"To him? Li Taize? Who to introduce? " Lin ziyao touched her forehead, then reached out to touch her husband's forehead: "you didn't burn, how can you talk nonsense? Do people need to be introduced? As long as he is willing, so many rich ladies and officials will take the initiative

Lin ziyao's expression is almost laughing and crying. She didn't expect her husband to be so childish.

"It's true, I mean seriously. Although there are many women around him, he is often the loneliest person in his heart. He doesn't meet the right person or the person he wants, so he will always be alone. It's also a way to introduce him. Maybe you'll be right. Isn't that a good thing? " Pan Shibin's analysis is reasonable.

"You are right, but will they ask us to introduce you? Do you know what kind of girl they need? " Lin ziyao asked in a bad mood.

Anyway, she was very opposed to this kind of "matchmaker's words". At the beginning, she insisted on rejecting her father's "arranged" commercial marriage, and also rejected a so-called cousin from four generations away introduced by her relatives, so she was very disgusted with the matchmaker's words.

"Through this year's contacts, I have a very clear understanding of this person, and I can't be wrong." Pan Shibin still wants to be a matchmaker.

"Who do you want to introduce him to? Does the woman agree? " Lin ziyao looks like a spectator.

"She absolutely agrees. Who won't marry such a young, handsome and talented richest man? If I had a eldest daughter of his age, I would have decided to marry her to him. " Pan Shibin looks like he has achieved more than half of his success.

"You've been talking for a long time. Who are you talking about?" Lin ziyao was very sleepy. She covered her mouth with her hands and yawned, a little impatient.

"What about the finance director of our company? What a talented girl. She is 29 years old and President Li is 5 years old. The gap is not too big. She looks pretty and tall. She is 1.72 meters tall. Her figure is good and her family status is not too different. She meets the requirements of President Li. " Pan Shibin is mysterious.

"Is that the daughter of Wang Dong in our company? No, no, that Mr. Wang is a good person. His wife is not good. The whole deranged woman is not good. I'm afraid that the finance minister's character will be worse if he follows his mother. " Lin ziyao repeatedly objected, as if to introduce her relatives.

"Well, let's put it aside. I'll take the opportunity to talk to President Li later. Sleep, sleep. " Pan Shibin's enthusiastic media heart finally cooled down.

Pan Lu got up early in the morning. No, she didn't fall asleep at night.

Sitting in the dining room, the whole person is still wobbly and listless.

Zhang's mother saw it downstairs and was startled. She hurried over and asked, "Lulu, what's the matter with you? Are you sick? " Then he reached for Pan Lu's forehead.

"It's not hot. What's the matter with you? When you get up early in the morning, you are in low spirits. Can you still go to school like this? Why don't we ask for leave? " Seeing that Pan Lu was silent, mother Zhang said tentatively.

"No, Ma Zhang. I'm not sick. I haven't slept all night. I'm watching a movie." Pan Lu showed a super cute smile to Zhang ma.

"It's OK. It's OK." Mother Zhang turned and walked away.

Pan Lu called her: "mother Zhang, our villa is coming. Do you know who is coming?"

"Ah? Someone's coming to stay? Lulu, what does that mean? Then we... "Zhang Ma did not continue to ask, suddenly realized that the master would arrange, they just need to do it.

"I don't know who will come to live. I don't know them, but mom and dad know each other. They may be friends. They say they will come to Lyon To investigate. They will come to our villa for half a month. We and our baby will move to the apartment in the city. Anyway, the apartment is big enough for us Pan Lu said as she broke the bread.

"OK, let's move there. I've only been to the city center with you once since we've been here so long. Let's have a look in the city. You eat slowly. It's still early. I'll go and get the clothes for the transcendent baby first. " Zhang Ma happily went to press clothes for transcendence.

The housekeeper came in from the garden at this time. Every morning, he would go to the garden to sort out several pots of his new species of big roses. Pan Lu called me not to be famous.

"Miss Lulu, just now my husband called and told me to go downtown to prepare the apartment. After two days, everyone moved in, leaving the cook and a maid here." Said the housekeeper as he came in.

He sat down in front of Pan Lu. In the past, when master Lin was there, the division between the master and the servant was very clear. The servant was the servant, and he was not allowed to eat with the master.

But since the little master pan Lu came here, she didn't allow the servants here to eat anything else until she finished eating. She asked them to sit on the table with her, otherwise she would not eat.

Therefore, since then, the master and servant in the villa have been eating at the same table, like a big family, which makes several servants have special respect for Pan Lu, and they like this little master without professional prejudice and status discrimination.

"Well, uncle, I see. I have to trouble you to prepare again." Pan Lu looked at the housekeeper gratefully and continued to eat her bread.

"When is the young lady going to move in?" Asked the housekeeper after a sip of milk.

Pan Lu suddenly thought of one of the most important things, must explain well, otherwise it can not be, soon let Li Taize know that she is in Lyon, live in the villa.

"They're going to Lyon on the 8th, so we're all going to move out on the 7th."

"By the way, uncle Butler, please tell the cook and the two of them. Don't tell the guests that baby and I live here."

"For so many years, whether grandfather is alive or now, we all know that uncle Butler is good to our family. We are just like a family, and my parents have not kept my things from you. I came to Lyon because something unpleasant happened in my country

"I don't want to let the people who know me in China know about me and baby, so please arrange to come. Don't let the guests who come on the 8th know that baby and I are here."

These are the things that Pan Lu is most nervous about. What's more, it's Li Taize himself.

"Don't worry, miss. They are too strict to talk to guests." The housekeeper's words reassured pan Lulu a lot.

"Uncle, if you buy a share of your baby's food and clothing, you don't have to move from here to avoid moving around." Pan Lu thought of this again.

"Yes, sir said on the phone. I'll send someone to clean the apartment from today on." The Butler finished his last sip of milk, put down the glass and said.

"Well, uncle, I'm going to school too. I've also made an appointment to meet my classmates at the school gate. Goodbye, see you in the evening Pan Lu put down half a piece of bread in her hand, picked up the bag that she used to hold materials and tools, and rushed out of the living room.

The housekeeper shakes his head behind her. This young lady is good everywhere, but sometimes she looks like she hasn't grown up.