Chapter 473

"Why, brother, how can you see that the white bear will win? Why do you have such confidence?"

Fat man squints at Sun Li. Although he calls him brother by brother now, Sun Li denies him directly. Fat man still has some dissatisfaction in his heart. Why does Sun Li dare to insist that white bear will win? He has invested 500000 yuan for the grey man to buy what he can win!

"Didn't I just say that? I don't think it's easy for a new grey man to be arranged to fight him on such an important occasion as the white bear. Besides, the white bear is so heavy that I'm afraid he will be knocked down if he can't get close to the grey man! "

The fat man looked up at Sun Li and said triumphantly.

"The grey man is really not simple."

Sun Li nodded and admitted the fat man's words.

"That's right! I think the grey man will win this game anyway! Ha ha, I've never won. It seems that I can make a lot of money today! "

The fat man grinned and his face was full of excitement.

"But the white bear will win."

Sun Li shook his head and said again.

"You... Brother, that's not right! White bear can win, you give me a reason, white bear why he can win, you give me an analysis! "

Fat man is not happy, he looked at Sun Li indomitable said, Sun Li said these words, not a word is said on his heart, so let fat man can't help but some angry.

This time, Sun Li did not respond to the fat man's words. He turned his head and looked at the challenge arena, silent.

"If you don't say it, don't say it. What's the big deal? If you think the white bear can win, you'll see if the grey man wins or not!"

The fat man murmured with resentment.

At this time, the countdown number on the top screen finally turned to zero.

"The fight begins!"

With a shout from the man in gold, the fight started. The man in gold jumped up and left the challenge arena.

When Sun Li saw the action of the man in gold, he couldn't help flashing a trace of light in his eyes.

And just after the golden man announced the start of the fight, the white bear once again violently hit his chest, straight toward the gray man, and smashed his huge fist at the gray man.

When the gray man saw the white bear coming, his eyes were full of calmness and calmness. He took a step away from the white bear and avoided his full attack.


White bear's fist hit on the floor, directly smashed the concrete out of a nest.

"Don't run!"

The white bear let out a roar and rushed to the gray man with his long legs.

The gray man's cold eyes are full of calmness. He sidesteps and dodges the attack of the white bear again. At the moment when the white bear clumsily wants to turn around, the gray man's eyes flash a trace of poison. He sticks to his body and his palms flash a trace of coldness. He takes a piece of flesh and blood away from the white bear.


Because of the pain, the bear took a breath, but the injury aroused the anger of the bear. His eyes were red and he rushed to the gray man again.

"Dwarf, don't let me catch you. If I catch you, I'll blow your head out!"

But the gray man was not affected. He was calm as a machine. Relying on his agility, he fought a guerrilla war with the white bear. Every time the gray man evaded an attack from the white bear, he would take a piece of flesh and blood from the white bear.

Soon, the white bear was bleeding, and the challenge arena was almost red with blood.

"Oh, oh, oh"

The people who watched the match were staring at each other and howled excitedly. The bloody scene in front of them aroused the most primitive beast in their hearts!


Seeing what happened on the stage, the fat man looked at Sun Li and gave out a cold hum, as if telling Sun Li that his judgment was correct.

Sun Li ignored the fat man. He squinted at what happened on the field and shook his head.

"The grey man wants to finish."

Sun Li said to himself gently.

Fat man didn't hear Sun Li's words, because now he was once again attracted by the scene on stage.

The gray man once again evaded the attack of the white bear. Because the white bear was always in the active attack side, so the physical strength consumption was very large. After this attack, the physical strength of the white bear obviously couldn't keep up, and the speed of his turn was much slower than the previous several times.

The gray man obviously seized this opportunity. After he saw that the bear was weak, a sinister light suddenly flashed in his cold eyes. He flashed up in an instant and grabbed the bear's lower body with his cold claws.


White bear raised his head to the sky and let out a cry of pain. He covered his crotch and fell to the ground. Due to the severe pain, white bear's blood red eyes already had tears pouring out.

The gray man grabbed the bloody ball in his hand and showed a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth.

This is black boxing, no professional ethics, no fairness, as long as you can knock down the other side, any method can be used!

"What do you say now, brother! Do you still think the white bear can win? You're kidding

Fat man's face was full of ostentation and said to Sun Li. Although he saw the gray man's action just now, he also felt a sudden chill under his crotch, but now that the victory on stage has been decided, fat man immediately felt very happy. After all, he made a small profit and hit sun Li's face.

Seeing the fat man's reaction, Sun Li shook his head and began to smile.

The situation on the Court changed instantly!

As the gray man suddenly full of vicious attack, the white bear fell to the ground in pain, and his whole body twitched in pain. Seeing this scene, the gray man's constant calm eyes finally showed a proud and relaxed posture.

"The white bear? I think you are a bear

With a cruel smile on his face, the grey man slowly came to bear's side and said with a condescending sneer that the grey man's high vigilance had been relaxed in this moment.

At this moment, the white bear's eyes full of pain suddenly flashed a ray of light.

"It's over!"

Seeing the change of the white bear's eyes, the gray man felt bad for the first time, but he no longer had the chance to pay for his careless behavior.

The white bear's painful eyes flashed light, and his palm the size of a PU fan directly grasped the legs of the gray man standing beside him!

"Die --"

A scream came out of the mouth of the white bear. The white bear stood up abruptly. He took the gray man's leg in one hand and pulled it on both sides!

The gray man didn't even have time to call for help, so he was torn in two by the white bear!