"Can you help me? My car is broken. There is a pregnant woman in the car. Please help to send her to the hospital! " I don't care about many things, and I don't care about strangers. Strangers ask for it, he said quickly.

"Pregnant women?" Students look at the broken car on the side of the road. There is a woman with a big stomach in the back who is moaning in a low voice. He turned and looked at Li Taize. Li Taize understood what he meant, shrugged his shoulders and agreed.

Li Taize got out of the car and walked towards the car. In the car, a pregnant woman with a big mask was humming, sweat was on her forehead, her long hair was wet through, and she closed her eyes and moaned bitterly.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have a baby. Come and help me. It's important to save people first. Let's take her to the hospital," he said to the students driving

As soon as the students heard this, they immediately jumped out of the car to help with the handle. On both sides of the car, they helped pan Lu out of the back seat and carried her to their own car.

In the pain of pun Lu, she could smell a faint perfume of familiar grass, and heard a very familiar voice. She grabbed the hand of the perfume smelling and tried to open her eyes to see him.

Is that him? How did he come here? Are you looking for her? How do you know you're here?

Just as he was pleased and hesitant, he heard a strange man say, "Taize, we can't go to Barbizon town today. It's too late to send this lady to the hospital. I'm afraid we'll miss your flight home at night."

"Then bring me a present to see uncle and aunt George some other day, apologize for me and say hello to them." Li Taize said.

"OK, no problem. I'll accompany you to visit them when you come to France next time." His classmates said.

At this time, Li Taize saw that the Charter had not yet got on the bus and was walking towards the broken car. He yelled to the Charter: "this gentleman, where are you going? Your family is in the car. Why don't you come up and go to the hospital together? "

"Oh, take her to the hospital first! I'll wait for the repairman to come! " Articles of association want to take the opportunity to get away, anyway, pan Lu is not his family, he does not want to take this hot potato, if really together to the hospital, where did he get so much money to go through the formalities?

"No, sir. Who are you from that lady? You must go together, or what shall we do when we get to the hospital? " Li Taize's classmate Lin Chen got out of the car and stopped him.

"I... Oh, I'm her elder. Her family is not in France. She's going to give birth soon, so I want to send her to the hospital. I didn't expect that the car broke down here, ha ha..." the Charter was helpless. As he explained, he followed Lin Chen into the car and sat next to pan Lu in the back seat.

Li Taize saw that the back was obviously crowded, so he got off and sat in the co driver's seat.

Pan Lu understood that Li Taize did not come to see her, but came to France to see her friends and flew home at night.

He didn't recognize himself because of his loose hair, big mask, big belly and round body.

It's good to think about this. In order to avoid him, I didn't hesitate to give up my studies in L University and come to far away France, just to draw a clear line with him? If you go to recognize him again, won't you suffer in vain for more than half a year?

What's more, after such a long time, someone may have married his fiancee. What's the point of getting involved at this time? Do you hate him? Do you want to embarrass yourself?

Although she was kidnapped now, the kidnapper didn't want to hurt himself. She didn't have the face to ask Li Taize for help. Besides, when she got to the hospital, that kind of public place, she believed that the regulations would never dare to do anything to her. At that time, she was looking for a way to call for help.

This time, Li Taize must not see his downcast side!

So she didn't speak any more, and even the long interval of pain came, she clenched her lips and didn't make a sound.

She lowered her head and let her long hair on both sides hang down to cover her face, which was already wearing a mask. She was determined not to let him recognize her. She was thinking about how to get rid of them when she got to the hospital.

In fact, at the moment when pan Lu opened his eyes to see Li Taize, Li Taize suddenly felt that these eyes were so familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them.

Many years later, he always regretted it. When he saw these eyes, he didn't think that it was pan Lu, the little woman he was crazy looking for everywhere!

Pan Lu in his mind is always a clear, fresh, beautiful and thin little girl. He can't connect the round and fat pregnant woman with messy hair on both sides of her face, and she is still in such a distant country.

Li Taize thought about it, but didn't remember who those eyes looked like. He looked at Pan Lu and the Charter in the back seat and asked Lin Chen who was driving: "where is the nearest hospital here? Or Paris? "

"Just look for the nearest hospital, the nearest one. I'm afraid she won't have time..." he said, eager to get away.

Lin Chen thought about it and said, "it's more than an hour's journey from here to the nearest town. It's faster to take the A6 highway to Paris. You'd better go to Paris. It's more secure for adults and children to go to a bigger hospital."

"Well, it's up to you. You know better." Li Taize nodded, but after listening to the regulations, he had to nod, no matter where he went, as soon as possible.

Pan Lu is very grateful to Lin Chen. She doesn't want to be born in a small town in the countryside. She has a serious habit of cleanliness. She has seen the medical environment of the hospitals in the surrounding towns. She originally planned to be born in one of the best hospitals in Lyon, but she didn't expect to be brought here by this Charter.

When he arrived in Paris, Lin Chen contacted a maternity hospital with good conditions in his car. When the car drove into the gate of the hospital, there were already several medical staff waiting there. Several people pushed pan Lu into the consulting room, ready to carry out a series of examinations for her.

Li Taize and Lin Chen saw that the matter had been completed and the person had been delivered, so they said goodbye to the Charter, and then drove back to Lin Chen's residence in Paris. Today's trip to Barbizon town failed, but both of them were very happy and saved two lives.

(Li Taize regretted the miss when he learned the truth a long time later.)

The doctor asked the charters to go through the hospitalization procedures. The charters held lists and looked bitter. I'm afraid they are the most cowardly kidnappers in the world.

As soon as Li Taize and Lin Chen leave, pan Lu is pushed into the clinic by the medical staff. He picks up his backpack in a hurry and runs away. Anyway, a pregnant woman can no longer use it. Why don't you go and wait for the police to catch her?

After the doctor finished the examination for Pan Lu, she arranged to go into the waiting room. The nurse went out to look for her family members. As a result, she found that all the three men who had just come were missing.

Miss nurse came in and asked pan Lu how to contact her family. In labor, pan Lu was not so dizzy in the car. She called Miss nurse from Lyon villa and asked her to call her family.