White sneered. Of course, he knew that the other party was adding weight temporarily. However, he was not the one who let the other party handle him. He said overbearing: "I will not give you any more money if I say a million dollars. I'll give you two minutes. If I don't get a satisfactory answer, you'll wait for my people to settle with you. "

There was an obvious shiver, and his voice became a little trembling. After calming down, he said, "I want to see money now!"

White looks up at Shirley. Shirley taps the enter button on the computer next to her. A million dollars are immediately remitted to an account.

At the same time, he received the news and said excitedly: "very good, the king of monsters is really trustworthy. The Jupiter team we saw is no different from before. It's still stationed in their station, and the people are no different. It seems that they didn't do it, and it's very light and calm.... "

Hang up the phone, white's expression is very ugly, there is no valuable news, this million spent a little wronged,

Between mercenaries and mercenaries, The real gap actually lies in two aspects, one is personal ability, the other is their own communication network.

White never felt that he was inferior to Yin Ziyu in personal ability, but he could do nothing about this social network.

He is also very strange, why is the same contact with others, he tried his best to only be able to achieve the level of business partners, but in any case can not be as good friends as Yin Ziyu.

I remember that Yin Ziyu once boasted that he was a super international handsome guy with natural affinity. At that time, everyone couldn't help rolling their eyes. Now it looks like it's really interesting.

White frowned: "I'm more and more curious about King now. Tell the people in Central Plains to let him get involved in King's life anyway. I want to see what kind of person he is now!"

Shirley nodded: "which one are you going to use? Zhou Jun or Tang Tianye? "

"They all have different identities and different energies. Maybe one of them will have an effect."

Shirley called at once, and after a while on the phone, she conveyed White's order with a voice changer.

After that, he hung up the phone and said to white, "these two have other ideas, which may not be easy to use in the future. So far, Zhou Jun has not been able to successfully enter Mu Suan Xuan, and claims that because of Yi Zi's injury, mercury team has been protecting Mu Suan Xuan, and he can't find a chance to enter the interior. "

"As for Tang Tianye... That guy is like a soft egg now. Don't say revenge king. As soon as he hears that it's my phone, he immediately tries his best to shirk it. It seems that he doesn't want to contact us any more."

"Don't want to contact?" There was a sneer from the corner of White's mouth. As far as I know, the big sword door behind him has been completely closed, completely out of the secular industry competition. What background does he have without us? That guy's hands and feet are very unclean in recent years. If you find a chance to show him some evidence of Tianxia QianNeng group, I don't believe that guy will help us with our work

Shirley closed her mouth and chuckled: "even if it's so troublesome, his capital transfer in recent years depends on our help. As long as we master his overseas assets, I'm afraid he won't be obedient?"

White's eyes brightened, and he hugged Shirley in his arms. After a while of unbridled kissing, he laughed and said, "you still have a heart. In this case, it's better for him to know all the details of the major schools in the Central Plains, especially the super experts who used to protect the Central Plains secretly, and have a chance to find out their origins. "

Shirley's eyes were like silk, and she put her arm around white's neck: "yes, Lord of monsters, let me serve you well next..."



Song Yi, who has been back for a month, has no news about Yin Ziyu. In the past, she might be able to sit still. But since she established a relationship with Yin Ziyu, she began to feel that life is very hard.

She knew that mercury was Yin Ziyu's right arm, especially when she went out with Yin Ziyu, so she was sure that Mercury knew where Yin Ziyu was.

So a day at least dozens of phone calls in the past, change to someone else, mercury may have exploded. However, in the face of Song Yi, mercury seems to have become the most docile rabbit. Instead of any irritability, he always talks peacefully, not like his temper at all.

But this time play so big, yinziyu stay there, there is no news. Although mercury is sure that yinziyu is OK, I'm afraid that Shuangdao Meng's family has already publicized it, but they dare not tell her where yinziyu is.

If you know that he's in the crisscross mountains, especially with a girl, with Song Yi's temper, I'm afraid he'll catch up with him right away. Maybe it will bring great trouble to Yin Ziyu.So no matter how Song Yi coerces, this guy won't say if he bites to death.

Song Yi is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Since knowing Yin Ziyu's identity, he has been following the mercenary website. Of course, I also saw all kinds of news and videos about Yin Ziyu.

She once asked mercury who the blurred figure in the video was. The corner of Mercury's mouth twitched a few times and then he didn't admit he knew him.

"Then tell me where he is, and I'm sure you know it." Song Yi's eyes are burning at mercury. She looks at Mercury in a sweat.

"Sister in law, I really don't know. There's something else going on in our company. There are several meetings to be held this morning, so I'll leave first. " Mercury has no choice but to make excuses.

"You'll have a meeting, too?" Song Yi expressed deep doubt, but would not say anything embarrassing to mercury, "OK, you go to the meeting first. I'll call you in the afternoon. "

Song Yi did not choose to be strong, but also put forward a tangled attitude.

Mercury walked out of the panic building with a wry smile on his face. He ran into the car and left quickly. He could hide for a long time. He was looking forward to Yin Ziyu's coming back quickly. If this continues, he really can't stand it.

"Brother fish, where on earth are you proud? Meng's medicine hall has been completely sealed, and the double sword Meng family has shrunk their heads. It's time for you to come back. Don't miss me, don't you Miss Song Yi? Mu Xuan also has a Yi son to look forward to waiting for you

In Jinghuang building, mingxiner walks into Song Yi's office and puts a stack of materials in front of her.

According to the previous habit, Song Yi would ask about all the materials carefully, but now the general manager holds a pen with his left hand, and he is distracted with his concentration.... this is the first time that Song Yi has ever asked about all the materials