As soon as the other servants heard this, they withdrew automatically.

It must be Madame's right to sleep with them.

Zhu Yanxi's face suddenly turned to pig liver: "can you stop talking so loudly?"

I'm afraid others don't know.

"I'm just telling the truth, so that some people won't admit it."

"Even if so, it's me who has suffered. What can you shout about?" This kind of thing, always is a woman to suffer a loss, don Mo CI cries so loudly, don't know still think really she put him how.

"Who let some people have a bad memory and don't know how to be responsible after eating? I have to remind them from time to time how long they can remember."

"I'm in charge. Am I going to marry you? OK, are you married? " Zhu Yan sneered, knowing that it was impossible, so he said so loudly.

Unexpectedly, Tang Mo said: "I dare to marry, do you dare to marry?"

In one word.

Zhu Yanxi was stupefied at once.

Indeed, if you lend her a hundred courage, she can't do such a thing.

Tang Mo CI saw her face stupefied, then guessed the idea of her heart. His eyes were cold, and he walked straight upstairs.

Just leave her here?

Zhu Yanxi stood awkwardly in the living room for a while. Fortunately, a servant came to her and said, "madam, your room is on the second floor. Please follow me."

The maid was only a few years older than her. Zhu Yanxi was so confused by the name that he said, "just call me Yanxi. By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Ji Qing," said the girl. "Madam can call me Xiao Qing."

"OK, Xiao Qing, you can call me by my name, please don't cry from madam. I'm not."

"This is what general manager Tang ordered. He said you are, and you are."

"He ordered?" Zhu Yanxi didn't expect such an answer.

Ji Qing knew that she had made a mistake and apologized quickly: "I'm sorry, madam, I shouldn't talk nonsense. Don't talk to president Tang."

"Don't be nervous. I won't talk to him."

It can be seen that servants are afraid of Tang Mo's resignation. He said that one is one, and no one dares to disobey.

After going up to the second floor, Ji Qing pointed to the first bedroom on her left and said, "madam, this is your room. All the clothes are ready in the bathroom. I'll go down first. You can call me if you have something to do."

If you come, you will be safe.

Tang Moxi is nowhere to be found, and it is impossible to leave.

So Zhu Yanxi opened the bedroom door.

The room was empty and cold. As soon as she opened the door, she felt a cool breeze coming.

Black and white based decoration, especially the room is huge.

Zhu Yanxi rubbed his hands and arms, and then walked into the room.

The big bed in the middle is too perforated, and the room is connected with the bathroom. She goes in and has a look. Sure enough, the clothes are ready. The most important thing is that there is a large Jacuzzi in it.

She was full of fatigue. If she could take a hot bath at this time, it would be great.

So she put the water, locked the door again, and went into the water.

Comfortable, really comfortable.

The bathtub with its own bubbles is bubbling. It's like someone is massaging her. Her hands are open and spread on the edge of the bathtub, letting the water constantly impact her skin.

The hot water was so hot that her skin turned rosy after steaming.

She felt that the pores of her body had been opened, and every pore was desperately breathing, absorbing water, which swept away the depression of these days.

At the same time, the heat also steams her drowsy.

So when she felt someone around her, she suddenly opened her eyes, and then her body slipped, and the whole person fell down.

The bathtub is really spacious. She even ate a sour nose. She raised her head in the troubled water and stared at the man standing in front of the bathtub in horror: "how can you be here?"

The water in the bathtub is very clear, so standing outside, the situation inside is also clear at a glance. Zhu Yanxi can only curl up in a mess under the water: "who came in, you hurry out, go out!"

Damn it, she locked the door, why can he come in!

Tang Mo CI stared at her scarlet lotus face, and the glittering and lustrous skin under the water. His lips slightly raised: "this is my room. Why can't I come in?"

"What? Your room? " Zhu Yanxi's face suddenly faded and he was not depressed.

She thought that Ji Qing would take her to the guest room. Unexpectedly, she took her to the room of Tang Mochi.

