Here, Yin Ziyu just came to the window to have dinner, and the restaurant suddenly became quiet. People who are familiar with this kind of time certainly know who's coming. The general manager is the one who hates talking at dinner. Seeing Song Yi's cold and beautiful figure appear at the door of the restaurant, all of them close their mouths with tacit understanding. Only Yin Ziyu is barking with the rice master jimaozi

"Well? No, no, don't shake. I'll go. You see, several pieces of meat have been shaken down by you again. I said, elder sister, are you late Parkinson's disease? How can you swing so accurately? "

Elder sister Shengfan is a temporary worker hired from outside. She doesn't care who you are in the company. Besides, this guy doesn't look like a big shot in a security suit. She turns her eyes and says, "if you like to eat, next one."

Yin Ziyu is speechless, so he has to get out of the way and wait for mercury to have dinner.

Li Jun looked at him and said in surprise, "who is this brother? Look at the face I thought, is there a security guard I don't know? After such a long time, I missed one and had a good relationship with Yin Ziyu. This is a major work accident.

"My brother, brought in for dinner. It's not easy to get noticed." Yin Ziyu explained a sentence, Li Jun suddenly realized, quickly nodded with mercury.

They found a place to eat, mercury head has been uncontrollably turned to see Song Yi, mouth tut tut sound: "I just understand why fish brother you are willing to stay here, can see the princess every day, also be regarded as consolation."

"You don't talk. No one thinks you're dumb. After dinner, I'll work. I'll be the bait. You'll arrange people in secret. As long as someone does it, you'll pay back. "

"No problem. Brother fish, where are you going to install bait? "

"Me? Do I wear the same dress? The more natural I am, the more real I am. I'm going to meet my roommates later. What should you do? " Yin Ziyu made it clear that he didn't want to take his attitude.

"Well? "Sharing?" Mercury dropped his chin on the table and said with wide eyes, "do you... Do you share? Lying trough, no, I have to follow. The roommate who can make brother fish not want the bottom line is absolutely the top beauty. I can't sleep without a look. "

Yin Ziyu compared his middle finger and kicked: "get out! I'm very busy now. I don't have time to play with you. "

At this time, a frightened figure suddenly appeared at the door of the restaurant. She came to Song Yi's ear in a hurry and said a few words. Song Yi's face changed suddenly. Huo raised her head and said, "so suddenly?"

"Yes, unprepared. Our stock is being sold off crazily, and it's often a percentage number. I suspect that some of our shareholders are selling. "

"Son of a bitch!" Song Yi, who has never said rude words, burst into a rude sentence. Huodi stood up and cheered: "hurry to have a meal and take your place in five minutes. We are suddenly attacked by inexplicable financial groups in the stock market. The situation is critical. Please follow me to stabilize the situation." Then he trotted out in a hurry.

The staff's face changed greatly. Such a sudden event is related to their work. Who is still in the mood to eat? They put down their things and ran to the office one after another.

Yinziyu and mercury look at each other and feel unusual. Yin Ziyu has no interest in making bait, so he stands up and walks towards Song Yi's office.

Although it's not clear what's going on, from the solemn expressions on the faces of the office members, we know that there must be a big problem.

"Damn it, it's estimated that shanghongxiang and Tianxia QianNeng have made a move. If Tianyun financial group and Xingyao financial group of the Luo family are added together, Jinghuang group can't compete." Yin Ziyu frowned as he walked and said that song Zongzhi, Qian Linfang and several senior executives had arrived when he pushed away Song Yi's office.

"What's the situation?" Song Yi asked with a frown.

"General manager, it's very dangerous. Our stock has been plummeting. I'm afraid it's going to fall to the limit soon." The head of the financial section looks worried, looking at the market index on the mobile phone, his hands trembling.

"Dad, call the company's shareholders and ask them what they mean. It's not going to hurt at all. " Song Yi looks to song Zong.

Song Zongzhi looked decadent and disappointed, and said, "I've done it. Most of the shareholders' shares have been transferred to Tianxia QianNeng and Shangshang Hongxiang. Several forces in the capital suddenly put pressure together, just like the hurricane and tsunami. No one dare not disobey. "

Soon, the operation section chief and the finance section chief came in with a big change in their faces. The voice of the chief of the operation section changed and he said in a trembling voice: "general manager, it's no good. All the suppliers who have orders with us suddenly call and claim to terminate the trade with us. They even prefer to pay a high amount of liquidated damages, but they don't know why. Then a number of operating companies attached to our company also called to say that they were no longer willing to trade with us. This... The head and the tail are all cut off suddenly. Someone is going to kill us all! "The head of the financial section also looks ugly and says, "80% of the investment companies that have a good relationship with us suddenly claim to withdraw their capital, which makes us empty. Now we are the only one of Jinghuang group that has been exhausted to face the pressure from all sides. General manager, I am worried that we will face a large number of employee resignations in the future."

At this point, the head of the personnel department has come to the door in a sweat. He opens his mouth and almost cries out: "general manager, all of a sudden, hundreds of employees have handed in their resignation letters, and even don't need us to settle their wages. Many departments have started to resign. Now people are in a panic. It feels like the end is coming."

"Damn it Yin Ziyu's face was livid, listening to the news one by one, and his face became livid. This kind of grand oppression is to make Yin Ziyu soft and listen to them.

"Brother fish, what are you afraid of? I took people to their company and tied them up. They dare to be bullied!" Mercury has a bad eye.

"No, the other party has a school background. I'm afraid they've been on guard for a long time. Besides, if they besiege through commercial activities and do not violate the rules, there is no reason for us to do so. " Yin Ziyu frowned, clenched his fist and showed his teeth.

He didn't understand business at all, because he brought disaster to Jinghuang group, which really made him a little powerless. Looking at Song Yi's frowning pretty face, she couldn't help but feel sorry and said, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who's bothering you."

Song Yi shook his head: "without you, Jinghuang group has long been gone. It's useless to say that. It is estimated that the upstream and downstream merchants will delay hard and give us no breathing space; Now if we fight a lawsuit, we will spare more energy. The other party is dragging on, and we can't afford to drag on without the supply of goods. It's the day of wage settlement right now. If we can't even afford to pay this time, we'll really break up. "