gas pedal. The car was like a lightning leopard. All he left was a red figure.