No wonder he can come in.

Also, ordinary people's rooms are so luxurious, as well as the cold and hard decoration style, which is almost the same as Tang Mo Ci's strange temperament.

Blame herself, didn't ask clearly, so I was careless, but: "even if so, you can't casually go into the absorption home, I am bathing you don't know?""I know," he replied with self-expression. He didn't come in until he took a bath. "I saw that you hadn't come out after washing for such a long time. I was afraid that you would faint in it, so I came in to have a look."

"You fart!" Don't you knock at the door first if you're worried about her fainting?

He is the only one who believes this. However, his face is not red and he can't breathe. When he gets a cheap price, he still sells: "close your eyes and go out!"

His eyes were direct, warm and bold. The bamboo words and Xi seemed to be on fire. The skin color was deeper than before, like the delicate rose petals, which could make the water come out.

"Don't say goodbye!" Zhu Yanxi noticed that his pupil look seemed to deepen with her skin, and could not help shouting!

"It's so loud. Do you want me to wash it with you?"

Zhu Yanxi saw that he suddenly put his hand on the belt at his waist. With a snap, the belt fell off and his hand was placed on the zipper of his pants.

As soon as she realized what she wanted to do, Zhu Yanxi screamed out in horror, and immediately turned his back: "don't quit, you're done, you're done!"

"Not enough!" He didn't bring people here just to enjoy them.

"Ah - don't come here -" Zhu Yanxi held his head down, only to see him lift his feet and step into the bathtub.

In a hurry, she pulled the towel on one side and tried to escape, but just after the action, her body was caught from behind.

With a little effort, Tang Mozi dragged her back to the bathtub --

"don't --" originally, Zhu Yanxi thought that the bathtub was very big, and she had more than enough to swim in it. But now when Tang Mozi came in, the bathtub became so crowded and stretched out, as long as they moved a little, their skin could fit together

The water temperature in the bathtub is not low, but rising, heating, crazy, really crazy


Tangbao was in a mess and vomited several times after he returned to the dormitory.

Gu Jinxi is the only one to take care of her. It's really hard. When she sleeps well, Gu Jinxi shakes her head and sighs.

I hope Zhu Yanxi and Tang Mochi can make up quickly. Otherwise, Tangbao will suffer too. She will drink so much wine if she has nothing to do. She will suffer too. Others will suffer too. It's really terrible.

She was ready to go to bed quickly. Unexpectedly, just lying down, her cell phone rang.

Afraid of waking up Tangbao, she picked it up in a hurry.

"It seems that you miss me so much because of the speed of answering the phone." Light teasing sounded in the ear, Gu Jinxi quickly took the mobile phone away from his ear, looked at the phone call display above his eyes, and confirmed Renault's identity.

"Who missed you." She lowered her voice. "I'm going to sleep. I'm going to hang up."

"So sneaky, there's a man around?"

"There are men next to you!"

Gu Jinxi's angry answer, didn't expect Renault's very natural answer: "yes, there is a man beside me."

“…… Childish, boring. "

Renault smell words, light hook lip: "come down, I wait for you downstairs."

Gu Jinxi's heart leaped and immediately refused: "I'm sleeping, not going."

"If you don't come down, I'll go up."

"You're crazy!"

He always does what he says. Gu Jinxi doesn't think he's joking at all.

But I want her to go down -

"now I have access control, the door is closed, I can't go down. Let's talk about something tomorrow. "

"No way!"

Two words, he refused crisp, there is no room for negotiation.

Gu Jinxi really knows his temperament. Looking at the drunk and unconscious Tangbao, she makes a final struggle: "my friend is drunk, I will take care of her in the dormitory, I really can't go."

This time, Renault didn't give her any reply and just snapped up the phone.

Gu Jinxi holds the mobile phone, and his heart and mouth follow. What does that mean.

Angry or not?

When Gu Jinxi got back to her senses, she found that she was speculating about Renault's mood. She didn't know when she started to care about his mood.