Renault sneered twice. Gu Jinxi listened. The laughter seemed to come from hell. It was soul stirring.

She slightly shrunk her body, bit her lower lip, and had to admit that what he said was very reasonable: "you, why do you do this?"

"You say so." She said hesitation, he asked back is straightforward.

Gu Jinxi's tongue is against her teeth, and the answer lies in her heart.

It's all about her.

"But I'm afraid of it." Gu Jinxi finished and hung up.

He did all this for her, but also proved his strength and terror. She fought against him, which was to hit the stone with an egg.

Seeing him like this, she would unconsciously think of what happened in the castle.

He imprisoned her and raised her as a beautiful canary, even forced her against her will.

This has become the unspeakable pain in Gu Jinxi's heart.

She never said it to anyone because even she didn't want to touch the wound.

Now, the more powerful Renault is, the more powerful her fears are.

She's afraid.

Renault, sitting in the office chair, holds his mobile phone, but his ear echoes Gu Jinxi's words.

All of a sudden, he was as deep and secretive as the sea.

All he did was for her. I thought she would be moved, but she said she was afraid.

The assistant looked at Renault worried and scared. She didn't know what Miss Gu said on the phone. It was clear that boss was still very happy. In a twinkling of an eye, it was cloudy and windy.

Why do they fall in love, but he has to be worried. There is no such reason

What Gu Jinxi said is true.

Of course, I know it will offend Renault.

But there is no possibility of recovery of the water spilled out by the words.

Just in time, Gu Tianqing called.

Gu Tianqing asked about the white family.

Although he was not sure what happened in it, he guessed about it, so he asked Bai family if it was related to her.

Gu Jinxi naturally tells the truth.

After hearing this, Gu Tianqing was stunned, but he quickly said: "Jinxi, it's not your fault. If it's me, it will do the same. If the white family is really innocent, it's not afraid to be checked. If it's done so many shameful things, it's full of pigtails, but it's not repentant, it's no wonder that other people, even if it's not Renault, will come to accept it Pick them up. "

"Dad, why are you still speaking for him?"

Gu Jinxi's question makes Gu Tianqing speechless.

Do you have one?

He just didn't want Jinxi to blame himself too much. Unexpectedly, he also helped Renault talk.

"I'm just telling you the truth. Don't think about it."

"I see, Dad. I'll hang up first."

"Okay, hang up." Gu Tianqing ended the call, but he was also a little upset. He didn't have anything to say for that person. Really, it's all for his daughter!


GU Jinxi goes to the hospital to see Zhu Yanxi.

I didn't expect to meet a tall and handsome man who was busy in her ward.

"This is..."

Zhu Yanxi quickly made an introduction for them: "Jinxi, this is my hometown and our school's elder martial brother, song Yufei, that elder martial brother, this is my classmate, Gu Jinxi."

Song Yufei is tall and handsome. At first sight, he is an outgoing sunshine boy. When he laughs, he shows two white teeth: "Hello, Gu Xuemei. I've heard about you for a long time. Today I've seen a real person."

"Hello, how are you?" Song Yufei is so warm, and Gu Jinxi is also very polite, "you can put them away, I'll do it, I'll do it."

See how considerate he is to Zhu Yanxi.

Gu Jinxi is not used to it. It's too far fetched to say it's a fellow townsman. It's clearly

Song Yufei saw Gu Jinxi coming, and also some embarrassed grabbed the head: "that Yan Xi, your classmates come, then I'll go first, and come back to see you."

"Well, let's go, I won't send you."

"No delivery, no delivery."

Gu Jinxi waved to song Yufei, went to the door to see him leave the ward, then locked the door, turned around, and pointed to Zhu Yanxi: "Zhu Yanxi, you are honest, what's the matter!"

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"What should I tell you, of course, about this elder martial brother song? What's the matter? Haven't you seen him so attentive? I don't believe it if I say it's a fellow countryman! "

"Not a fellow townsman, what do you mean!" Zhu Yanxi blushed, opened his mouth and tried to bite her finger. "It's just a classmate I just met. Don't talk nonsense.""That is, the running water has deliberately fallen flowers without mercy." Gu Jinxi shook his head and said, "Yan Xi, you can't walk on two boats, or you will easily capsize."

"Believe it or not, I'll bite you if I step on two boats or capsize one."

"Well, I won't say it. Don't get excited. Don't worry. I'll keep it secret for you. Don't let Tang Moxi know. Don't worry." Gu Jinxi nods hard to guarantee.

As a result, the door of the ward was opened. Tangbao stood there curiously on his face: "what are you two whispering? I think I heard you say my brother's name? What can't let my brother know? You have something to hide from me? "

Gu Jinxi turned around in surprise and quickly closed his mouth. As expected, he could not talk about people behind his back.

She shook her head at Tangbao: "no, nothing. You heard me wrong."

"Impossible! You two must have something to hide from me! "

"No, no, really not." Gu Jinxi said with a smile, "I mean, do you want to let your brother know about Yanxi's hospitalization?"

"Oh, about it." Speaking of this, Tangbao is also guilty. He is in the middle. He is really in a dilemma. Say, Zhu Yanxi won't let her go, don't say it, and don't let her go. Tangbao suddenly hugs Gu Jinxi. "Jinxi, let's talk about the Bai family. Ha ha, is it really so popular?"

As soon as Zhu Yanxi heard about this, he immediately came to the spirit: "yes, right, let's talk about the Bai family. Jinxi, it's your school doctor. It's a relentless effort. " Zhu Yanxi wants to come and go, but can't think of a second person.

Tangbao also looked at her curiously: "it's really him. It's too cruel."

“…… Can we change the subject? " Gu Jinxi takes the initiative to ask for a change of topic.

Don Mo CI can't talk about it. Renault can't talk about it. What else can we talk about.

Tangbao's eyes turn: "then talk about the handsome guy who just walked out of this ward."

She just met song Yufei, but she was not sure who he was.

"He is song Yufei who smashed Yanxi into the hospital." Gu Jinxi explains.

Tangbao was shocked: "is that him? The murderer. "

"Fie fie FIE, fie FIE, I'm not dead, what murderer?" Zhu Yanxi can choke on Tangbao's words.

"Oh, it's not a murderer. It's also a murderer. What is he doing here? Apologize?"

"Almost that." Gu Jinxi nods.

Tangbao criticizes: "hum, so he is courteous. If you are not a traitor, you are a thief. You should be careful." Especially the one who is very handsome. If it's dangling in front of Zhu Yanxi every day, this thing

Tangbao decides to have a good talk with Tang Mochi about Zhu Yanxi's injury in the evening.

She still has this sense of crisis.

Besides, she is Tang Mo Ci's sister.

Her brother's real interests must be guaranteed.

In the evening, Tangbao tells Tang MOCI about Zhu Yanxi's injury. But deliberately blurred the time of her injury, so that they can get rid of the blame of unrequited.