Chapter 455

"Hahaha, good, good, Bingbing, you finally came back with your boyfriend, good!"

When Lin Huihui heard Ouyang Bing's words, especially when she saw the picture of Ouyang Bing holding the palm of Sun Li's hand, her eyes were full of joy. She said to Ouyang Bing happily, "Bingbing, it's good that you brought your boyfriend back this time, the boy you brought back."

Lin Huihui smiles and squints at Sun Li: "I think it's pretty good! After all, the boy we love must be excellent! "


Just after Ouyang Bing heard Lin Huihui's words, her face just showed a happy look. Suddenly, a cold hum came from Ouyang again. Sun Li's joy of getting her mother's initial approval has not yet been realized. Ouyang's cold hum directly solidified Ouyang Bing's happy look on her face.

"What's good! How did you become such a woman! This greasy boy is good-looking, but do you know him? If someone brings you something, is that a good boy? It's not certain that he bought it or not! "

Ouyang said to Lin Huihui with a discontented expression on his face.

If we say that the appearance of Ouyang just now may be a misunderstanding caused by his ignorance of Sun Li, but by now, Ouyang's appearance has fully demonstrated that Ouyang has an opinion on Sun Li!

Ouyang's outspoken words made Ouyang bing a little stunned. She turned her head and looked at her father in a puzzled way. Ouyang Bing couldn't understand why Ouyang was so dissatisfied when she saw Sun Li again.

When Sun Li heard Ouyang's words, he began to smile.

In fact, at the beginning, when Sun Li saw Ouyang, he was very surprised. No matter whether Sun Li had clairvoyance or not, his surprise included a medical worker's respect for his elders and outstanding pioneers. But after Ouyang, what Sun Li saw, and what Ouyang Bing had said to him, Let Sun Li have a new definition of these.

No matter how great a person he is, after all, he is a person with his own feelings. Ouyang will worry about Ouyang Bing's marriage because of his age, and he will be quite dissatisfied with himself because of inexplicable reasons. This is something Sun Li can't change, but what Sun Li can do is to try his best to change Ouyang's view of himself.

"Hello, uncle. My name is Sun Li. I've heard of your name for a long time. I admire you very much. I always want to see you and communicate with you one day, but I didn't expect that we actually met, and we were still in this scene."

Sun Li said to Ouyang with a smile on his face.

With Ouyang's clear dissatisfaction with Sun Li, Ouyang Bing was surprised that Sun Li could still show this kind of performance, because Ouyang Bing knew Sun Li's medical skills and that Sun Li was a proud man. Now that Sun Li could be like this, Ouyang Bing was quite moved.

Even when Lin Huihui saw Sun Li's performance, she was quite surprised, because Ouyang Mingxian was very dissatisfied with Sun Li. Sun Li was either very embarrassed at this time, or she should not be able to hang on to her face. However, Lin Huihui found that Sun Li could face Ouyang's attitude so calmly, which made Lin Huihui feel that she underestimated Sun Li.

"First of all, I'd like to apologize to my uncle. I didn't buy the gifts I gave him just now, but Bingbing bought them from me."

Sun Li said to Ouyang sincerely, but as soon as Sun Li said this, Ouyang Bing slapped the sofa and showed a look of chagrin on her face. She didn't understand why Sun Li would say this. It's not clear that she can't find pleasure for herself.

Sure enough, after Sun Li said this, not to mention Ouyang, even Lin Huihui began to frown slightly and look at Sun Li. She accepted that young people can't have a big career. After all, she is still in the rising period, but she can't accept a dishonest person.

"Well! Put on airs. "

Ouyang disdained to send out a cold hum.

"But uncle, I never said these gifts were from me. These gifts were brought to you by Bingbing, and I brought them up."

With a faint smile on his face, Sun Li said to Ouyang, "but it doesn't mean that I came here empty handed. I asked Bingbing, and Bingbing said that you don't particularly like the material things, but you have a preference for medicine. So this time, I have a paper on medicine for you."

Sun Li Po said to Ouyang Helin Huihui sincerely.

When Lin Huihui hears Sun Li's words, her frown comes down slightly. She looks at Sun Li with some doubts.

"Just you? Medical papers? "

Ouyang seems to be some don't look up to the strength of Sun Li, he turned his lip.

"If I remember correctly, Bingbing told us last time that you are now a teacher in Yanjing Medical University, and you went to Yanjing medical university directly after you were expelled from Yanjing people's hospital. And according to Bingbing, although you are now a teacher in Yanjing Medical University, you should not have been an official doctor for more than three years?"

Ouyang squints at Sun Li. Ouyang, who has been in a high position for a long time, naturally has the temperament of not being angry and self-confident. Ouyang looks at Sun Li with dignity, and then says, "you are a boy who became an official doctor and was expelled from the hospital soon after. You go to school to teach. Tell me, what medical papers do you have with you when you come to see us this time?"

"Dad! It's not like that

Ouyang Bing heard Ouyang's words and said in a hurry. In fact, some of Ouyang's misunderstandings about Sun Li have something to do with her, because when she told her family about Sun Li, she just told her about Sun Li's career. As for Sun Li's success, Ouyang Bing wanted to surprise her family, I didn't expect that now it has become a misunderstanding.

Ouyang is in such a position. Although he has heard about some recent events in the medical field, he can't connect the specific circumstances of the events at that time. Therefore, Ouyang knows nothing about Sun Li except the situation described by Ouyang Bing.

"OK, Bingbing, don't tell me anything else. It's all like this. What strength do you think this greasy boy can have? Bring me a medical paper? Bingbing, you haven't fallen in love with anyone else. You are easily cheated. Are you sure that he is not close to you because of our family's influence? "

Ouyang waved and said to Ouyang Bing and Lin Huihui directly. After that, Ouyang turned his head and looked at Sun Li with disdain.