"Our people are almost dead and wounded."

At this time, Xu Xing's face looked very sad and said.


Wen Yan, Wen Ren, Muxi, although he had expected it for a long time, he was still shocked and asked.

After hearing this, he raised his head and looked ahead of him.

At this time, Wenren Muxi just woke up, weak, his body in the wind seems so wavering, like duckweed in the water.

At this time, I saw only a few people left in the Xueming mercenary regiment, and each of them was decorated. Wen Renmu's body, which was originally swaying, became more erratic.

How could that be?

This fact is unacceptable in the heart of Wen renmuxi.

Although it's not difficult to guess the result, it's still hard to accept when you really see the result with your own eyes.

Those are his soldiers. These people came all the way to Somalia to save him.

Although it is not possible to attribute all the responsibility to wenrenmuxi in such a situation, it has something to do with wenrenmuxi.

If they had not come to save him, these people would not have come here, and everything would not have happened.

So, at this time, I felt very remorse in my heart.

In the corner of his eyes, there were tears spinning around.

Hearing that Muncie was condemning himself, he couldn't accept it.

"Brother, you don't have to be sad. You're not to blame for all this. If you want to blame, you'll blame the brothers for their bad life. There's such a disaster in your life."

At this time, Xu Xing seemed to know that Mu Xi was condemning himself, so he said.

"No, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, everyone would be fine now."

Wen Yan, Wen Ren, the guilt in Mu Xi's heart didn't decrease at all, but said lightly.

"We don't blame our bad life. If we blame the vulture, it's too hateful!"

At this time, Zhang Meng took the words and said.

Zhang Meng felt that if the vultures had not attacked him at this time, where would so many things have happened?

"I can't say that. We and the vulture have split our skin. So if I were a vulture, I would choose this time to attack. After all, this is a good opportunity."

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, so it's not objective to comment on the good and evil of vultures at this time.

Luo Yong is an objective person, so he will say the same at this time.

Vulture and them are immortal. If they are soft at this time, Luo Yong will look down on him.

Although standing on the opposite side, Luo Yong still agrees with vultures. If Luo Yong is a vulture, he will do the same thing.

"At this time, who is to blame? Anyway, everyone is going to die, so take a look at it! "

At this time, Ruth, who was at the forefront of the battle, said.

At this time, Ruth really saw through the feeling of life and death, said faintly.

"Yes, everyone has to die!"

At this time, the strong man of Xueming mercenary group also sighed.

At this time, with the three wounds on his body, it seems more desolate and makes people want to cry.

"By the way, where's Yue Yunfei? Is he all right? "

Hearing that "all people are going to die", Muxi immediately remembered Yue Yunfei.

Why do you think of Yue Yunfei?

Because in wenrenmuxi's opinion, or in other words, wenrenmuxi always thinks that Yue Yunfei is the most fateful one among them.

Therefore, when hearing the words of this game, the first reaction of hearing Muxi was, so to speak, is Yue Yunfei going to die?

Looking back at the time when he saw Yue Yunfei earlier, he was not in a good condition and obviously could not support him for long.

Hearing this, Muxi knew very clearly that if it wasn't for saving him, Yue Yunfei would be able to receive treatment in time, and the situation would be much better than later.

Of course, Yue Yun flew to the hills not only to save Muxi, but also to see if Sanzhu had been killed by him.

However, the most important thing is to find wenrenmuxi.

Previously, wenrenmuxi didn't come down for such a long time. Yue Yunfei was very upset. He always had a premonition that something might have happened to wenrenmuxi. Sure enough, Yue Yunfei went up to see wenrenmuxi bitten by a snake and was dying.

If Yue Yun had not gone up, there would have been only one result of hearing about Muxi, that is, to die in the wilderness.

It's absolute. There's no suspense.

Because when Yue Yunfei saw wenrenmuxi, the latter was almost dead.Yue Yunfei saved his life by pulling wenrenmuxi back.

Hearing that Muxi wanted to help Yue Yun fly to kill the sniper, he ended up burying himself there, which was really a little depressing.

To tell you the truth, it's really a bit of a helping hand.

In fact, the sniper three pillars, it's really powerful.

