"Mingkai, please call the other brothers and ask if the elder brother is with them?" Gu Biao thought of Xiao Lang and others.

"OK, OK. I'll fight now. I'll call ah Jian first." Chen Mingkai did not dare to be careless. He immediately hung up the phone and dialed a Jian's number.

Gu Biao just put down his mobile phone, pan Lu came down from upstairs.

"Gu Biao, is Taize back?" Pan Lu asked anxiously.

"Not yet."

"Did you call other people and ask? Chen Mingkai? Or Jian

"Yes, Mingkai said that his elder brother didn't return to the company in the afternoon. He called his elder brother at 3:30 and his mobile phone was turned off."

"What? Didn't come back to work all afternoon? Is the cell phone still... Off? " Pan Lu's heart was beating violently.

Taize has always been such a cautious person, even if there are important things can not return to the company in an afternoon, the mobile phone is not likely to turn off.

And with his character, he will call the assistant or secretary of the company in advance to tell him that he can't go back to the company because of something.

How can you shut down and play in such a hurry? It's not his style!

"Yes, Mingkai has gone to contact other people, sister-in-law... Let's eat first..." Gu Biao regretted that he didn't coax her to eat first.

"No, tazer didn't come back. I can't eat at all!" Sure enough, Miss Pan strode to the sofa and sat down.

Gu Biao's face suddenly became bitter. He really has no brain. Why can't he call Chen Mingkai after dinner? Just find a reason to say that Chen Mingkai's mobile phone didn't get through.

"Sister-in-law, it's normal that Mingkai doesn't know what he's going to do. After all, Taize group is not the only one who's going to do business. Mingkai doesn't know about other businesses, so I think he must be with his other brothers." Gu Biao tried to find a reason to persuade.

"Really?" Pan Lu really felt relieved after listening to it. She felt that Gu Biao's analysis was reasonable. It seemed that she was too thoughtful.

"Yes, we'd better have dinner first. In case my elder brother wants my sister-in-law to go out in the evening, you can't go out empty stomach, can you?" Gu Biao finished this sentence and felt that he had made a better excuse.

"Well, OK, let's go to dinner first." Pan Lu immediately regained her smile, stood up briskly and headed for the restaurant.

Gu Biao shakes her head and laughs behind her. She is a little girl, heartless and easy to coax.

Pan Lu has a fast dinner and eats more than usual. She is not a woman who takes food when she has trouble. But this time, she only has the task of "eating" in her mind.

Maybe subconsciously, I want to eat more and eat more quickly. What if Taize gets drunk and wants her to pick him up? Or do you need her to go out for social activities?

"Sister-in-law, you can eat slowly. You are not in a hurry." Gu Biao saw that she was so anxious to eat that she felt a little distressed.

"I know. I'm so hungry." She said as she ate, but did not look up at him.

Gu Biao's mouth slightly up, too hungry? Just now, he wanted not to eat. He didn't expose it. He just thought that she was a little girl. No one believed that she was the mother of a kindergarten child.

Gu Biao had eaten well and sat on the chair waiting for Pan Lu to finish eating. He thought he was a rude man. He ate very fast, not like Pan Lu. Even if it was faster than usual, it didn't compare with him. She ate slowly.

"When I've finished eating, you can call Mingkai and ajian again and ask them if they know where Taize will be." Pan Lu goes to the living room.

"Good." Always have to face this matter, Gu Biao knows that the delay can not go on.

He took out his cell phone and called Mingkai.

"Gu Biao, what a coincidence. I was about to call you, too." Chen Mingkai was out of breath, and the car seemed to be making a lot of noise beside him.

"You say it first." Gu Biao listened to his tone and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"All of us have contacted. After noon, no one has contacted taizer." Chen Mingkai's tone was a little worried.

"Well... Well... I'll be right there. I'll be there soon. Take it easy. Don't let tazer drink." Gu Biao wanted to ask what was going on, but he didn't want to worry about Pan Lu, so he just made up a set of speeches for Pan Lu.

Chen Mingkai recognized his meaning and said, "OK, come out quickly. We are in the Yishan teahouse near Jiaxi Yayuan."

"Well, I'll be there soon." Gu Biao said this with a relaxed tone, not to let pan Lu hear any clue.

"Gu Biao, what's the matter? Where are you going? Is it tazer they told you to go? " Pan Lu nervously watched him hang up the phone and get ready to go out.

Gu Biao stood up, took a deep look at Pan Lu, and said in a lighter tone, "sister-in-law, my elder brother is socializing outside. At this moment, Mingkai and his group ask me to go out to drink for my elder brother. I'll go out for a while."

With that, he avoided pan Lu's eyes for fear that she might see him lying.

"Really?" Pan Lu does not believe it, but Gu Biao is a person who can't lie. She believes him.

"It's true. My sister-in-law is at home. I'll bring my brother back." This is to comfort pan Lu, but it is also his inner assurance to pan Lu.

"Well, go ahead and don't let tazer drink!" Pan Lu told him.

In recent months, Taize has been fulfilling the promise he made to her in Lyon to give up drinking and smoking, and he has indeed done so.

I'm afraid I won't be able to get rid of the party tonight. I'll drink it again. If Gu Biao goes there, I can block the wine for him.

Gu Biao turned around and nodded to her, went out of the living room, drove pan Lu's car out of the door outside the villa.

Pan Lu went upstairs and went to her studio to design her new wedding dress.

Gu Biao drove to Yishan teahouse soon. The waiter took him to a large private room on the second floor. Chen Mingkai, a Jian and Xiao Lang all gathered here.

They all heard the news of Taize's disappearance. There are Li Taize's people everywhere in L City. Now that he can't get in touch, there is only one possibility: he has been controlled.

Li Taize was controlled by others, which was amazing news, so in an instant, all the people from these big families gathered here to exchange views, analyze the various possibilities of Taize's disappearance, and discuss countermeasures.

A group of people see Gu Biao upstairs, a nervous face seems to show some hope.

"Gu Biao, are you here? Come in, come in They busily beckoned him in.

"How? What's the situation? " Gu Biao asked when he could not sit down.

"Don't worry, brother. Come here." Cai Yifei pulls him to sit down.