"I didn't get up." The wind is cold, and the wind is cold. "But since you called, I was just looking for you?"

"Oh?" Rongchi smiles. "To me?"

"Yes." "I can't have your hairpin," he said

After hearing this, Rong Chi's voice was a little lower. "Why can't I have your name engraved on it? It's for you."

"I can't take the hairpin." The wind says with cold directly: "this thing is too ambiguous."

"Why is a hairpin ambiguous?" Rong Chi couldn't hear the ups and downs in her tone.

Feng Yihan didn't want to think about what rongchi thought. He just said what he thought: "in a word, I don't need this hairpin. I'll return it to you. Where are you?"

"At your door." Rongchi said, "if you want to come back, come to the door now."

"Now?" The wind was stunned by the cold and looked at his watch. "You are at my door, not at my grandfather's door?"

"Yes, at your door." Rongchi road.

"Why do you come to my door early in the morning?" The wind is a little puzzled by the cold.

"Waiting for you." He said.

The wind is silent with cold.

She frowned, a little irritable.

After a while, he said, "OK, you wait."

She got up to wash, and felt that she should not wash, so she should go to see rongchi unkempt, so as to dispel the idea that rongchi might like herself, anyway, let rongchi see her most sloppy side, maybe nothing.

In this way, the wind changed clothes with cold, and the hair was not combed. It was so messy that it didn't look as good as usual. However, it added a kind of languid feeling of depression.

She didn't know it.

Find out rongchi's box, check the hairpin, put a bag in it, and then carry it downstairs.

At the door, he saw rongchi standing by the door of a car. He was tall and tall. In the morning sun, his figure was even more slender.

Seeing her coming out, the man's eyes lit up and immediately waved and laughed: "coming out?"

Feng Yihan came to rongchi, gave him the bag and said, "give it back to you."

Rong Chi doesn't pick up, but looks at her thoughtfully.

From his calm eyes, the wind felt a surge of emotion in the depth of rongchi's eyes.

He seemed very angry, but he didn't send it out.

Feng Yihan didn't care whether he was angry or not. It was very presumptuous to give people hairpins. They were very familiar when they were young, and they were friends of the world, but they couldn't do it.

Brother said, Zanzi represents a special complex.

Wind with cold feel, after his long hair, must be his own man is qualified to pull up.

Moreover, combing her hair can only be helped by the man she loves deeply.

She saw that Rong Chi didn't pick up the bag and said again, "take the things back quickly."

"I never take back what I send out." Rong Chi opens his mouth and looks at Feng Yihan. His eyes haven't shifted all the time. He just stares at the little girl. His eyes are sharp and terrible.

Wind with cold see he really don't accept, brow frown: "Rong Chi, you this person is really overbearing, I said don't, do you want to give me?"

"If you think so, it's OK." Rong Chi looks up and down at the little girl and sees that she comes out without combing her hair. She smiles. "Xiao Si, I'm afraid you have to admit that you are more natural in front of me than in front of any man. You don't have to wash when you see me, but I think you are more lovely."


The wind with cold shocked stare big eyes.

Did not expect that he deliberately did not wash, unkempt out, even rongchi feel lovely.

What kind of aesthetics is this?

"Don't talk about useless things." Feng Yihan was very serious. He didn't accept rongchi's words, but said, "take this back."

"Tell me, do you dare to see Tang Ye like this?" Rong Chi does not pick up the bag, or sharp questioning.

The wind is cold, and the face is red.

Of course she didn't dare.

She wants to clean herself up and show her best to Tang Ye.

A woman is the one who pleases herself.

Especially his favorite man, of course, hope he saw the most beautiful himself.

Seeing her silence, Rong Chi smiles and says, "you see, you are silent yourself. Before you see Tang Ye, you have to clean yourself up carefully. Are you tired? And to see me, you don't need to. You just need to be the most natural and real you. "

"Rong Chi." Wind to cold to now also really feel, rongchi still have that layer of meaning to oneself.

Yesterday, rongchi later said back, she told herself at that time, don't be sentimental that other people which men like themselves.As a result, rongchi still has this sign today.

When it comes to Tang Ye, Feng Yihan has no way to be polite. She puts the bag directly on the body of rongchi's car. "I'll leave it here for you. Do you want to deal with it yourself, anyway, I don't want it."

With that, she turned to leave.

But Rong Chi says, "did you make up with Tang Ye last night?"

Wind to cold body a stiff, turned around to see Xiang rongchi.

Rong Chi smiles. The radian of his lips looks lonely and sad. He suppresses the bitterness. He laughs at himself and says, "I know it's too late."

Wind with cold pursed lips, do not speak.

Rongchi sighed: "but I didn't think that some men are really hateful. Even you dare to settle down, but it also gives me a blow. I feel that I am in control of everything. But no matter what, Xiao Si, I want you to know that I'm rongchi. I like you since you were born. "

The wind with cold eyelids jumped, or was shocked.

Rongchi continued to laugh bitterly: "sixteen years, I didn't expect that my little girl became someone else's. well, in this case, I'm not unable to afford to lose. I won't pester you. I just hope that Tang Ye is really your right choice, and I will bless you."

Wind to cold did not expect Rong Chi would say such words, see his lips bitter, wind to cold heart is not so good.

She didn't know what to say, or that everything was wrong.

In the end, she could only say two words: "thank you."

Thanks finished, the wind to cold turned to go.

Rongchi didn't open his mouth behind him, but his eyes were fixed on Yihan's back.

The wind came into the door with cold, and the sound of lighter came from behind.

Then, not much, came the smell of cigarettes.

She frowned and rongchi learned to smoke.

However, Feng Yihan didn't look back. Looking at Rong Chi, she quickened her pace and went home directly.

When I came in, the whole family was downstairs, ready for breakfast.

Seeing her back, the whole family looked at her.

Wind to cold inexplicable hair virtual, but immediately smile, burst out a beautiful smile. "Hi, Dad, mummy, uncle, brothers, sister Xingguang, good morning."

Everyone still looked at her, did not speak, look like this, you know they are watching.

Feng Yihan smiles again and goes to the dining table to sit down and prepare to eat together.

At this time, the housekeeper came in and looked at everyone. He respectfully said to Feng Yichen and Gu Hao, "Sir, madam, the young master of Rong family is at the door. He hasn't left since five o'clock."

Said, the housekeeper also looked at the wind to cold.

Gu Hao was stunned and looked at his daughter.

Feng Yihan sat down and planned to eat as if he had not heard this.

Gu Hao and see breeze Yi Chen, this matter don't know husband what idea.

The breeze Yi Chen gave the wife a slightly uneasy look in the eyes and said to the housekeeper: "don't mind him, let him be frozen outside."