No matter in the heart of hearing about Muxi or Yue Yunfei, they all think so.

Joking, if the sniper is not powerful, with Yue Yunfei's excellent means, do you still need to wait so long? It can be a second kill.

It is precisely because the sniper is too strong, so Yue Yunfei and they tangled for so long.

At the end of the day, even if Yue Yunfei had absolute confidence to kill the other side, he couldn't help going up the hill to confirm.

It's true. It's definitely the most powerful sniper Yue Yunfei has ever met since his debut. So Yue Yunfei thinks that such a powerful person shouldn't be so easy to die, so Yue Yunfei must go to confirm it, so that his heart can be calm.

But sometimes, there are too many people. The sniper was shot by Yang Fanyou and hit the heart. The former should die without much struggle.

Yue Yunfei's shot was completely based on his feeling. Although he was sure that he would hit the latter, he really couldn't control that part of the three pillars.

Joking, if you can control which part to hit, Yue Yunfei would have shot three pillars in the head, so you don't have to wait any longer.

So, Yue Yunfei's shot hit the heart of the three pillars was an accident, Yue Yunfei did not aim at the heart of the three pillars to fight.

Yue Yunfei's luck is really good, otherwise, if his shot didn't hit the heart, Sanzhu might not die so easily.

Then, Yue Yunfei will be more depressed and tangled.

Luo Yong and they have been fighting fiercely at the door. If Yue Yunfei has been dragged by three pillars, how can he not feel depressed?

However, Yue Yunfei has solved the three pillars, but it is useless. Yue Yunfei is still lying in the arms of Monroe, and his life and death are unknown.

The angle of the bullet shot by Sanzhu before his death was really tricky, so even Yue Yunfei didn't hide the bullet completely.

Although Yue Yunfei tried his best, the powerful sniper gun shot from his arm.

This does not mean that Yue Yunfei is bad. On the contrary, it has proved that Yue Yunfei is very good. If the average person, faced with such a quick and tricky shot, would have been killed by Sanzhu's sniper gun, where would he have dodged, not to mention taking Sanzhu's life away.

However, Sanzhu finally died under Yue Yunfei's gun, which can't be said to be very bad, because Yue Yunfei's shot was also a close victory.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yue Yunfei has never met such a powerful sniper before.

Who is Yue Yunfei? He is the king of soldiers and one of the top killers in the world.

Is it easy to let Yue Yunfei be a person whose life and death are unknown now?

Of course, if Yue Yunfei can be treated immediately, there is absolutely no problem in saving his life. As for the arm, it is estimated that he will not be able to keep it.

After Sanzhu's first shot was dodged by Yue Yunfei, he already knew the terrible place of Yue Yunfei.

Sanzhu knew that what vulture said to himself was true. He was a terrible man indeed.

But Sanzhu was too lonely to be defeated alone. For many years, he had not met such a powerful opponent as Yue Yunfei.

Therefore, Sanzhu's competitive heart rises, he must kill Yue Yunfei, is willing to give up, otherwise, his heart always feel itchy, like a cat scratch.

Therefore, Sanzhu chose to stay, even though he knew very clearly in his heart that if he continued to stay here, he would be killed by Yang Fanyou.

Because Yue Yunfei is very strong here.

However, even if Sanzhu died, he would have no regrets. This is his own choice. For a serious opponent, Sanzhu is willing to take risks, even at the cost of his life.

Finally, Sanzhu chose to stay, although he died in Yue Yunfei's grab, but before he died, the corner of his mouth was with a smile.

Invincible is lonely, to be able to fight with Yue Yunfei such a powerful opponent before death, although Sanzhu died, but still feel very happy.

This is a man eager to fight, a man who is fearless even in the face of death.

Unfortunately, Yue Yunfei didn't know what Sanzhu thought. What Yue Yunfei knew was that the sniper was really strong, so strong that he almost killed him with one shot.

If Yue Yunfei knew that Sanzhu thought so, I'm afraid the former would respect Sanzhu very much.

This is a respectable sniper. Although Yue Yunfei is against Sanzhu, it will not prevent Yang Fan from appreciating him.Yue Yunfei has never been stingy with such praise.